John [Deacon] DOANE

Utkinton, Cheshire, England
21 Feb 1685
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Abt 1623
                       1590 BIRTH: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1623 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: On IGI five times.

    1630 IMMIGRANT: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal,
    NY, Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 2; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: And wife to Plymouth Colony.

    1633 DEACON: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 7; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8.

    1678 WILL: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 16; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Written 18 May 1678 (see
    year correction on p. ii), inventory 21 Feb 1687. "I give my soul to god that
    gave it and my body to a decent burial in the earth from whence it was taken."

    1685 DEATH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 15; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Age 95.

    1685 DEATH: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1660-1886; Eastham Historical Society; p 6; FHL book 974.4 A1 no 101; NOTE:
    Cove Burying Ground, Eastham. In memory of John Doane, founder of the Doane
    famiy in America, born about 1590.  Came to Plymouth about 1630 where he was
    deacon of the church, deputy to the general court one of the assistants to the
    governor, member of the committee to revise the laws in 1636, one of the
    founders of Eastham in 1644.

    1. Family Records
    2. 1994 IGI
    3. Ancestral File
Abt 1595
Aft 29 May 1686
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
                       1594 BIRTH: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Abt date, Mrs. Abigail Doane.
Abt 1630
11 Sep 1645
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachuse 
                       1645 MARRIAGE: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 19; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Had at least 7 children.

    1645 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT.
13 Jan 1632
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
23 Jan 1735
Norwich, New London, Connecticut
Mar 1690
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachus 
                       1632 BIRTH: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1632 BIRTH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal,
    NY, Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 18, 20;
    FHL book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: 1631-2.

    1690 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1690 MARRIAGE: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal,
    NY, Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 20;
    FHL book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: She lived single till
    she was sixty years old.

    1735 DEATH: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1735 DEATH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal,
    NY, Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 20;
    FHL book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: 1734-5, age 104.
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
15 Mar 1708
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
14 Jan 1694
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachus 
                       1635 BIRTH: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1635 BIRTH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 18, 21; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8.

    1662 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Hannah Bangs.

    1662 MARRIAGE: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 21; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Hannah Bangs.

    CIVIL OF EASTHAM; 1644-1844; W. S. Fisher and Co, Yarmouth, 1844; p 17; FHL
    book 974.492 H2p; NOTE: Hannah Bangs daug of Edward Bangs.

    1694 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Rebecca Pettee.

    1694 MARRIAGE: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 21; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Rebecca Pettee.

    1706 WILL: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 22; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Written 4 Jun 1706, proved
    8 Apr 1708. "First I give my sole to God that Gave it mee and my body to a
    Decent buryal in the Earth from whence it was Taken...And for my outward
    Estate I Do Dispose of it to those that God hath Given me in the bonds of
    nature. And it being of Little value in your Journey Heavenward I Do in fear of
    God Exhort you all to Labouer after and Indeavor to Gett an Interest in our Lord
    & Saviour Jesus Christ without which you will be of all creatures most
    miserable therefore it is my hearts Desire and prayer for every one of you
    that you may be earnest Implorers att the throne of God's Grace that the God
    of all Grace may Season every one of your hearts with all the Grace of his
    holy Spirit that accompany Salvation, that so you may Every sole of you and
    all yours may have an Interest in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the
    mediator of the new Covenant and be Clothed with his white Robe of
    Righteiousness, that so you may be sure of an Interest amongst the Saints in
    Light which will be a full Suply to all your wants...And so I Leave you all
    to the Lord in whose hand I Desire you may be all kept by his almighty power
    through faith unto Salvation, the which is my Great and Earnest Desire for all
    you and yours.  And Rest Hoping that you all will Live In love and peace
    walking in Love one with another, and the God of Love and peace be with you and
    bring you into the Everlasting Kingdom of Peace." Mentioned sons John, David,
    Samuel, Isaac, daughters Ann Young, Rebecckah Paine, Hannah Collins.

    1708 DEATH: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Old Town Burial Ground.

    1708 DEATH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 21; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8.

    1. Ancestral File
    2. Family Records
    3. 1994 IGI
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
20 Dec 1712
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
28 Jul 1682
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachus 
                       1636 BIRTH: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1636 BIRTH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 18, 26; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8.

    1666 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Constance Snow.

    1682 MARRIAGE: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1682 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Hepzibah Cole, on IGI several
    times with several marriage years.

    1712 WILL: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 27; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Written 18 Sep 1712, proved
    9 Oct 1712. "First and principally I Commend my soul into ye Hands of Almighty
    God Hoping through the merits and pasion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have
    full and free pardon for all my sins and to Inherit everlasting Life."

    1712 DEATH: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Old Town Burial Ground.

    1712 DEATH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 26; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8.

    1660-1886; Eastham Historical Society; p 3; FHL book 974.4 A1 no 101; NOTE:
    Cove Burying Ground, Eastham. Died in his 76th year.
Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
15 Feb 1667
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachus 
                       1637 BIRTH: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT.

    1667 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Mercy Knowles.

    1667 MARRIAGE: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 30; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Mercy Knowles.

    1692 MARRIAGE: International Genealogical Index; FamilySearch 1994 Edition;
    Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT; NOTE: Mary Snow.

    1692 MARRIAGE: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 30; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Mary Snow, widow.

    1699 WILL: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 31; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8; NOTE: Written 17 Dec 1699, proved
    19 Apr 1700.

    1700 DEATH: Alfred Alder Doane, THE DOANE FAMILY; 1199-1902; Vestal, NY,
    Doane Family Association of America, Third Edition (Vol 1), 1976; p 30; FHL
    book 929.273 D65d, FHL film 1421718 item 8.

    1700 DEATH: Ancestral File; FamilySearch, Aug 1993 Edition; Family History
    Library, Salt Lake City UT.
FamilyCentral Network
John [Deacon] Doane - Abigail

John [Deacon] Doane was born at Utkinton, Cheshire, England 1590.

He married Abigail Abt 1623 at England . Abigail was born at England Abt 1595 .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Lydia Doane born Abt 1630.
Abigail Doane born 13 Jan 1632.
John Doane born 1635.
Daniel [Deacon] Doane born 1635.
Ephriam Doane born 1637.

John [Deacon] Doane died 21 Feb 1685 at Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts .

Abigail died Aft 29 May 1686 at Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts .