Richard GIBBS

7 Jun 1825
Astwood Bank, Worcester, England
23 Sep 1859
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
27 Jun 1858
Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Cape Province, South Africa
    John Stock Family records in possession of F. John Roberts Jr.
    Logan Temple Rec: no. 13,883 book C page 418
    Endowment House Temple Records: 4353 Book D, Lvg, pp 13.
    IGI: GMF # 002-5598-364 A/N 00236  Info Ref: 7418308 71; F 177957 pg 418 Fref # 13803 from IGI.

   Ord work has been done several times.
   Verified and Corrected FGS in 1980.
   Endhouse record identifies birth place as Redditch, Worcester, England while   the Logan Temple Record identifies
      Tuckingham, Worcester.  (Tuckingham is not listed in Smith's Genealogical Gazetter of England.or "The Phillimore
      ATLAS and INDEX of Parish Register")
   Family researcher LaPriel Roberts made a note that Richard Gibbs, born 7 Jun1825 at Astwood Band, Feckenham
      Parrish, Worcester.  This was verified by a letter to Frances from Richards brother, Mark Anthony,
   AF lists two spouses: Frances Gilson and Susannah Esther Singleton.
   Richard was married in South Africa to Frances Gilson.  They had a son, Heber, and immigrated to Zion.  When they
     arrived in Salt Lake Richard died of mountain fever.
Esther Susannah Singleton was the half sister of John Stock.  She joined the Church in South Africa and immigrated to
    Zion in 1857 just in time to join the Hunt wagon train associated with the Willie-Martin handcart companies.  She died
   and was buried at Fort Bridger.  When John Stock immigrated to Zion he did not find Susannah.  On learning that she    had  died he later had her sealed to Richard Gibbs.  Both were dead when this happened,but, apparently this series of events has confused descendant members of the family who have them married in South Africa in 1838 which is in error.

    FGS in family file show two other dates for sealing: 22 Dec 1860; 22 Sep 1887.  (Feb 1995)-another sealing date from a form submitted for Temple work, 2 Apr 1938, by Susannah N. Stock- in red marking- 7 Dec 1861 with proxy John Stock in End. House.  Sealings have been redone in several other temples.
Frances GILSON
15 Jan 1838
Long Clawson, Leicester, England
23 Apr 1921
Fish Haven, Bear Lake, Idaho
Fish Haven, Bear Lake, Idaho
Universal Genealogy, ALIAS: 15721-231, GENDB
   These ordinances were performed in life.
   John Stock marriedd Frances Gilson in polygamy in Utah.  Frances Gilson is sealed to her first husband, Richard Gibbs, who immigrated with his wife and son from South Africa.  Richard died when he arrived in Salt Lake City.   Annie Jane Cottle Stock Journal: Had sealing date to Richard Gibbs as: 21 Sep 1887 and not the same day she married John Stock.

Frances Gilson was sealed to John Stock, 1 Dec 1992, by the instance of Carol Ann Smith (Great-grand daughter) under the authority of a change in rule by the First Presidency in 1988 that allowed a women who was married two times during her lifetime and had children by both men to be sealed after death to both husbands.

**NOTE: June 1994 ck'd FGS with Ancestral File.  Differences exist on wife Frances Gilson -death 23/24 Apr -  this needs to be resolved.  Notation for William King Stock.  Annie's Journal records death date as 24 Apr 1921.

Historical note:  Frances was born in Long Clawson, Leicester, Eng and went to Africa in 1845 met Richard Gibbs and married him.  Joined the Mormon Church and imigrated to Utah.  Left So. Africa in March 1859, 8 weeks crossing the ocean.  Her parents Wm Gilson and Charlotte King and children came with them.  They sailed on the ship "Alacrity" with Capt Cooper.  Landed at Boston, came by train and boat to Omaha.  At Council Bluffs joined Edward Stevenson Co.  Three months crossing the plains.  Arrived in Salt Lake 16 Sep 1859.  Lived with Wm. H. Shirley and Maria Bubb winter of 1859-60.  Richard Gibbs died on arriving in Salt Lake.  Married John Stock, 7 Dec 1861.  She took Heber to her parents in Ogden to raise when he was two years old.  Charlotte Ann Stock born 30 Dec 1864 at Ogden.   15 Jan 1855, Baptized by Leonard P. Smith

Annie J. Stock Journal:
    Migrated from Africa to Salt Lake Valley, 16 Sep 1859.  Frances had 3 girls stay and work for their board and clothes.  One was Sophia Thompson who married her son Charles Coulson Stock; Charlotte Galloway who married her son John Reuben Stock and Clara Olsen who married as the 2nd wife of John Wm Edwin Stock after Henrietta Teeples died.   Frances was Pres. of Fish Havean Relief Society for years.   In So. Africa Frances was a seamstress.  Frances was sealed to Richard Gibbs and their son Heber Gibbs was sealed to them at the same time.

From other notes in the family file by LaPriel.
   Married Richard Gibbs, in Port Elizabeth, by Elder Richardson.
   Patriarchal Blessing by Bro. Hyde.
   Migrated from South Africa to Salt Lake Wuth, 16 Sep 1859.
   Height 5'7"; weight 175 lbs; chest size 46".
   Brown eyes; dark brown hair.
   Troubled with rheumatism.  She worked in Relief Society from its organization was chosen president in 1907.
1 Nov 1858
Uitenhage, Cape Province, South Africa
21 Oct 1906
Ogden, Weber, Utah
8 Feb 1883
Ogden, Weber, Utah 
11 Nov 1858
Uitenhage, Cape Colony, South Africa
21 Oct 1906
Ogden, Weber, Utah
    FGS sib,otted bu  
FamilyCentral Network
Richard Gibbs - Frances Gilson

Richard Gibbs was born at Astwood Bank, Worcester, England 7 Jun 1825. His parents were Thomas Gibbs and Mary Bradbury.

He married Frances Gilson 27 Jun 1858 at Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Cape Province, South Africa . Frances Gilson was born at Long Clawson, Leicester, England 15 Jan 1838 .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Heber Richard Gibbs born 1 Nov 1858.
Heber Gibbs born 11 Nov 1858.

Richard Gibbs died 23 Sep 1859 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah .

Frances Gilson died 23 Apr 1921 at Fish Haven, Bear Lake, Idaho .