Nickname "Jingo"?
could have been born in Lee County, Va ...could be spelled Sadler with one :d"
Line 11322 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME ELIZABETH /MARCUM/ GIVN ELIZABETH Line 11323 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME ELIZABETH /MARCUM/ SURN MARCUM also did endowment 21 april 1982 jriver temle also done 6 april 1982 jordon river temple
also baptized 24 Nov 2000 Dallas TExas
He married Rhoda Saddler 20 Feb 1817 at Sadsbury, Chester or Lancaster Co., Penn . Rhoda Saddler was born at Lee, Goochland, va 18 Jul 1787 daughter of Mr. Saddler and Elizabeth Kerr .
They were the parents of 6
Stephen M. Marcum
born 1818.
Rebecca Marcum
born 2 Apr 1821.
Jacob M. (Reverend) Jr. Marcum
born 9 Mar 1824.
Elizabeth Marcum
born 1831.
Moses Marcum
born Abt 1833.
Nancy Marcum or Markham
born Abt 1836.
Jacob M. Marcum or Markham died 29 Jan 1872 at Cove Creek, Wayne, W.Va .
Rhoda Saddler died Abt 1890 at Wayne, West Virginia .