Johannes (John) BENNER

4 Sep 1851
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
1 Oct 1928
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, Nebraska
29 Jul 1877
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
                   Grace Shomshor Lueninghoener wrote  in 1972:

John Benner, had served in the German cavalary as an officer, I believe. Here in the United States he took  up farming. He was interested in gardening and  horticulture. He was concerned about world affairs and was  active in church work.   Several times he represented his church, St. John's Ridgeley Lutheran, as a delegate to the convention of the German-Nebraska Synod.


Ridgeley Pioneer Dies

John Benner, well-known and highly respected resident of Ridgeley township, passed away at his home on Monday, October 1, following an illness of only a few days.  On the Wednesday previous, he had been about his work, when he had taken a slight cold.  That night pneumonia set in and his condition declined rapidly until his end.

The deceased was born at Climbach, Hessen, Germany, on September 4, 1851, and died on October 1, 1928, at the age of 77 years and 26 days. He was married on July 29, 1877, to Helene Roemer.

Mr. Benner and his family came to America in July, 1884, and settled in Ridgeley township which has been his home continuously from that time until his death.  For the first two years, after locating in that neighborhood, he worked as a farm hand and then settled on the farm east of the Ridgeley Lutheran church where he spent 42 years. Although he quit active farming in 1910, he retained his residence on the home place and took care of eight acres.

Mr. Benner was a charter member of St. John's Lutheran Church at Ridgeley.  He was a man who cared little for show and luxuries of life, but was a stern defender of the right in all things.

Those surviving besides the widow, are two daughters, Mrs. A. L. Shomshor and Mrs. W. C. Joens; and one son, Henry Benner, all of Scribner.

Funeral services were held last Wednesday at 2:00, at St. John's church at Ridgeley, Rev. J. Marxen, officiating.  Interment was made in St. John's cemetery.

St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, NE
Deaths 1928
John Benner, b. Sept 4, 1851, d Oct 1, 1928

Plot 33D-E
John Benner
4 Sep 1851 - 1 Oct 1928
Louisa Helena ROEMER
5 Feb 1846
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
25 Dec 1928
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   Grace Shomshor Lueninghoener wrote  in 1972:

Grandmother Helene (Roemer)  Benner was an anergetic, pleasant and soft-spoken woman. She was kind, helpful, and very religious. She was referred to, and endearlingly addressed by her husband, as "Mutterchen," meaning "little mother." She was an expert seamstress and a good knitter. In Europe she learned the process  of making homemade cheese.  She baked delicious bread and delectable apfelkuchen (appel pastry). Sometimes she topped her  cakes with apple slices, apples grown  and dried at  home. ?She and her husband also knew how to make sausage and how to smoke and cure meat for later  use.

Grandmother Helene had worked for a doctor in Europe and had learned from him the technique of assisting  in the brith of babies.  Serving as a midwife, she delivered many babies in the Scribner vicinity. Doctors were few, cars were not available, and the telephone had not yet reached rural America.

She and her husband were a familiar sight walking to church on Sunday morning from t heir little acreage nearby where they spent their latter years. He  presented a tall, stately and aristocratic figure with his head slightly bent and topped by heavy, shaggy, gray hair. Beside him trudged the litttle bent Mutterchen.  Their religious life was continued daily with Bible reading, devotions and prayer.

Just preceding the War of  1870  (Franco-Prussian War), my grandmother,Helene, and her sister (Barbara, who would later marry Henry  Westphalen) were  working in Paris.One  day my  grandmother was ill and didn't go to  work. When  her sister returned about  5:00 p.m. she informed  my grandmother that the border  between France and Germany had been closed. Consequently they packup up their clothing as fast as possible and headed for the border. Here they happened to find a farmer with a load of hay about to cross the border. They hid in the hay and thus made  it  back to the   German lines and to their home near Frankfurt.

Died Christmas day at the home of her son Henry J. Benner

St. John's Lutheran Church, Ridgeley, Dodge Co, NE
Deaths 1928
Mrs. J. Benner, b. Feb 5, 1846, d. Dec 25, 1928

Plot 33C-F
Helene Benner
5 Feb 1846 - 2 Jan 1928

Climbach/Londorf Geburts Protocoll
Film #1201524
1846, No. 13, page 444 - Helena Römer
Helena Römer, born 5 February 1846 in Climbach about four in the afternoon. Daughter of Johannes Römer III and his wife Eleanor neé Wißner; the second child, first daughter. Baptized 8 February 1846. Sponsors: (1) Peter Wißner, son of Heinrich Wißner and his wife Anna Maria neé Römer, the mother's brother; (2) Helena Römer, daughter of Johann Jacob Römer and his wife Christina neé Commelin, the father's sister.

Londorf (Climbach)
Confirmanden Register (Confirmation) 1808-1875
Microfilm #1201531
1860, p. 81, Climbach - Helena Römer, 5 Feb 1846, Johannes III
Karl Heinrich BENNER
30 Aug 1878
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
7 Mar 1899
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   In the  Benner Family Bible is the following clipping:

Am 7. März 1899 starb in Ridgeley Carl Heinrich Benner, Sohn des John Benner und seiner Ehefrau Helene, geb. Römer. Er war geboren den 30. August 1878 zu Klimbach in Hessen und wurde confirmiert am 10. April 1892 in der hiesigen St.Johannes-Kirche in Ridgeley.

Am 9.  März 1899 starb Louise Helene Benner, geboren am 23. November 1884 in Ridgeley. Sie erreichte ein Älter von 14 Jahren, 8 Monaten und 16 Tagen.

Die beiden Letzsteren waren Geschwister und starben an Masern. Der Herr  tröste die trauernden hinterbliebenen Eltern und Geschwister durch die selige Hoffnung auf ein jenseitiges herrliches Wiedersehen.

J.  H. Weibel, P.

On March 7, 1899 Carl Heinrich Benner, son of the John Benner and his wife Helene nee Römer died in Ridgeley. He was born August 30, 1878 in Klimbach in Hesse and was confirmed on the April 10, 1892 in the Local St. John's Church in Ridgeley.

On March 9, 1899 Louise Helene Benner, born November 23, 1884 in Ridgeley, died.  She reached the age of 14 years, 8 months and 16 days.

Both of the latter were siblings and died of measles. The Lord comforts the grievingsurviving parents and siblings through the blissful hope of a splendid reunion in the world to come.

J. H. Weibel, Pastor

Plot 33A-H
29 Jul 1880
Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt
4 Jun 1912
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
24 Aug 1910

Ludwig J. Benner

On Tuesday, June 4th, 1912, in the afternoon, Ludwig J. Benner, residing 4 1/2 miles south and 2 1/2 miles west of Scribner, died suddenly of heart-stroke when he had just driven out of his yard gate to bring two loads of hogs to town.  Mr. Benner's employee saw him leave his wagon and sit down upon the grass and in the same moment saw him sink down dead.

Mr. Ludwig Benner was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johann Benner, and was born July 29, 1880, in Klimbach, near Giessen, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany.  He came to America at the age of four.  He was married to Dorothea Moller from Pleasant Valley August 24, 1910.  He leaves behind him his heart-wounded widow, a five months' old child, his parents, who now have lost their third grown-up child, two sisters, namely Mrs. August Shomshor and Mrs. Wm. Joens, his brother Henry, a student at the State University, and two brothers-in-law.

His remains were laid to rest Friday, June 7th, in the cemetery of the German Lutheran Zions' church at Ridgeley, Rev. Duhrkop, officiating. A large concourse of relatives and friends followed the remains to their last resting place.
Louise Helene BENNER
23 Nov 1884
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
9 Mar 1899
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
                   In the  Benner Family Bible is the following clipping:

Am 7. März 1899 starb in Ridgeley Carl Heinrich Benner, Sohn des John Benner und seiner Ehefrau Helene, geb. Römer. Er war geboren den 30. August 1878 zu Klimbach in Hessen und wurde confirmiert am 10. April 1892 in der hiesigen St.Johannes-Kirche in Ridgeley.

Am 9.  März 1899 starb Louise Helene Benner, geboren am 23. November 1884 in Ridgeley. Sie erreichte ein Älter von 14 Jahren, 8 Monaten und 16 Tagen.

Die beiden Letzsteren waren Geschwister und starben an Masern. Der Herr  tröste die trauernden hinterbliebenen Eltern und Geschwister durch die selige Hoffnung auf ein jenseitiges herrliches Wiedersehen.

J.  H. Weibel, P.

On March 7, 1899 Carl Heinrich Benner, son of the John Benner and his wife Helene nee Römer died in Ridgeley. He was born August 30, 1878 in Klimbach in Hesse and was confirmed on the April 10, 1892 in the Local St. John's Church in Ridgeley.

On March 9, 1899 Louise Helene Benner, born November 23, 1884 in Ridgeley, died.  She reached the age of 14 years, 8 months and 16 days.

Both of the latter were siblings and died of measles. The Lord comforts the grievingsurviving parents and siblings through the blissful hope of a splendid reunion in the world to come.

J. H. Weibel, Pastor

Plot 3B
The stone says only "L.H."
21 Nov 1886
Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
28 Jun 1950
Napa, Napa Co, California
16 Feb 1910
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, D 
12 Sep 1888
Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska
9 Oct 1948
Fremont, Dodge Co, Nebraska
Dec 1915
Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebrask 
                   He died of injuries resulting from a gas explosion.
FamilyCentral Network
Johannes (John) Benner - Louisa Helena Roemer

Johannes (John) Benner was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 4 Sep 1851.

He married Louisa Helena Roemer 29 Jul 1877 at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt . Louisa Helena Roemer was born at Climbach, Londorf, Großherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt 5 Feb 1846 daughter of Johannes Römer, III and Eleanora Wißner .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Karl Heinrich Benner born 30 Aug 1878.
Johann Ludwig (Louis) Benner born 29 Jul 1880.
Louise Helene Benner born 23 Nov 1884.
Caroline Bertha Benner born 21 Nov 1886.
Johann Heinrich (Henry) Benner born 12 Sep 1888.

Johannes (John) Benner died 1 Oct 1928 at Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska .

Louisa Helena Roemer died 25 Dec 1928 at Ridgeley Township, Scribner, Dodge Co, Nebraska .