SOURCES: 1. Ancestral File 2. 1994 IGI
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: John /ATWOOD/ (AFN:FQ42-XG) and Sarah /MASTERSON/ (AFN:FQ42-ZM) This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: John /ATWOOD/ (AFN:FQ42-XG) and Sarah /MASTERSON/ (AFN:FQ42-ZM)
He married Mary Atwood Abt 1678 at Duxbury, Marshfield, Massachusetts . Mary Atwood was born at Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts Jan 1655 daughter of John Atwood and Sarah Masterson .
They were the parents of 4
Isreal Bradford
born Abt 1677.
Hezekiah Bradford
born Abt 1682.
Ephraim Bradford
born 13 Feb 1690.
David Bradford
born 1690.
William Bradford died 20 Feb 1703 at Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts .
Mary Atwood died 6 Jan 1714 at Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts .