Heinrich RÖMER, III

4 May 1843
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
23 Jul 1903
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
26 Jul 1903
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Climbach/Londorf Geburts Protocoll
Film #1201524
1843, No. 54, page  53-54 - Heinrich Römer
Heinrich Römer, born 4 May 1843 in Climbach about four in the morning. Illegitimate son of Eleanor Wißner, second daughter of Friedrich Wißner, citizen and farmer of Climbach, and his wife Anna Maria neé Römer; and Johannes Römer, unmarried son of Johann Jacob Römer, citizen and farmer of Climbach, and his wife Christina Commelin; the first illegitimate child, a son. Baptized 16 May 1843. Sponsor: Heinrich Römer, unmarried son of Jacob Römer, the father's brother; and Peter Becker. Signatures of Johannes Römer, the father, and Heinrich Römer, the father's brother - both sons of Johann Jacob Römer and Christina neé Commelin.
An added note indicates that Heinrich was "legitimated," possibly by the parents' marriage, on 7 Sep 1845.
Added Note: Heinrich died 23 July 1903; buried 26 July 1903

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1857, p. 65, Climbach - Heinrich Römer, geb 4 May 1843, Johannes Römer III, Eleanora geb Wißner
Elisabeth STEIN
Abt 1880
14 Apr 1865
Paris, France
16 Mar 1934
2 Dec 1909
Battle Creek, Madison Co, Nebr 
                   Subject: Roemer geneology
Date:     Tue, 6 Jul 1999 20:58:49 -0500 (CDT)
From:     djmoorhead@webtv.net (Donald Moorhead)

Thank you very much for my inquiry on Herman Balthazar Roemer.  There are too many similarities for there not to be some connection, such as the reoccurance of names like Balthazar, Eleanora and Elise.  My grandfather  was born in Paris on April 14, 1865 (the day that Lincoln was shot). His name was Balthazar. He later added the  Herman after coming to the United States because no one could prounounce Balthazar, and he thought Herman sounded American.

As far as the other names his mother was named Elizabeth (or Elise) Stein and his grandmother was named Eleanor. His father's name was Henri. In following through with family names his two daughters were Elizabeth Louise (my mother) born on  23 Nov 1913 and Eleanor Marie born on  25 May 1915. His mother died about 1880. His stepmother wanted him to become a priest, so at age 18 he ran away to America by way of Spain.

I have not been able to find out anything about his first wife and children, although my mother indicated at one time that they  may have been living in Humphrey, Nebraska. At the time that he met my grandmother, Wilhelmina Augsta Zimmerman, he was working for the railroad in Sioux City, Iowa. He had fallen under a train and lost a leg. My grandmother happened to be his nurse during his recuperation, and they were married on 2 Dec 1909

Several years ago my moter told me that Henri Roemer was born in Alsace-Lorraine. The first time that we were in Paris, we noticed many advertisements for a Roemer's Alsacetion Beer. Several years ago I contacted the French Trade Commission in Chicago and they informed me that this brewery had been absorbed by a larger conglomerate. I was put in contact with the larger group and they sent me the names and addresses of all of the Roemers in the telephone books of Paris and Upper and Lower Strasbourg. I sent about thirty letters and got responses for about half, but I didn't get any positive results. She later said that she didn't know where Henri Roemer was born.

You don't mention the name of the father of your grandmother, Eleanora, and her sister, Elise. Is there any possibility of a connection?

I would appreciate any information that you may have that would lead to a tie-in. As  I said at the beginning, there appear to be too many

Thank you,
Donald Moorhead
408 Osen Ave
Ortonville, MN
11 Jan 1871
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
27 Dec 1925
Columbus, Platte Co, Nebraska
29 Jun 1895
                   Letter in possession of Don Moorhead:

Columbus, Nov. 12, 1918

Dear Brother:

Your letter came this mornings and I was glad to get it, I   ? ? get out today.  I am sorry you did not get your work down at Omaha.

Well it seems the War is really over now, Ray went down to report, and they were told that it was called off. so now he will not have to go. I am so glad, but Ray is disappointed, as he would have liked to make that trip to California. Today is Ray's birthday and Marvin, thinking Ray went ? or have to go today sent him a telegram.

I am up and feeling pretty good but of course I am pretty weak.  I am going to take care of myself and not do anything as long as I am not strong.  Ray will be home this weekend, then he will have to go to work again.  Mr. Abts wants him to go on the road as salesman.  Ray has been City salesman for a long time, and has done so well that he (Mr. Abts) thinks Ray will make good on the road. He is going to buy him a brand new car to travel in.  So I'll get a ride some time too, you know Ray has been driving a car right along and is pretty well at home with it.  Mr. Abts lets him have his car every Sunday.

Now I am going to let this be enough for this time.  Write to me soon again.  I hope when Minnie gets home again she will be able to come over and see us.  I am sure it was very good of her to leave everything and help us out.  I am just as thankful as though ? she had come, her intentions were good, and we surely appreciated her kind intentions.
Lovingly, Your sister, Katie

Family History record says birth was 12 Jan 1873 in Giessen.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1201526
Geburts Protocoll 1867-1875
1871, No. 1, page 200 - Katharina Römer
Katharina Römer, born 11 Jan 1871 about 10:30 in the morning (Vormittags um halb zehn) in Climbach. Daughter of Heinrich Römer III, Citizen and farmer, and Elisabeth neé Stein, the third child, second daughter. Baptized 22 Jan 1871. Sponsors (1) Katharina Wißner, wife of Citizen and farmer Peter Wißner of Climbach; (2) Caspar Römer, Citizen and farmer; (3) Barbara Römer, unmarried daughter of Johannes Römer III, the father's sister; (4) Johann Rausch, unmarried son of the late (weiland) Johannes Rausch, Citizen and master blacksmith (Schmeidermeister) from Ober-Ohman in Kreis Grünberg.
Elisabeth RÖMER
22 Dec 1874
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1201526
Geburts Protocoll 1867-1875
1874, No. 56, page 436 - Elisabeth Römer
Elisabeth Römer, born 22 Dec 1874 about ten o'clock in the evening in Climbach. Daughter of Heinrich Römer III, Citizen and mineworker (Bergwerkarbeiter), and Elisabeth Stein, the fourth  child, third daughter. Baptized 1 Jan 1875. Sponsors (1) Elisabeth Römer, unmarried daughter of Citizen and town forester (Gemeindeforstner) Georg Heinrich Römer in Allertshausen; (2) Ludwig Wißner, unmarried son of Mayor (Großherzogliche Bürgemeister - a mayor of a village/town within a Grand Duchy, in this case Gross-Herzogthum Hessen zu Darmstadt) Heinrich Wißner II of Climbach.
FamilyCentral Network
Heinrich Römer, III - Elisabeth Stein

Heinrich Römer, III was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 4 May 1843. His parents were Johannes Römer, III and Eleanora Wißner.

He married Elisabeth Stein .

They were the parents of 3 children:
(Herman) Balthazar Roemer born 14 Apr 1865.
Katharina (Katie) (Vera) Roemer born 11 Jan 1871.
Elisabeth Römer born 22 Dec 1874.

Heinrich Römer, III died 23 Jul 1903 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt .

Elisabeth Stein died Abt 1880 .