Teunis Teunise de METSELAER

Abt 1628
of Beverwyck, Albany, New York
17 Aug 1685
Ancestral File, version 4.19
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Ancestry World Tree Project
                   Copy of Will in Notes

SOURCE: http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/albany/bios/e/tetegb4498.html#sourcesTeunis Teunisse Egbertse by Stefan Bielinski"Teunis Teunisse may have come to the Albany area as early as 1641. By 1654, he had married Egbertie Egberts. The marriage produced at least seven children who probabaly were baptized at the Albany Dutch church in the years prior to the preservation of church baptism records. He was a church member, regular contractor, and frequent baptism sponsor. He seems to have supported himself in the building trades - erecting, for example, chimneys and a brick house. In 1679, he was identified as an Albany householder. Four years later, a church list stated that he lived outside the North Gate. Teunis Teunisse Egbertse died during the early 1680s. His joint will with Egbertie, identified their seven living children - the youngest then being aged nineteen. It passed probate in August 1685."*****SOURCE: http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/albany/wills/willttegberts4498.htmlWill of Teunis Teunissen Metselaer and Egbertie Egberts, his wife 1685"In the name of the Lord, Amen. Teunis Teunise d'Metselaer*, farmer, dwelling in the colony of Renselaerswyck in the county of Albany, at present sick in body but of sound mind and memory, and Egbertie Egberts, sound in body and mind, married people, who, considering the shortness and frailty of human life, the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the hour thereof, deliberately and advisedly, without inducement, persuasion or misleading of anyone, declare that they have made, ordained and determined this their respective and reciprocal last will and testament in form and manner following:First and foremost committing their immortal souls, whenever they shall be separated from their bodies, to the gracious and merciful hands of God, their Creator and Savior, and their bodies to a Christian burial, likewise revoking, canceling and annulling all and every testamentary disposition heretofore made either jointly or severally, and herewith arriving at the principal disposition of their temporal effects to be left behind, these testators have nominated and constituted, as hereby they do reciprocally nominate and constitute the survivor of the two as his and her sole and universal heir of all their estate, real and personal, claims, credits, money, gold and silver coined and uncoined, jewels, linen and woolen clothing, household furniture, etc., nothing whatsoever excepted or reserved, thereof to dispose, so long as the survivor lives, without interference or contradiction of any person, and whenever the survivor shall decease. It is the will and desire of both the testators that the estate and effects left behind which shall then be found shall be equally divided among their seven children or their heirs, to wit: Maritje, wife of Harme Lievese; Egbert Teunise; Gerrittje, wife of Andries Hanse; Dirkje, wife of Bastian Harmense; Willemtie Teunise, aged 23 years; Anna Teunise, aged twenty-one years; and Martyn Teunis, aged nineteen years; that is, each to inherit and receive a just seventh part, one no more than another, provided nevertheless that the survivor be holden properly to support and provide for their three unmarried daughters and whenever they shall enter into the marriage estate, to give to each of them a proper outfit such as the other married sisters have had, without being holden to do more. But in case the survivor of the testators marries again, the same shall beholden to divide and apportion the whole, namely the just half of the whole estate, to the behoof of their aforesaid seven children, to be divided equally among them, no one receiving more than the others, and the other half shall be for the behoof of the survivor.Finally, the testators hereby exclude and debar (saving all honor and respect) the honorable orphan masters of this place and of any other place where the testators may die from the supervision and administration of their aforesaid children and property, not wishing that the same shall meddle therewith, but instead appointing as guardians of the same the survivo
r of the two, with power one or more persons to choose and take as fellow guardians. All that is hereinbefore written they, the testators, declare to be their last will and testament, desiring that the same after the death of either of them shall have full force and effect, whether as will, codicil, donation, gift in anticipation of death, or otherwise, as may be most consistent with the contents, notwithstanding that certain formalities of law or custom may herein be omitted, neglected, or not included or observed, requesting of all lords, courts and judges, wherever the testators may die, the enjoyment of the utmost benefit herefrom; one or more copies hereof to be made and delivered by me, the secretary, as the case may require.Done in Albany, at the house of Eghbert Teunise, son of the testators, on this, the seventh day of August, in the first year of his majesty's reign, Anno Domini 1685.Teunis Teunise MetselaerEgbertien EgbertsSigned and sealed in presence of, Cornelis van Dyck and Myndert HarmenseIn my presence, Robt. Livingston, Clerk."Notes: Will dated August 7, 1685. Printed in Early Records of Albany vol. 4, pg. 117-19. Copied from an online resource. Some spellings adjusted and some paragraphing and punctuaion provided* = footnote of unknown origin = "Literally: Teunis Teunise, the mason."
Abt 1632
of New York, New York
Abt 1654
Albany, Albany, New York
Jan 1757
Abt 1656
Albany, Albany, New York
Abt 1658
Albany, Albany, New York
Bef 1699
Abt 1660
of Albany, Albany, New York
7 Apr 1739
Albany, Albany, New York
Abt 1683
of Albany, Albany, New York 
Abt 1661
of Albany, Albany, New York
9 Dec 1685
Albany, Albany, New York 
Albany, Albany, New York
Albany, Albany, New York
FamilyCentral Network
Teunis Teunise de Metselaer - Egbertie Egbertson

Teunis Teunise de Metselaer was born at of Beverwyck, Albany, New York Abt 1628. His parents were Teunis Metselaer and Mrs. Teunis Metselaer.

He married Egbertie Egbertson . Egbertie Egbertson was born at of New York, New York Abt 1632 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Maritje Metselaer born Abt 1654.
Egbert Metselaer born Abt 1656.
Gerritje Metselaer born Abt 1658.
Dirke Teunise de Metselaer born Abt 1660.
Willempje Teunis de Metselaer born Abt 1661.
Anna Metselaer born 1664.
Martyn Metselaer born 1666.

Teunis Teunise de Metselaer died 17 Aug 1685 .