Alberic de VERE
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Alberic De /VERE/ (AFN:924V-P2) and B /GAND OR GHENT/ (AFN:8XJW-6L)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Alberic /DE VERE/ (AFN:8XJS-WS) and Adeliza /CLARE/ (AFN:91SN-49)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Alberic /DE VERE/ (AFN:8XJS-WS) and Adeliza /CLARE/ (AFN:91SN-49)
He married Adeliza or Alice de Clare at England . Adeliza or Alice de Clare was born at of Essex, England Abt 1075 daughter of Gilbert de Clare and Adeliza de Clermont .
They were the parents of 4
Adeliza de Vere
born Abt 1093.
Rohese de Vere
born Abt 1094.
Julianna de Vere
born Abt 1116.
Aubrey de Vere
born Abt 1120.
Alberic de Vere died 15 May 1141 at London, London, England .
Adeliza or Alice de Clare died Abt 1163 at England .