George Asael PALMER
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Thomas /STOLWORTHY/ (AFN:BFXK-VX) and Matilda /JENKERSEN/ (AFN:1NJG-HK)
He married Lucity Stolworthy 17 Mar 1882 at St George, Washington, Utah . Lucity Stolworthy was born at Centerville, Davix, Utah 8 Jan 1865 .
They were the parents of 12
Luamelia Palmer
born 13 Jan 1883.
Matilda Palmer
born 27 Nov 1884.
Asael Ernest Palmer
born 20 Nov 1886.
Alma James Palmer
born 3 Jan 1889.
Daniel Ray Palmer
born 26 Jul 1891.
Cora Palmer
born 5 Feb 1894.
Thomas Zemira Palmer
born 19 Dec 1896.
Thomas Zemira Palmer
born 19 Dec 1896.
George Asael Palmer died 13 May 1938 at Kirtland, San Juan, New Mexico .
Lucity Stolworthy died 19 Nov 1939 at Kirtland, San-Jn, New Mexico .