Nathaniel BLISS
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Thomas /BLISS/ (AFN:BBKD-0F) and Margaret // (AFN:BBKD-1L) This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Thomas /BLISS/ (AFN:BBKD-0F) and Margaret // (AFN:BBKD-1L)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Samuel /CHAPIN/ (AFN:BBKD-2R) and Cicely /PENNY/ (AFN:BBKD-3X) This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Samuel /CHAPIN/ (AFN:BBKD-2R) and Cicely /PENNY/ (AFN:BBKD-3X)
?? Line 828: (New PAF RIN=3850) 1 DEAT 2 DATE 19 JUN 1749 AGE 101 ?? Line 829: (New PAF RIN=8937) 1 DEAT 2 DATE 19 JUN 1749 AGE 101
He married Catherine Chapin 20 Sep 1646 . Catherine Chapin was born at Berry Pomeroy, Eng 1625/26 daughter of Samuel Chapin and Cicely Penney .
They were the parents of 4
Samuel Bliss
born 7 Nov 1647.
Margaret Bliss
born 12 Nov 1649.
Mary Bliss
born 23 Sep 1651.
Nathaniel Bliss
born 27 Mar 1653.
Nathaniel Bliss died 8 Nov 1684 at Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts .
Catherine Chapin died 1711/12 at Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts .