James Chandler ALLEN
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Minor Or M /PRISBEY/ (AFN:B2C3-CW) and Elizabeth /JEWETT/ (AFN:1DL1-4J)
He married Lucy Ann Prisbrey . Lucy Ann Prisbrey was born at Trenton, Dodge, Wisconsin 16 Mar 1850 daughter of Miner Grant Prisbrey and Elizabeth Jewett .
They were the parents of 5
Jane Allen
born Abt 1863.
James Alma Allen
born 15 Mar 1865.
Nettie (Antonette) Allen
born Abt 1870.
Eva Allen
born 15 Mar 1874.
Joshua Albert Allen
born 5 Sep 1877.
James Chandler Allen died 3 Apr 1938 at Bloomfield, San Jaun, New Mexico .
Lucy Ann Prisbrey died 11 Jan 1899 at Eagar, Apache, Arizona .