Richard SMITH
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Richard /SMITH/ (AFN:9J87-R5) and Rebecca /BRAZWELL/ (AFN:9J87-SB)
He married Rebecca Buswell Abt 1616 at Weathersfield, Hartford, Conn . Rebecca Buswell was born at Eng Abt 1593 .
They were the parents of 6
Richard Smith
born Abt 1617.
Susannah Smith
born 1624.
Mary Smith
born Abt 1627.
Joseph Smith
born Abt 1629.
Abigail Smith
born Abt 1632.
Johnathan Smith
born 1635.
Richard Smith died Aft 1669 at Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut .
Rebecca Buswell died Aft 1667 at Weathersfield, Hartford, Conn .