6 Mar 1869
Highland, Franklin, Indiana, United States
10 Jan 1955
Liberty, Union, Indiana, United States
1 Jun 1890
Franklin, Indiana, United States
                   NOAH KEELER,    Biography
Many industries are distinctive of Indiana. Farming is, of course, a great industry in this state and live stock raising also has attained great proportions in the Hoosier commonwealth.  However, we are not prone to associate the tobacco-raising  industry with the general branches of agriculture in Indiana.  When a man combines general farming and livestock  raising and also has achieved distinction as a tobacco raiser, we must conclude that he is a very busy man. Noah Keeler, of Franklin county, Indiana is a man who is progressive besides being busy, He. has proved very decisively that tobacco may be raised in Indiana and a very good quality of tobacco, too.

Noah Keeler was born March 6, 1869, in Blue Creek, Highland township, Franklin County, Indiana. His parents were Samuel and Sarah (Bateman) Keeler.  The children of Samuel and Sarah Keeler were ) Mary Ann. born July 3, 1849, married George Foster. of Metamora Township; Sarah, born August 28,1851; married Noah Remey; Thomas Jefferson born April 13. 1854, married Sophia Bassert; Margaret. born October 1, 1856. married George Bunyard; Ada, born March 18. 1863, married John Bruns; Noah, of whom this is  written and three others who died young.

Samuel Keeler, father of Noah Keeler, was born in Dayton, Ohio, in the month of December, 1816.  His parents were Thomas and Sarah Keeler, who were natives of Dayton, Ohio and who came to Indiana where they settled in Franklin county near Brookville.  Samuel Keeler as a young man started to work in Highland township, where he spent practically his entire life. He was an industrious man and before his death April 4, 1877 had acquired a large and valuable tract of land. He was known as highly honorable, thrifty and successful man; a citizen of sterling integrity and unceasing energy, traits that have ever have been characteristic of the Keeler family in this county.

Noah Keeler was educated in the public schools of Highland and Metamora townships. He started in life as a farmer in Butler township, in this county, but later moved to the farm he now owns in Metamora township, and has lived on this place for more than twenty years, His land is devoted to general farming and stock raising and the tobacco industry on his place is not the least of his growing activities. While the raising of tobacco is not entirely an innovation in Indiana, it requires skill and knowledge of the plant to raise it successfully. Mr. Keeler has shown excellent judgement in the cultivation of tobacco and its production is one of the prominent departments on his farm.

On June 1, 1890, Noah Keeler was married to Rosa Lanning, daughter of John H. and Letha (O'Neal) Lanning. To Mr. and Mrs. Keeler have been born three children: Edgar, born March 7, 1891, assists his father on the farm and devotes a greater part of his attention to the cultivation of tobacco, supervising this department.  The other two children died in early . childhood.  Mrs. Keeler is a member of the United Brethren church and Mr. Keeler belongs to the Methodist church.  In politics, Mr. Keeler always had affiliated with the Republican party, but on the organization of the Progressive party, in 19I2, became a member of that party. He is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows and the improved order of Red Men. The Keelers  easily may be included among the first families of this county, where they are well known and highly regarded by their large circle of acquaintances.
5 May 1866
Butler, Franklin, Indiana, United States
14 Feb 1946
Fairfield, Union, Indiana, United States
7 Mar 1891
Franklin, Indiana, United States
11 Apr 1980
FamilyCentral Network
Noah Keeler - Rosanna Lanning

Noah Keeler was born at Highland, Franklin, Indiana, United States 6 Mar 1869. His parents were Samuel Keeler and Sarah Bateman.

He married Rosanna Lanning 1 Jun 1890 at Franklin, Indiana, United States . Rosanna Lanning was born at Butler, Franklin, Indiana, United States 5 May 1866 .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Edgar Keeler born 7 Mar 1891.

Noah Keeler died 10 Jan 1955 at Liberty, Union, Indiana, United States .

Rosanna Lanning died 14 Feb 1946 at Fairfield, Union, Indiana, United States .