17 Jan 1579/80
Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England
30 Oct 1662
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Bucks, England
                       JOHN PUTNAM, SEN., it is known, was resident in Aston Abbotts, England, as 
    late as 1627, as the date of the baptism of his youngest son shows, but  just
    when he came to New England I am unable to state.  Family tradition  is
    respon- -sible for the date of 1634, and we know that the tradition has  been
    in the family for over 150 years.  In 1641, new style, we find the  following
    entry on the Town Records of Salem:

    "At a meeting the 20th of the 11th month (1640 old style)...... "Granted  to
    JOHN PUTNAM 100 acres of land at the head of Mr. Skeltons farm between  it and
    Elias Stileman the elder his farm, if there be an hundred acres  of it.  And
    it is in exchange of 100 acres which was granted to the  said JOHN PUTNAM
    formerly & if it fall out that there be not so much there  then to be made up
    near Lieutenant Davenports hill be laid out by the  town.  And ten acres of
    meadow in the meadow called the pinc meadow if  it be not there formerly
    granted to others.

    "Granted fifty acres of land unto THOMAS (PUTNAM) and five acres of  meadow
    both to be laid (out by) the town."

    "John Putnam was a farmer and exceedingly well off for those times.  He  wrote
    a fair hand as deeds on record show.  In these deeds he styles  himself
    "Yeoman;" once, in 1655, "husband man."

    Note:  It is known that John Putnam and his family who immigrated with him  to
    Salem, Massachusetts, had all been baptized in the established Church of 
    England.  His wife Priscilla was admitted to the church of Salem  (Puritan) in
    1641 and John in 1647.  We are not positive of the date of  their arrival in
    Mass., so we cannot tell now long they had been in the  colony before they
    were "converted" to Puritanism, or whether a leaning  toward the Puritan faith
    had been a factor in their migration.  Their  children, too, were admitted to
    the church in Salem before the  establishment of the church in Salem Village.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.
Priscilla GOULD
of Bovingdon, Hertford, England
Abt 1586
of Bovingdon, Hertford, England
Prob Salem Vill, Mass Bay Colony
                       SOURCE: Article from the "New England Historical & Genealogical Register - 
    July 1965," by Read H. Putnam of Evanston, Wyoming.


    For many years those interested in the distinguished and widely spread  family
    of PUTNAM, descended from JOHN PUTNAM, who came from Aston Abbots,  Co. Bucks,
    England, to Salem, Mass., in the fourth decade of the 17th  century, have
    sought in vain for the maiden name of his wife PRISCILLA,  the mother of his

    Over the past several years Mr. A. Vere Woodman, F.S.A., noted antiquarian 
    and descendant of the Putnams of Wing, Co. Bucks., England, has made an 
    exhaustive search....  He discovered that the name PRISCILLA was very much  in
    evidence among the GOULDS, a family long settled in Bovingdon midway  between
    Hemel Hempstead and Chesham.

    The will of JOHN GOULD of Bovington, dated and proven in 1602, mentions  among
    other children his daughters REBECCA and PRISCILLA.  His eldest son,  NATHAN
    GOULD of Tring, Co. Herts., whose will was dated and proved  1611/12, mentions
    his brother JEREMY's daughters SARA and PRISCILLA, both  under 18 yrs. of age,
    and his sister PRISCILLA GROVER's two children, JOHN  and PRISCILLA.  He makes
    his cousin JEREMY GOULD an overseer.  This cousin  was probably identical with
    JEREMY, son of RICHARD GOULD of  Bovingdon(ton), deceased, who married in
    Chesham, 27 Nov. 1604, PRISCILLA,  daughter of WILLIAM and MARGARET GROVER of
    Codmore.  PRISCILLA GROVER was  baptized in Chesham 3 June 1582.  The baptism
    of a son HENRY GOULD, 12  July 1631, son of JEREMY and PRISCILLA GOULD, is
    recorded in Aston Abbots,  where JEREMY may have been dwelling for a time
    with, or near, JOHN PUTNAM.  These facts suggest that RICHARD GOULD of
    Bovington may have had a  daughter or daughters in addition to the sons
    mentioned the known  works of this family.

    But since the early register of Bovingdon has disappeared and RICHARD  GOULD's
    will has not been found this was a matter of conjecture until the  recent
    discovery of the following case concerning the administration of  RICHARD
    GOULD's estate in the records of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon  (Act Book,
    II, pg. 62.)

    "Court held in Baldock Parish church 25th May 1597.  The Lords official 
    against ELIZABETH GOULDE, widow of Bovingdon, administratrix of the goods  of
    RICHARD GOULDE of the same, deceased, in a matter of the account.

    "The citation is issued,.... and on the 5th May 1597 a Notary Public  appeared
    and exhibited his proxy in writing for the said ELIZABETH and  took his oath. 
    At whose petition the Lord (Judge) decreed that SARA and  PRISCILLA GOULD of
    Bovingdon, the natural and lawful daughters of the  deceased in particular be
    cited to be at the next court.... to be in the  parish church of Bovingdon to
    see the account of said ELIZABETH  exhibited......"

    The matter was finally settled at the court held in the parish church of 
    Berkhamstead St. Peter, 1 July 1597, when the account was presented.

    In view of the above discovery there can be no doubt that PRISCILLA, wife  of
    JOHN PUTNAM, was the daughter of RICHARD GOULD of Bovingdon, and sister  of
    Merged General Note:
    SOURCE: Article from the "New England Historical & Genealogical Register - 
    July 1965," b
Elizabeth PUTNAM
20 Dec 1612
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham, England
Prob. Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.
7 Mar 1614/15
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham
5 May 1686
Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Eben Putnam, The Putnam Lineage (Salem, Massachusetts:The Salem Press Company, 1907) p. 7.

    BIOGRAPHY: THOMAS PUTNAM, eldest son of JOHN and PRISCILLA PUTNAM was baptised
    at  Aston Abbots, Co. Bucks., England on 7 March, 1614-5; died in Salem 
    Village, Essex Co., Mass. 5 May 1686.

    Thomas Putnam, Sen., was an inhabitant of Lynn, Mass. in 1640; freeman  1642;
    one of seven selectmen of Lynn in 1643; admitted to the church in  Salem on 3
    Apr., 1643.

    The town of Salem, Mass. "Granted fiftie acres of land unto Thomas Putnam  and
    five acres of meadow both to be laye
24 Jul 1617
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham, England
5 Nov 1620
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham, England
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.
11 Oct 1619
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham, England
23 Jul 1700
Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts
Salem Village, Essex, Massachu 
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    NATHANIEL (John), baptized at Aston Abbotts, 11 Oct., 1619; died  at Salem
    Village, 23 July, 1700; married at Salem, ELIZABETH, daughter of  RICHARD and
    ALICE (BOSWORTH) HUTCHINSON of Salem Village, bor 20 Aug., and  baptized at
    Arnold in England, 30 Aug., 1629; died 24 June, 1688.  In  1648, both
    Nathaniel and his wife Elizabeth were admitted to the church in  Salem.

    Seven children were born in Salem Village (births recorded at Salem). Of 
    these only John, Benjamin and Mary survived their father.  In 1694,  Nathaniel
    and John Putnam testified to having lived in the Village since  1641. 
    Nathaniel Putnam was a man of considerable landed property; his  wife brough
    him 75 acres additional and on this tract he built his house  and established

    He was constable in 1656, and afterward deputy to the General Court, 1690- 
    1691, selectman, and always at the front on all local questions, whether  per-
    taining to politics, religious affairs, or other town matters.

    His will was written on the 21st day of February 1698-99, and in the 11th 
    year of the reign of William ye 3d of England &c. King defender of ye  faith.
    His will was proven on August 12th 1700, and Benjamin Putnam named  executor.
7 Mar 1622/23
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham, England
Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.
28 Jul 1624
Ashton Abbots, Buckingham, England
30 Apr 1630
Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.
27 May 1627
Aston Abbots, Buckingham, England
7 Apr 1710
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
3 Jul 1652
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts 
    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.

    Eben Putnam, The Putnam Lineage (Salem, Massachusetts:The Salem Press Company, 1907) p. 29.

    Putnam, Eben, "A History of the Putnam Family in England and  America," Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of  Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, New York, and Thomas Putnam of  Hartford, Conn. Salem, Mass., Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1891.
FamilyCentral Network
John Putnam - Priscilla Gould

John Putnam was christened at Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England 17 Jan 1579/80. His parents were Nicholas Putnam and Margaret Goodspeed.

He married Priscilla Gould 1611 at Bucks, England . Priscilla Gould was born at of Bovingdon, Hertford, England 1586 daughter of Richard Gould and Mary .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Elizabeth Putnam christened 20 Dec 1612.
Thomas Putnam christened 7 Mar 1614/15.
John Putnam christened 24 Jul 1617.
Nathaniel Putnam christened 11 Oct 1619.
Sara Putnam christened 7 Mar 1622/23.
Phoebe Putnam christened 28 Jul 1624.
John Putnam christened 27 May 1627.

John Putnam died 30 Oct 1662 at Salem, Essex, Massachusetts .

Priscilla Gould died 1611 at Prob Salem Vill, Mass Bay Colony .