Johannes RÖMER, II

21 Feb 1807
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
28 Oct 1855
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
11 Apr 1835
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1855, No. 121, page 578 - Johannes Römer II
Johannes Römer II died 28 Oct 1855 about ten in the morning, citizen and farmer of Climbach. Age 48 years, 8 months and 7 days (born 21 Feb 1807). Buried 30 Oct 1855 about two in the afternoon in the presence of Heinrich Stein and Jacob Conrad II, citizens and farmers of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1195986
Geburts Protocol 1786-1807
1807, page 43 - Johannes Römer
Johannes Römer, born 21 Feb 1807. Son of Johannes Römer and his wife
Anna Catharina neé Magel of Glimbach. Baptized 23 Feb 1807. Godparents
(Gottaltern): the current church elder (Kirchen Senior) Johannes
Hastmann of Allertshausen.
Added note: Died 28 Oct 1855.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1821, p. 69, Glimbach - Johannes Römer, Johannes Römer und Anna Cath. geb. Magel
Anna Barbara HOPP
30 Nov 1811
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
18 May 1884
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Her confirmation record says she was born "unehelich," illegitimate.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1825, p. 86, Glimbach - Anna Barbara Hopp, unehelich, gb. 30 Nov 1811, Johann Jost Hopp, Margaretha, Christian Lotz Tochter
25 Aug 1835
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
27 Oct 1914
Sebewaing, Huron Co, Michigan
8 Jun 1865
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogt 
                   When Heinrich Römer married Katharina Conrad in 1865 they settled in a small village called Climbach, in the Länder, or Province, of Hessen. Ten children were born to this couple, four dying in infancy. They lived in this small village, or Dorf, where all the houses were very close together, with the cow barns or stables being attached to the living quarters (to help heat the homes). The plots of farmland were away from the village and the people walked out to them to do their farm work. The plots were small and the work was all done by hand. There was a community Backhaus where all the people did their baking.

The original family home, the Evangelical Church and the Backhaus are still standing in Climbach today (1978). All six surviving children went to school until they were confirmed. After confirmation all had to go to work and the money they earned was given to their parents.

Instruction in German schools included study in military tactics and maneuvers for all young males, followed by conscription in the army. To get away from this compulsory military service was one of the compelling reasons for the family to come to America.

Balthaser was apprenticed to a tailor while still in school; the date given was Feb 15, 1882.

Heinrich (Henry) worked in a factory, while Margaret (Gretchen) did house work for her Tante (Aunt) Gretchen, her mother's sister. The work was hard and the pay was poor.

Christian went to work as a bricklayer's helper. He left for work early on Monday morning by train, taking cheese, blackbread (Schwartzbrot) and coffee for his week's food. Saturday night he came home on the train again.

Wilhelm and Margaret came to America first. They came with the Balthaser Schnepp family in May, 1890. Mrs. Schnepp wanted Gretchen to accompany them and her sister, Gretchen's mother, finally agreed to let her two children go with the Schnepps to America. Mrs. Schnepp became ill on the voyage and Gretchen had to care for the children for a month.

Mrs. Schnepp was Maria Conrad, a sister of Katharina Conrad, the wife of Heinrich Römer and aunt to William and Gretchen Römer.

The Schnepp family made their home with a Wisner family near Kilmanagh on Angling Road. William worked as a hired man on farms in the area. Gretchen did house work in Saginaw; due to lack of room she made her home with the Andrew Beck family near Sebewaing.

The children of the Schnepp family also settled in the Sebewaing-Owendale area. Maria married a man named Bernbecker; Katherine married John Gettel; Margaret married G. Gremel; Henry and Adolph went into business in Owendale. They opened a hardware store and Henry later sold cars. Fred went to work fo Bauer Furniture and Philip went to Midland. William farmed in the Owendale area.

Balthaser came over in 1894 with his uncle and aunt, the Jacob Schnepp family. He went to Alpena and worked there until 1900. He then went to Saginaw and worked for Beach and Reed Tailors, working for them until her retired in March, 1951.

Henry Römer arrived in Sebewaing 2 July 1894, settling with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Balthaser Schnepp. Two years later he purchased a 120 acre farm for $1,080 in Brookfield Township in partnership with his brother William. The two brothers farmed together, clearing and ditching each year to increase and improve their farmland. The two brothers erected a small building for living  quarters and sent for their parents, Heinrich and Katharina Conrad Römer, and remaining brother Christian and sister Helena.

The last of the family arrived in America in May, 1897. The family missed the ship they were booked on and had to wait two days for another ship. They sailed on the Nord Deutsche Lloyd, a freighter and passenger liner and landed at Baltimore. there were 600 passengers making the trip over.

Some time after the family settled, a fire threatened the farm. The family buried their clothing for safety, but the fire went in another direction. The farm was divided when William married in 1909. William later purchased 20 acres from Christian, and this 80 acre farm is now owned by Edwin. Henry's 60 acre farm was passed on to his son Paul.

Helena did housework in Saginaw. At one time she worked for a Jewish family named Oppenheim. In the fall of 1910 she married Paul Dressler and settled on a farm in Sebewaing Township, near Bach. This farm was passed on to their son Paul.

Christian followed the example of his older brothers and also worked as a farm hand in the area. He worked for Albert Volz, Robert and Hulda Dressler in the Sebewaing area. He also worked on the Warner farm in the Owendale area. He was chosen to meet Governor Warner at the depot in Owendale on Saturdays when the Governor came home for weekend visits. Sometimes the Governor even gave him a cigar. He followed the custom of the age by giving all the money eaned to his parents until he was 21. He purchased 80 acres in Brookfield Township; 20 acres cleared, the remaining land was cleared as time and strength permitted. He sold this farm in 1919 and moved to a farm in Sebewaing Township which he purchased from his wife's sister. This farm was passed on to his son Elmer.

With the exception of Balthaser, the brothers and sisters all settled on farms within a three mile area East of Sebewaing. They were a Christian, God-fearing people, attending a Lutheran Church in their area. Balthaser attended Trinity Lutheran church in Saginaw; Gretchen was a member of Immanuel Lutheran of Sebewaing; Helena attended St. Peter's Lutheran in Bach, and the remaining three brothers were members of St. John's Lutheran Church in Kilmanagh. When Henry retired and moved to Sebewaing, he became a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Sebewaing. They often walked to church on nice Sundays so the horses could have a day of rest. They all became naturalized citizens of their adopted country.

When the auto age arrived, Christian became the first of the brothers to own a car, the old familiar Model T, in 1915.

Heinrich Römer had two brothers, Conrad and Christopher. Conrad was born 21 October 1842 and married Katherine Henkel, who was born 28 April 1846. Conrad's grandson Christoph is still living in Climbach. He was contacted by Capt. Tom and Margaret Dembowski during the latter's tour of Army duty in Germany from 1973-1977. The families visited many times during these years. Margaret's mother, Florence Volz, has also had occasion to visit the Römers of Climbach.

While visiting the Dembowski family in the summer of 1976, Florence Volz and the Dembowskis visited the Climbach Römers and talked over much of the history of the Römers. There are many families of Römers in Climbach, so many in fact that Römers are marrying Römers.

Londorf Geburts/Taufen
Microfilm # 1195988
1835, No. 96, page 672 - Heinrich Römer
Heinrich Römer, born 25 Aug 1835 between two and three in the afternoon in Climbach. Son of Johannes Römer II of Climbach and his wife Anna Barbara neé Hopp, the first child. Baptized 28 Aug 1835. Sponsors: (1) Johann Heinrich Backhaus, legitimte unmarried son of Caspar Backhaus, citizen and farmer; (2) Catharina Stein, illegitimate daughter of Caspar Stein of Climbach and Maria Römer, first daughter of Johannes Römer.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1849, p. 244, Climbach - Heinrich Römer, geb 25 Aug 1835, Johannes Römer, Anna Barbara Hopp
Johannes RÖMER
2 Jan 1838
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
26 Feb 1847
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201529
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1834-1849
1847, No. 12, page 535 - Johannes Römer
Johannes Römer died 26 Feb 1847 about ten in the monring, son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and Anna Barbara neé Hopp, age 9 years, 4 months and 24 days (born 2 Jan 1838). Buried 28 Feb 1847 about 3 in the afternoon in the presence of Jakob Stein, unmarried son of Johannes Heinrich Stein, and Peter Wißner, unmarried son of Friedrich Wißner the shepherd.

Londorf Geburts/Taufen
Microfilm #1195988
1838, No. 2, page 112 - Johannes Römer
Johannes Römer, born 2 Jan 1838 about two in the morning in Climbach. Son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer of Climbach, and his wife Anna Barbara neé Hopp, the second child, second son. Baptized 4 Jan 1838. Sponsor: Johannes Römer, legitimate unmarried son of Jacob Römer,  citizen and farmer in Climbach, and his wife Christina neé Commelin.
Added note: He died 26 Feb 1847.
Catharina RÖMER
6 Feb 1840
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
20 Sep 1855
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1855, No. 104, page 563 - Katharina Römer
Katharina Römer died 20 Sep 1855 in Climbach about nine in the morning, son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and Anna Barbara neé Hopp, age 15 years, 7 months and 14 days (born 6 Feb 1840). Buried 23 Sep 1855 about two in the afternoon in the presence of Heinrich Stein, unmarried son of Heinrich Stein, citizen and farmer in Bermbach, and Philipp Weller, unmarried son of Conrad Weller, citizen and farmer and carpet merchant.

Londorf Geburts/Taufen
Microfilm # 1195988
1840, No. 12, page 353 - Catharina Römer
Catharina Römer, born 6 Feb 1840 about two in the morning in Climbach. Daughter of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer of Climbach, and his wife Anna Barbara neé Hopp, the third child, first daughter. Baptized 13 Feb 1840. Sponsor: Catharina Backhaus neé Stein, wife of Johann Heinrich Backhaus, citizen and farmer, also day laborer, of Climbach.
Added note: She died 20 Sep 1855

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1854, p. 38, Climbach - Katharina Römer, 6 Jan 1840, Johannes Römer II, Ann Barbara geb Hopp
21 Oct 1842
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
25 Oct 1924
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
15 Jul 1874
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogt 
                   Londorf Geburts/Taufen
Microfilm 1195988
1842, No. 109, page 716 - Conrad Römer
Conrad Römer, born 21 Oct 1842 about about five in the afternoon in Climbach. Son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer of Climbach, and his wife Barbara neé Hopp, the fourth child, third son. Baptized 22 Oct 1842. Sponsor: Conrad Weller, citizen and farmer, also carpet merchant, of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1856, p. 58, Climbach - Conrad Römer, Johannes Römer II, Anna Barbara geb. Hopp
Margaretha RÖMER
6 Mar 1845
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
7 Oct 1849
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201529
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1834-1849
1849, No. 54, page 762 - Margaretha Römer
Margaretha Römer died in Glimbach 7 Oct 1849 about two in the afternoon, daughter of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and Anna Barbara neé Hopp, age 4 years, 7 months and 9 days (born 6 Mar 1845). Buried 9 Oct 1849 about two in the afternoon in the presence of Jacob Stein, unmarried son of Friedrich Stein, and Johannes Leÿeres, unmarried son of Ludwig Leÿeres, both of Climbach.

Climbach/Londorf Geburts Protocoll
Film #1201524
1845, No. 34, page 294 - Margaretha Römer  - Michigan
Margaretha Römer, born 6 March 1845 in Climbach about two in the afternoon. Daughter of Johannes Römer II, Citizen and farmer in Climbach, and Anna Barbara neé Hopp; the fifth child, second daughter. Baptized 8 March 1845. Sponsor: Anna Margaretha Legerer, daughter of Ludwig Legerer (Leyerer?), citizen and farmer of Climbach.
Added note: She died 7 October 1849.
Balthasar RÖMER
3 Dec 1847
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
30 Sep 1855
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1855, No. 107, page 566 - Balthasar Römer
Balthasar Römer died 30 Sep 1855 about noon, son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and Anna Barbara neé Hopp, age 7 years, 10 months and 20 days (born 3 Dec 1847). Buried 2 Oct 1855 about two in the afternoon in the presence of Balthasar Römer, unmarried son of Johannes Jakob Römer, and Johannes Bende, unmarried son of Johannes Bende, both of Climbach.

Climbach/Londorf Geburts Protocoll
Film #1201524
1847, No. 131, page 686 - Balthaser Römer - Michigan with tie to Weller clan
Balthaser Römer, born 3 December 1847 in Climbach about one-thirty in the morning. Son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and his wife Anna Maria neé Hopp; the fifth child, the third son. Baptized 5 December 1847. Sponsors: (1) Balthaser Weller, citizen from Wiesseck Kreis Giessen.
Added note: He died 15 September 1855.
Christoph RÖMER
12 Feb 1851
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
30 Jul 1916
Weisseck bei Giessen
                   Climbach/Londorf Geburts Protocoll
FIlm #1201524
1851, No. 8, page 461 - Christoph Römer - Michigan
Christoph Römer, born 12 February 1851 in Climbach about five in the morning. Son of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer , and his wife Barbara neé Hopp; the seventh child, the fifth son. Baptized 27 February 1851. Sponsor: Christoph Backhauß, son of Caspar Backhauß of Climbach.
Added note: Christoph died 30 July (?) 1916 in Weisseck bei Giessen.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1865, p. 91, Climbach - Christoph Römer, 12 Jan 1851, Johannes II
Johann Ludwig RÖMER
20 Apr 1852
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1866, p. 94, Climbach - Johann Ludwig Römer, 20 Apr 1852, Johannes II
Helena RÖMER
29 Jan 1854
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
6 Nov 1854
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Londorf (Climbach)
Microfilm #1201530
Sterb Protocoll (Death)  1850-1871
1854, No. 73, page 451 - Helena Römer
Helena Römer died 6 Nov 1854 about seven in the morning, daughter of Johannes Römer II, citizen and farmer in Climbach, and Barbara neé Hopp, age 7 months and 8 days (born 29 Jun 1856). Buried 8 Nov 1954 about one in the afternoon in the presence of Balthasar Römer , unmarried son of Jakob Römer, and Philipp Weller, unmarried son of Konrad Weller, both of Climbach.

Londorf (Climbach) Geburts Protocoll  (Birth and Baptism)
Microfilm #1201525
Geburts Protocol 1852-1867
1854, No. 14, page 296 - Helena Römer (Michigan)
Helena Römer, born 29 January 1854 in Climbach in the morning about 2 o'clock, daughter of Johannes Römer II, Citizen and farmer in Climbach; and his wife Barbara neé Hopp, the first child, a daughter. Batpized on 5 February 1854. Sponsors: Helena Wißner, wife of Heinrich Wißner, Citizen and farmer in Climbach.
FamilyCentral Network
Johannes Römer, II - Anna Barbara Hopp

Johannes Römer, II was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 21 Feb 1807. His parents were Johannes Römer, I and Anna Margaretha Magel.

He married Anna Barbara Hopp 11 Apr 1835 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt . Anna Barbara Hopp was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 30 Nov 1811 .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Heinrich Römer, II born 25 Aug 1835.
Johannes Römer born 2 Jan 1838.
Catharina Römer born 6 Feb 1840.
Conrad Römer born 21 Oct 1842.
Margaretha Römer born 6 Mar 1845.
Balthasar Römer born 3 Dec 1847.
Christoph Römer born 12 Feb 1851.
Johann Ludwig Römer born 20 Apr 1852.
Helena Römer born 29 Jan 1854.

Johannes Römer, II died 28 Oct 1855 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt .

Anna Barbara Hopp died 18 May 1884 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt .