Harlevin de CONTEVILLE
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Fulbert Or /FALAISE/ (AFN:8XQ2-KN) and Doda // (AFN:8XQ2-LT) Fulbert Or /FALAISE/ (AFN:8XQ2-KN) and Unknown Fulbert Or /FALAISE/ (AFN:8XQ2-KN) and Unknown
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Unknown and Harlette De /FALAISE/ (AFN:8XJ0-T5)
He married Arletta or Harletta de Falaise Abt 1022 at France . Arletta or Harletta de Falaise was born at of Calvadas, Normandy, France Abt 1004 daughter of Fulbert de the Tanner Falaise and Doda .
They were the parents of 5
Robert de Mortaigne
born 1031.
Odo de Conteville
born Abt 1036.
Mathilde de Conteville
born Abt 1039.
Muriel Conteville
born Abt 1041.
Emma de Conteville
born Abt 1043.