John Schermerhorn VANDER VOLGEN

14 Jul 1810
Schenectady, Schenectady, New York
6 Feb 1853
New York
14 Feb 1850
Albany, Albany, New York
Sources:, Chip Tobey's Tree
Albany Evening Journal, 1837 & 1847
1840 Census Albany, New York
Spectator Newspaper, 1846
First Dutch Reformed Church, Albany, New York
Menands, New York, Albany Ruaral Cemetery Burial Card Records, 1791-2011
                       BIOGRAPHY: Newspaper article: 
    Died: Monday evening, 6th inst., John S. Vandervolger, aged 42 years. His
    relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his
    funeral to-morrow (Thursday) after noon at 3 pm from his late residence No. 101
    Colonie St. Based on the dates mentioned in the will below John S Vandervolgan
    was born in 1812 and based on the date above must have died either in Feb. or
    March of 1854 since both months had the sixth falling on a Monday.

    BIOGRAPHY: Angelica Schermerhorn VanDerVolgan notation to above: The above
    notice was my father, should have been John S. VanderVolgan. His mother, my
    grandmother was Angelica Schermerhorn, who I was named after. Angelica
    Schermerhorn VanDerVolgan, Mrs. Royal Howse Tobey. My mother name was Leymna
    Ann Weed.

    BIOGRAPHY: Will: In the name of God amen I John S. Vandervolgan of the city
    and county of Albany in the state of New York of the age forty one years and
    being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this my last will
    and testament in ?? following, that is to say-  First- I give and bequeath to
    my son John P, Harris R, and Angelica S, my daughter my house and lot situated
    on second street Arbor-Hill in the city and county of Albany no.110 formerly no.
    76 to be divided equal share and share a like.
    Second-I give and bequeath to my wife Lymna Anna the use of said house and lot
    above mentioned and my said wife Lymna Anna is to maintenance and support the
    said John P, Harris R and Angelica S until the said John P shall be come
    twenty one years of age and to pay the interest on all the debts that said
    testor may owe at the time of his death.  Third-I give and bequeath to my wife
    Lymna Ann all my household furniture Fourth- I hereby appoint Peter
    VanderVolgen Executor and my wife Lymna Ann executrix of this my last will and
    testament hereby revoking all former wills made by me. In witness whereof I
    have hereto set my hand and seal this eighth day of September in the year of
    our Lord 1853. The will was then proved the 26 Oct. 1854.

    BIOGRAPHY: The Peter VanderVolgan is thought to be his brother. Peter and
    Cornelius (also thought to be his brother) were then signers when the will was
Leymna Ann WEED
16 Jan 1816
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
13 Dec 1893
Rochester, Monroe, New York
3 Apr 1894
Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, Albany, New York
                   RESEARCH NOTES:
    The parents of William G. Weed, born in Swenton Falls, Franklin County, Vermont have not been identified, however, a Lyman and Lymna Weed resided there in the early 1800s.
12 Oct 1850
Albany, Albany, New York
12 Aug 1927
Rochester, Monroe, New York
2 Apr 1868
Albany, Albany, New York 
    Death Certificate

    Death Certificate

    Death Certificate
    BIOGRAPHY: Letter 16 Dec 1914 
    Royal and I went to Pittsford to sister Mary Burlingame. Stayed over night
    Thursday Dec 17 1914 Brother Charles Estate was settled in full, about 5 pm
    Merritt and Ellen, Julia went home. Royal and I stayed over night, about 6 pm
    Royal was taken with a hard chill, at first we thought it was a nervous chill
    not so, he was sick all night coughed and some fever was better in the
    morning, we started home after breakfast- on the 11 am trolley got at charles ?
    at noon in time for lunch, then Royal went to bed I laid down with him until
    he got to sleep then called Dr. Butten and went down town on business, Dr. came
    about 5 pm he told me then he was afraid it was the beginning of the end, left
    me medicine and said let him know how he was in the AM. He seemed a little
    better but Sunday Dec 20th we saw a change, called the Dr, he came, came again
    Dec 21, Dec 22, Dec 23, Dec 24, Dec 25, Dec 26, Dec 27, Dec 28. Dec 21 we
    called Miss Massin trained nurse, Dec 26 called Dr. Jewett in consultation, Dec
    28 about 3 pm Royal passed away, Julia Merritt and Ellen, Mary Burlingame,
    Charles and Mary and myself were him, was unconscious most of the time through
    his sickness. Dr. WR Taylor called Dec 22 made a prayer and Royal talked with
    him, Dr. Holleck called Dec 29 to see us. Funeral was held Thursday 31 Dec 1914
    at 2:30 pm. Dec 21st Walter came down to see father, that Monday night stayed
    all night, returned home Tuesday am was taken very sick the next Sunday, was
    not able to attend the funeral. Annie VanDervoort, ? Winfild came, Dr. Bert
    Putnam, May Whitney cousin's from Mayville, NY. I leave this for the children
    and grandchildren, I want you all to know that your father and grandfather was
    a good man and always good and kind to me thought there was no one equal to
    his "Angie", Mother

    BIOGRAPHY: Letter 1918: I have nothing much to leave to my children or
    I have given my Topaz and diamond ring to Margaret L. Tobey, and my plain
    gold ring (my engagement ring that Royal gave me Oct. 1867)- I give to my
    grandson Royal George Tobey, and my solitaire diamond to Mary G. Tobey my
    daughter in law, as she had the trouble of Royals sickness and death and will
    probably have me on her hands to take care of, my watch to be given to Helen F.
    Tobey, any other jewelry I have to be divided among the children and
    grandchildren as best they can, if there is any money left to be divided
    between the two boys Walter and Charles my sons, my insurance will or must pay
    for my funeral expenses, I hope everything will be done at the last pleasantly
    and with kind feelings toward me, and between the children. Sorry I haven't
    more to leave you all, but we have always tried to do what we thought was for
    the best and what we could for you all as we went along. I hope I will not out
    live my usefulness, and be a burden on any one very long. my prayer is that
    you may Boys, may live to see your children happily settled in life, before
    you are called, as we did. good-bye from your devoted mother, who hath done
    what she could.
FamilyCentral Network
John Schermerhorn Vander Volgen - Leymna Ann Weed

John Schermerhorn Vander Volgen was born at Schenectady, Schenectady, New York 14 Jul 1810. His parents were Lourens Van der Volgen and Angelica Schermerhorn.

He married Leymna Ann Weed 14 Feb 1850 at Albany, Albany, New York . Leymna Ann Weed was born at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts 16 Jan 1816 daughter of Grant Weed and Mary Sumrix .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Angelica Schermerhorn Vander Volgen born 12 Oct 1850.

John Schermerhorn Vander Volgen died 6 Feb 1853 at New York .

Leymna Ann Weed died 13 Dec 1893 at Rochester, Monroe, New York .