Abt 1068
Selby, Yorkshire, England
1 Dec 1135
Angers, Seine St Denis, France
4 Jan 1136
Reading Abbey, Berkshire, England
                        Henry I had the following Concubines: (1)---(2) Mrs. Anskil: (3) ---,
(4) ---, (5) Nesta verch Rhees ; (6) Edith (7) ---, (8)---, (9) Sybilla Corbet:
(1) ---, (11) ---, (12) ---, (3)---.
Henry I (1068-1135), King of England, youngest son of William the Conqueror,
was born at Selby, Yorkshire. His education was considered so excellent that
he was nicknamed Beauclerc.  He received L, 5,000 at his father's death, but
no lands, and was kept in a position of inferiority by his elder brothers,
Robert of Normandy & Wm. Rufus of England. On the latter's death, in 1100,
Robert being absent, Henry seized the Royal treasury, and the nobles chose him
as King.  He at once issued a charter of liberties of great improtantce,
conciliating his English subjects in order to gain thier support in his
struggles with Norman nobles, whose powere he steadily opposed. This charter
served as basis for Manga Carta.  In 1106 he defeated Robert in France,
captured and imprisioned and took possession of Normandy. Robert reained in
prizon until he died in 1134. In England, Henry ruled well, though sternly;
it was characteristic of his love of money that the Royal Eschequer was organ-
ized.  In 1100 he married the Anglo Scottish Princess Edith, renamed Matilda,
but he had many mistresses & illegitimate children. Matilda died in 1118, &
3 yrs. later he married Adelaide. He died near Gisor, France, Dec. 1, 1135.
Abt 1040
of Caen, Calvedos, France
Abt 1060
of Caen, Calvados, France
31 Oct 1147
Bristol, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
                   Robert, Earl of Gloucester , illegitimate son of Henry I, King of England,
was born probably in LCaen, Normandy, before his father's accession to the
throne. His marriage to Matilda, or Mabel, the daughter of Robert Fitz
Hamon, brought him large estates in Normandy, Wales, & England: between 1121
and 1123 he was created an earl.   At the death of Henry in 1135 the succession
came into dispute, but Robert submitted to the King's nephew, Stephen, on
condition that he be left in possession of all his honors and dignities.
In 1137 Robert crossed over to England with his helf-sister, the Empress
Matilda, Henry's only surviving lawful child and heiress to England & Normandy,
and for 8 years fought against Sephen's claim to the royal title.  Robertdefeated Stephen at Lincoln Castle in 1141 and took him prisoner, thus winning
the kingdom for Matilda, but later in the year Robert was himself taken
prisoner at Stockbridge, after the wiege of Winchester, and was exchanged for
Stephen.  The following year he joined Geoffrey of Anjou in the campaign in
Normandy, after which he hurried back to England & defeated Stephen at Wilton.
He was unable, however, to press his victory. The Angevin party in England
gradually disintegrated and Robert died at Bristol on Oct 31, 1147.  A
warrior, statesman, scholar, and patron of letters.  Robert was highly
praised by the Historian William of Malmesbury.
FamilyCentral Network
Henry I King England, Beauclere - Miss France, Concubine One

Henry I King England, Beauclere was born at Selby, Yorkshire, England Abt 1068. His parents were William I "the Conquerer" King of England, Duke of Normandy the Great and Matilda Countess of Flanders, Queen of England.

He married Miss France, Concubine One . Miss France, Concubine One was born at of Caen, Calvedos, France Abt 1040 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Robert Earl of Gloucester, de Caen born Abt 1060.

Henry I King England, Beauclere died 1 Dec 1135 at Angers, Seine St Denis, France .