Johannes "John" STOBER

24 Feb 1754
Lebanon, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Aug 1827
Centre, Pennsylvania, Usa
Aug 1827
Aaronsburg, Centre, Pennsylvania, Usa
20 Apr 1778
Hanover, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Usa
7 Feb 1754
18 Aug 1827
Private, Captain Robinson's Company, Colonel Lowery Battalion, Lancaster County Militia;
Rangers on the Frontier

Series: M637  Roll: 9  Page: 95

John STOVER     133

1 free white male 16+     (John)
3 free white males < 16     (George, John and Henry John)

3 females     (Julianna, Eva Elizabeth and Catherine)

Series: M32  Roll: 37  Page: 819

John STOVER     21201     0101

2 free white males <10     (Thomas and UNK)
1 free white male 10-15    (Henry John)
2 free white males 16-25     (John and George)
1 free white male 45+     (Johannes "John")

1 free white female 10-15    (Catherine)
1 free white female 26-44     (Julianna)

In the Name of God Amen, I John Stober of the Township of Haines in the County of Centre and the State of Pennsylvania, being in perfect Health of Body and of Sound Mind, Memory and Understanding (Blessed be God for the same) but considering the uncertainty of this transitory Life, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, to wit. Principally and first of all, I commend my immortal Soul into the Hands of God, who gave it, and my Body to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like manner, at the Discretion of my Executors, hereinafter named. And as to such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give and dispose of the same in the following Manner, to wit: I give and devise unto my two Sons Thomas Stober and Jacob Stober and to their Heirs and Assigns the following Tracts or Pieces of Land, Situated in the Township of Haines aforesaid, viz: one certain Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of Jacob Stober by Deed dated the 12th day of November Anno Domini 1787, recorded in the Office for recording of Deeds in and for the County of Northumberland in book E page 198, containing One hundred and twenty four Acres and three quarters & Allowance of Six % for Roads, to be the same more or less. Also one other Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of
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George Wolf by Deed dated the 14th day of April Anno Domini 1790, recorded in the said Office of the County of Northumberland in book E page 215, containing forty eight Acres & Allowance of Six % be the same more or less. Also one other Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of George Wolf by Deed dated the 11th day of July Anno Domini 1812, containing Six Acres and thirty three Perches, be the same more or less. Also one other Tract or Piece of Land, being part of a Tract of Land I obtained of John McBeath, by Deed dated the 28th day of June Anno Domini 1809, recorded in the Office for recording of Deeds in and for the County of Centre aforesaid, in Book C page 292 viz, beginning at a Stone, thence along the big Road leading to and from Aaronsburg North Forty five Degrees West fifty two Perches to a Stone, thence along Land late of John Kraemer, now Samuel Miles, North two Degrees West Sixteen perches and five tenths to a Stone, thence along land hereafter devised to my Son Henry Stober, South Sixty five Degrees East thirty seven Perches to a Stone, thence along the same North twenty two Degrees West, one hundred and twenty eight Perches to a Stone, thence along the same North eighty eight Degrees East fifty eight Perches to a White Oak, thence South two Degrees East one hundred and thirty one Perches, to the place of beginning, containing thirty Acres, nineteen Perches & Allowance of Six Per Cent for Roads, also one other Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of Adam Stober by Deed dated the 15th day of November Anno Domini 1815 containing two Acres & fifty eight Perches be the same more or less. Also my Right, Title, Interest, Property, Claim and Demand of in and to a certain Tract or Piece of Land, which I bought of Abraham Weber, who obtained the same by Virtue of a Warrant dated the 28th day of April Anno Domini 1819, containing after Survey, 127 Acres 88 [possibly 83] Perches and Allowance, be the same more or less. To have and to hold, all and Singular the said Six Tracts or Pieces of Land together with
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the Buildings, Improvements and Appurtenances unto the said Thomas Stober and Jacob Stober, their Heirs and Assigns, as Tennants in common and not as joint Tennants, forever, them paying thereout unto my grand Children John Stober and Jacob Stober, Children of my Son George Stober, the Sum of Nine hundred Dollars lawful Money of the United States, and to my Daughter Catharine, intermarried with Adam Harper, the sum of Nine hundred Dollars Money aforesaid, to be paid in Manner following, viz, After two years have expired after the date of my decease, then on the next first day of June following (or if at the Time of my decease the Bonds I have given to John McBeath and Adam Weaver remain unpaid, then two years having expired after the last of my bonds becomes due, then on the first day of June next following the said Expiration of two years after my last Bond becomes due) they shall pay or cause to be paid unto my said grand Children, Thomas Stober, their Heirs and Assigns, the Sum of one hundred Dollars being fifty Dollars to each of them, on the first day of June the Year next following they Shall pay unto my said Daughter Catharine intermarried with said Adam Harper her Heirs or Assigns the Sum of One hundred Dollars, on the first day of June the year following they shall again pay to my said grandchildren, their Heirs and Assigns, the Sum of one hundred Dollars, and on the first day of June the year following they Shall again, unto my said Daughter Catharine, her Heirs and Assigns the Sum of One hundred Dollars and on the first day of June every year following they Shall pay to them turn about the said Sum of one hundred Dollars until the Sum of eighteen hundred
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Dollars are paid between them in Manner aforesaid and further they Shall the said Thomas Stober and Jacob Stober pay any Sum which might remain unpaid, of my just Debts, funeral Expences of the Fees, Debts and Expenses, executing this my Will, after my Goods and Chattels have been applied towards paying the same.

I give and bequeath further unto my Sons Thomas Stober and Jacob Stober all the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits, which might not be necessary found for to pay of[f] my just Debts, funeral Expences, and executing this my Will, excepting what I have bequeathed in this my Will.

I give and devise unto my son John Stober all that Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of Adam Weaver by Deed dated the 17th day of April Anno Domini 1818, containing One hundred and twenty Acres Ninety nine Perches and Allowance of Six Per Cent for Roads, be the same more or less. Also one other Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of Jacob Oswald by Deed dated the 13th day of April 1816 containing five Acres two Perches and Allowance be the same more or less. To have and to hold the said two Tracts or Pieces of Land together with the Buildings, Improvements and Appurtenances, unto my said John Stober, his Heirs and Assigns forever.

I give and devise unto my son Henry Stober, all the Residue of a Tract or Piece of Land, which as aforesaid I bought of John McBeath containing one hundred and seventy five Acres and one hundred four Perches & Allowance of which said Tract of Land I sold part to John Kramer and did give and devise part thereof in this my Will to my Sons Thomas and Jacob and part did give and devise as aforesaid unto the children of my Daughter Eve Elisabeth to have and to hold the said Residue of said Tract of Land containing about one
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hundred and twenty four Acres, together with the Buildings, Improvements, and Appurtenances unto my said Son Henry Stober, his Heirs and Assigns forever, him or them paying thereout, unto my Executors, hereafter named, the Sum of Six hundred Dollars lawful Money of the United States, in Manner following, vis. After two years have expired after the day of my decease, then on the first day of June next following after said Expiration he or they Shall pay or cause to be paid unto my said Executors, the Sum of forty Dollars, and then on the first day of June every Year following, the Sum of forty Dollars, until the said Sum of Six Hundred Dollars is fully paid.

I give and devise unto my grand Children, the Children of my Daughter Eve Elisabeth, now intermarried with George Bright, which now are living or who might hereafter be born of her, a certain Tract or Piece of Land of a Tract of Land, which I obtained of John McBeath, before mentioned and described, vis; beginning at a Stone, thence along Land of Samuel Miles South eighty eight Degrees West thirteen Perches and nine tenth to a Stone, thence along Land of Simon Gratz, North two Degrees West forty four Perches and four tenths to a Stone, thence along Land given and bequeathed in this my Will to my Son Henry Stober North eighty eight Degrees East thirteen Perches and nine tenth to a Stone, thence along the same South two Degrees east forty four Perches and four tenth to the place of beginning, containing three Acres and One hundred and thirty four Perches neat Measure. also I give and devise to them a certain Lot or Piece of Ground, in the Town of Aaronburg, marked in the general Plan of the said Town with Number one hundred and forty nine, which
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I obtained of Adam Weaver, by Deed dated the 23rd day of April 1800, together with all and Singular the Buildings and Appurtenances. To have and to hold the said Tractor Piece of Land and the said Lot or Piece of Ground, with the Appurtenances, after the decease of my said Daughter unto her said Children, now or before her decease born, and to their Heirs and Assigns, forever. The possession of said Tract or Piece of Land Shall with the Appurtenances remain with my said Executors during the natural Life of my said Daughter Eve Elisabeth and my Executors shall rent the same or lease the same yearly and every Year during the said Time for the highest and best Rent which might be gotten for the same, but in Case my said Daughter Eve Elisabeth should desire to rent the same, my Executors shall not charge her more than Six Cents per Year and my said Executors or the Survivor of them might make a Present of all the Rents received, to my said Daughter Eve Elisabeth if they see cause to do so. I also give and devise unto my Son John Stober (along with the other Tracts or Pieces of Land I did give and devise to him his Heirs and Assigns, by this my Will) a certain Tract or Piece of Land, which I obtained of Michael Stober and David Miller by Deed dated the 23rd day of May 1818, containing one Acre forty Perches together with the Appurtenances. To have and to hold unto my Son John Stober, his Heirs and Assigns, forever. I give and bequeath unto my Step Daughter Polly Harper for her use and as her Property a certain obligation given by Frederick
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Miller to Joseph Miller dated the 17th January 1818 Due first June Anno Domini 1827 Amount twenty five Pounds to be in lieu for her Services, any thing given by me to her in my Lifetime not to be charged to her. No Claims or Demand shall be made against my Estate by any one of my Children except the Claim and Demand I have given them by this my Will and Testament, as I have fully Satisfied them for their private Claims in my Lifetime. And lastly I nominate, constitute, and appoint Jacob E. Stober and John Hosterman to be the Executors of this my Will, hereby revoking all other Wills, Legacies and bequeaths by me heretofor made and declaring this, and no other, to be my last Will and Testament.

[signed] Johannes Stober [in German]
Signed, sealed, published,
pronounced and declared by
the said Testator, as his last Will
and Testament, in the presence
of us, who in his presence, and
at his request, have subscribed
as Witnesses
[signed] Jno M. Beuck
[signed] Abraham Nigh
Julianna Barbara WOLF
May 1760
Hanover, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
17 May 1813
Centre, Pennsylvania, Usa
May 1813
Haines, Centre, Pennsylvania, Usa
                   Series: M637  Roll: 9  Page: 95

John STOVER     133

1 free white male 16+     (John)
3 free white males < 16     (George, John and Henry John)

3 females     (Julianna, Eva Elizabeth and Catherine)

Series: M32  Roll: 37  Page: 819

John STOVER     21201     0101

2 free white males <10     (Thomas and UNK)
1 free white male 10-15    (Henry John)
2 free white males 16-25     (John and George)
1 free white male 45+     (Johannes "John")

1 free white female 10-15    (Catherine)
1 free white female 26-44     (Julianna)
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Johannes "John" Stober - Julianna Barbara Wolf

Johannes "John" Stober was born at Lebanon, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 24 Feb 1754. His parents were Johann Jacob "Jacob" Stober and Anna Eva Catarina Naess.

He married Julianna Barbara Wolf 20 Apr 1778 at Hanover, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Usa . Julianna Barbara Wolf was born at Hanover, Lancaster, Pennsylvania May 1760 .

Johannes "John" Stober died Aug 1827 at Centre, Pennsylvania, Usa .

Julianna Barbara Wolf died 17 May 1813 at Centre, Pennsylvania, Usa .