Gilbert de CLARE
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Hugh De /CLERMONT/ (AFN:8WKM-H3) and Unknown
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Gilbert /TONGEBRUGE/ (AFN:91SN-2X) and Adeliza De /CLERMONT/ (AFN:91SN-34)
He married Adeliza de Clermont at England . Adeliza de Clermont was born at of Northhampton, England Abt 1055 daughter of Hugh de Clermont and Margaret de Roucy .
They were the parents of 6
Richard de Clare
born 1084/90.
Gilbert de Clare
born Abt 1086.
Walter de Clare
born Abt 1086.
Baldwin Fitz Gilbert
born Abt 1088/92.
Rohesia de Clare
born Abt 1090.
Adeliza or Alice de Clare
born Abt 1075.
Gilbert de Clare died Abt 1114 at England .
Adeliza de Clermont died at England .