14 Aug 1711
of Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
26 Apr 1802
Conway, Franklin, Massachusetts
27 Apr 1743
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Sources:, Apr 2018
24 Feb 1725
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
24 Jan 1808
Conway, Franklin, Massachusetts
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
10 Dec 1805
Nantucket, Nantucket, Massachusetts
25 Apr 1768
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachu 
3 Dec 1746
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
15 Feb 1830
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
27 Sep 1760
Barnstable, Massachusetts 
9 Oct 1747
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
7 Apr 1831
8 Sep 1768
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachuse 
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
26 Jun 1833
Butternuts, Otsego, Massachusetts
Abt 1751
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
9 Oct 1768
Abt 1753
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
9 May 1811
Abt 1755
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
7 May 1780
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachuse 
28 Aug 1759
Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts
26 Apr 1802
Conway, Franklin, Massachusetts
26 Jun 1784
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachu 
                   Note: Life sketch in notes.

Levi Gifford was born August 15,1789, in Conway, Massachusetts, one of nine children born to Noah Gifford and his wife, Mary Bowerman. By 1816, Levi was in New York where he met and married Deborah Wing. Deborah and Levi would have eleven children.

Levi was baptized in 1831. He was the brother of Alpheus Gifford who baptized Heber C. Kimball. Levi baptized Eleazar Miller, who, in turn, baptized Brigham Young. Miller wrote of the occasion:

"The following May, Elder Levi Gifford came into the neighborhood, and desired to preach. My brother, John, belonged to the Methodist Church, and had charge of their meeting house which was in the neighborhood. I obtained from him permission for Elder Gifford to preach in it. The appointment was circulated for a meeting the same evening. This was on a Saturday evening, and the circuit preacher of that district was to hold a meeting there on Sunday. Elder Midbury, the circuit preacher, attended the meeting. The house was crowded. As soon as Elder Gifford had concluded his discourse, Elder Midbury arose to his feet and said: Brethren, sisters and friends: I have been a preacher of the gospel for twenty-two years; I do not know that I have been the means of converting a sinner, or reclaiming a poor backslider; but this I do know, that the doctrine the stranger has preached to us tonight is a deception, that Joe Smith is a false prophet, and that the Book of Mormon is from hell.'

"After talking awhile in this strain, he concluded. I immediately arose to my feet and asked the privilege of speaking, which was granted. I said that Elder Midbury, in his remarks, entirely ignored the possibility of more revelation, and acknowledge that he had been a preacher of the gospel for twenty-two years, without knowing that he had been the means of converting a sinner, or of reclaiming a poor backslider. But still he claimed to know that the doctrine he had just heard was false, that Joseph Smith was an imposter, and that the Book of Mormon was from hell. Now, how is it possible,' I asked, for him to know these things unless he has received a revelation?'

"When I sat down, a strong man by the name of Thompson, who was well known in the neighborhood as a belligerent character, stepped up to Elder Gifford and demanded the proofs of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. Elder Gifford replied, I have said all I care about saying tonight.' Then' said Mr. Thompson, we will take the privilege of clothing you with a coat of tar and feathers, and riding you out of town on a rail.' In the meantime, four or five others of like character came to the front. 

"Acting under the impulse of the moment---true to the instincts of my nature to protect the weak against the strong, I stepped between Elder Gifford and Mr. Thompson. Looking the latter in the eye, I said, Mr. Thompson, you cannot lay your hand on this stranger to harm a hair of his head, without you do it over my dead body.' He replied by more threats of violence, which brought my brother John to his feet. With a voice and manner that carried with it a power greater than I had ever seen manifested in him before, and, I might say, since, he commanded Mr. Thompson and party to take their seats. He continued, Gentlemen, if you offer to lay a hand on Mr. Gifford, you shall pass through my hands, after which I think you will not want any more tonight.' Mr. Thompson and party quieted down and then took their seats."

We also know that Levi Gifford participated in Zion's Camp and apparently did so with honor and distinction, for the following year, he was ordained a Seventy and called to serve in the First Quorum of the Seventy, thus entering the ranks of the General Authorities. He invested in the Kirtland Safety Society, and probably lost that investment when the Society collapsed. There is no evidence that he ever turned against the Prophet during that trying time of destitution and apostasy.

He then immigrated to Missouri. It is likely that he emigrated with the Kirtland Camp, in which those who remained true to the Prophet and more especially the Seventies, left Kirtland for Zion. In January of 1839, he covenanted to use his means and property to assist the destitute saints in their leaving Missouri. By December, he is listed among those who petitioned to Congress for redress of the losses suffered in the Missouri persecutions. Specifically, he states that he had lost a house and suffered other damages totaling five hundred dollars.

On October 8, 1844, Elder Gifford, by then a High Priest, was called by Brigham Young to preside over a branch (or district) of the Church. The program to which he was called attempted to send a presiding High Priest to ever Congressional District in the United States, and to there build up a Stake of Zion. The History of the Church does not record the location to which Elder Gifford was sent, nor do we know how long he remained in his assigned location. (Grampa Bill's G. A. Pages, internet)

^^Levi Gifford's obituary was printed in the Deseret News, 28 March 1860, p. 32.

Levi died of Tuberculosis (aka Consumption) in 1860 in Sanpete County, Utah.

Levi received a copy of the Book of Mormon from a younger brother and went with him to Kirtland , where they met the Prophet. They were baptized and he moved his family to Kirtland . He went on the Zion's Camp march. He and his family endured with the saints the persecution of those in Ohio , Missouri , and Nauvoo . They left with the saints and camped in Kanesville, Iowa , until they left for the Valley in 1850 . Levi was a farmer and helped colonize several early settlements. He remained faithful in the church. Children: Priscilla , b. 3 Mar 1818 . Archibald , b. 1820 . Ichabod , b. 14 Apr 1822 . Daniel , b. 1823 . William , b. 1826 . Daughter, b. 1829 . James , b. 1832 . Moroni , b. 1834 . Levi Jr, b. 14 Mar 1837 , Kirtland, Ohio . Md. 1859 , Caroline Jaques . LaPrele Hall

Levi was made a member of the First Quorum of Seventieson February 28, 1836 under the hand of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Comments: #21. Levi was a Stake President in Brown County, West Illinois, USA Comments: #31. In 1850, Levi had a household of 2 and a real wealth of $100. Comments: #41. Levi came to Utah in 1850.
Abt 1760
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
28 Jul 1837
Union, Broome, New York
22 Dec 1764
Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
15 Sep 1832
Paoli, Orange, Indiana
12 May 1787
Cane Creek, Orange, North Caro 
FamilyCentral Network
Peleg Gifford - Abigail Shepherd

Peleg Gifford was born at of Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts 14 Aug 1711. His parents were Jonathan Gifford and Lydia Abbott.

He married Abigail Shepherd 27 Apr 1743 at Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts . Abigail Shepherd was born at Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts 24 Feb 1725 daughter of Daniel Shepherd and Mary Sherman .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Abraham Gifford born 1743.
Daniel Gifford born 1744.
Abigail Gifford born 3 Dec 1746.
Elihu Gifford born 9 Oct 1747.
Christopher Gifford born 1749.
Tamar Gifford born Abt 1751.
Mariah Gifford born Abt 1753.
Peleg R. Gifford born Abt 1755.
Noah Gifford born 28 Aug 1759.
Mary Gifford born Abt 1760.
Levi Gifford born 22 Dec 1764.

Peleg Gifford died 26 Apr 1802 at Conway, Franklin, Massachusetts .

Abigail Shepherd died 24 Jan 1808 at Conway, Franklin, Massachusetts .