of Oxwich Castle, Glamorgan, Wales
                   JOHN MAUNSELL, of Oxwich Castle, Glam, m Cecily, dau and heiress of Sir William Cantelupe, of Cantelupestown (Cantleston) Castle, Gower, Glam, and dvp, leaving issue,Phillip
Cantelupestown Castle, Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales
of Oxwich, Glamorgan, Wales
4 May 1471
Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales
                   Historical information included in notes:

Information gained from Ancestry World Tree.  Unverified validity.
Philip Mansellwho, in 1435, being 15 years of age, succeeded to his father's and grandfather's estates, as per inquisition held at Swansea that year by Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester [son ofHenry IV], 13 th Henry VI. Philip is mentioned here as as the son of John and grandson of Richard Maunsell.About 1444 he married first Mabel Nicolas, daughter of Griffiths Nicolas, of Newton, Co. Caermarthen, heiress of her mother, Jane, heiress of Jenkin ap Rees ap David, decended from Cadifor ap Dinawall. Amongst the manuscripts at Britton Ferry, copied by Revd. J. M. Traherne,appears the following: "Ego Phillipus et haeres nuper Johis Maunsell de Oxenwych, 10 die mens Maie, 1444." [I, Philip and recent heir of John Maunsell of Oxwich, on the tenth day of March, 1444].By a deed dated 1459-60 to which Sir William Berkeley, Knight, then Seneschal of Gower, and others are witnesses, he entailed his Gower estates on his sons John, Leonard and Jenkyn.He married, secondly, about this latter date, Elizabeth Long, daughter and heiress of Sir Philip Long, Knight, and had further issue.He fought at Mortimer's Cross against Edward [Mortimer, 3rd], Earl of March (afterwards King Edward IV). On the same side were Jasper, Earl of Pembroke, James, Earl of Ormond, and Owen Tudor [who had married Queen Catherine, mother of Henry VI]. For this he was attainted in Parliament in 1464, and two years later his Gower estates were bestowed upon Sir Roger Vaughan, Knight, as per Patent Roll, 5 th Edward IV [1466].Philip and his sons, under leadership of their relative, [Richard Neville] the Earl of Warwick, fought throughout for the Red Rose. Two of his sons were slain; and at the battle of Tewkesbury[May 4 th 1471] he was taken prisoner by Sir John Conyers [Steward of the Lordship of Middleham, one of the chief retainers of Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury] and soon afterwards beheaded.Philip appears to have been the first to omit the u in spelling the name.The fourth son by his first wife [Mabel Nicolas],Richard Maunsell######SIR PHILIP MAUNSELL,s to his grandfathers estates 1435, fought at Mortimers Cross in 1461 against Edward, Earl of March (later Edward IV), and was attainted by Parliament for this in 1464, taken prisoner at Battle of Tewkesbury by Sir John Conyers and beheaded soon afterwards, b 1420, m 1st, ca 1444, Mabilia (Mabella), dau of Sir Griffith Nicholas, of Newton, Carmarthenshire, and co heiress of her mother Jane, dau and co heiress of Jenkyn ap Rees ap David, of Gilfachwen, Cardiganshire, and had issue,1 John, k in battle during the Wars of the Roses.2 Leonard, k in battle during the Wars of the Roses.3 Jenkyn (Jenkin), who, on the accession of Henry VII in 1485, obtained a repeal of the attainder against his father and a restoration in blood and estates, m 1486, Edith, dau and heiress of Sir George Kene, of Eastborne, and Well Hall, Eltham, Kent, by his wife Agnes, widow of John Tattershall, dau of John Chichele, Chamberlain of London, and grand niece of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury (who founded All Souls Coll Oxford), and had issue, 1 Rhys (Rice) (Sir), Kt, of Oxwich Castle, and Beaupre, Glam, and later of Margam Abbey, Glam, in 27 Henry VIII (1535/36), was sent to Ireland at the head of a body of troops, to assist the Lord Deputy in suppressing a rebellion of the Earl of Kildare, in 28 Henry VII (1536/37) had a grant for life of the site of the Abbey of Margam, the Office of Chamberlain of the County Palatine of Chester, and the royalty of Avon Waters to him and his heirs, after Dissolution of the Monasteries he got a lease of Margam and in 1540 purchased the entire Margam property where he built a Mansion House partly on the site of the Abbey, concerned in an expdn against Scotland when the Isles of Arran and Bute and the Castle of Rothesay were delivered to him and formally received in the name of the King 1544, b 25 Jan 1487, m 1st 17 May 1511, Eleanor (Elinor), dau and sole heiress of James Bassett, of Beaupre Glam, by his wife Katherine, dau of Simon Mathew, of Llandaff, Glam, and had issue (all of whom 
d young). He m 2ndly 1520 Anne, yst dau of Sir Giles Bruges (Bridges), Kt, of Coberly, Glos and sister of Sir John Bridges, Kt, cr Baron Chandos 1554 (see BURKES Dormant and Extinct Peerages), and by her had issue (with two other sons who d young),(1) Philip, liv 1536, m Dame Mary (who m 3rdly, Henry Foskew, of Falkbourne, Essex, and d 7 Oct 1599), widow of Sir Edward Darell, and dvp ante 1553, leaving issue,1a Rhys (Rice), liv 1553, dsp ante 1559.(1) Catherine, m William Bassett, of Beaupré, Glam, and d 10 March 1593. He d 1586. By this marriage the Bassett Estates reverted to that family.(2) Elizabeth, m 1549, William Morgan, of Caerleon Mon. Sir Rhys Maunsell m 3rdly (sett dated 19 June 1527), Cecilia (Cecily), Lady-in-waiting to the Lady Mary (afterwards Queen Mary I) (d 20 Sept 1558), dau of John Dabridgecourt (dAubridgecourt) of Walston nr Solihull, Warwicks, by his wife Maria, dau of Richard Mynors (Minors) of Trefjage, Herefordshire, and of Wyndleshill, Derbys, and d 10 April 1559 (bur in the Church of Little Bartholomew, nr Smithfield, London), having by her had issue, (2) Edward (Sir), Kt (1572), of Margam Abbey and Penrice Castle; Chamberlain of Chester, b 1531, m Lady Jane Somerset (b ca 1540; d 16 Oct 1597), 4th and yst dau of 2nd Earl of Worcester (see BURKES Peerage; BEAUFORT, D), and d 5 Aug 1595 (bur in Margam Church), having had issue (with three other sons who d young),1a THOMAS (Sir), Kt (1591), 1st Bt, of Margam Abbey, cr a Baronet 22 May 1611, on the institution of the Order, being 3rd in order of precedency. The 4th Bt was cr Baron Mansel of Margam 31 Dec 1711. Both titles became extinct 29 Nov 1750 (see BURKES Dormant and Extinct Peerages).2a Rees (Rhys), Capt of a Troop in Ireland during the Rebellion of Tyrone, was beheaded with Sir John Chichester after the Battle of Carrickfergus 1596, their heads being sent to Tyrone and their bodies being bur in Carrickfergus.3a Anthony, m Mary, dau and co heiress of Henry Morgan of Muddlescombe, Carmarthenhire and dsp.4a FRANCIS (Sir), 1st Bt, of Muddlescombe, Carmarthenshire, cr a Bt 14 Jan 1621 (see BURKES Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies).5a Charles, cmdd a Troop in Ireland, during the Rebellion of Tyrone, escaped after the Battle of Carrickfergus 1596, present at the Battle of Yellow Ford 1598, soon after this changed his name to MANSFIELD and settled nr Lifford, co Donegal.6a Philip, of Swansea, Glam, m 1st 1585, Catherine. widow of Rowland Lewis, of Rhiperra, dau and heiress of William Mathew, of Radyr, and had issue,1b Thomas, of Swansea, liv 1632, m Jane, dau of David Gwyn, of Llanbran (Glanbrane), and had issue,1c Edward, of Henllys, Cardiganshire, and Swansea, Glam, liv 1658 and 1685, m Anne, 2nd dau of Sir Theobald Gorges, MP for Cirencester (see that family, BURKES LG i), and had issue.2c Philip.3c Roderic.4c Thomas, of Penrice Castle, m a dau of Ray Tenby, and d (will pr 1704), leaving issue.1b Dorothy, m David Vaughan, son of Thomas Vaughan, of Trimsaran, Carmarthenshire, he d 1673.Philip Maunsell m 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau of Henry Mansel of Llandewie, and by her had issue,2b Thomas, of Swansea, m and had issue.2b Mary.7a Robert (Sir), Kt (1596), of Norfolk (in his early life, spelt his name MANSFEELD, entered the Navy, under the immediate patronage of his relation, the Lord High Adm, Lord Howard of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, distinguished himself at the capture of Calais 1596, Capt of the Mer Honour 1604, apptd Treasurer of the Navy for life by James I 1618, Vice-Adm of England, fought a duel with Sir John Hayden Nov 1599, both being described as Knights of Norfolk, established a glass works in Broad Street, London 1616, was one of Directors of The Company of the Merchant Discoverers of The North West Passage 1612, having previously been associated with The Muscovy Co and The East Indian Co, MP for Kings Lynn 1601, for Carmarthen 1603, for Carmarthenshire 1614, for Sham 1623 and 1625 for Lostwithiel 1626, and for Sham 1627-28,b 1573, m 1st ante 1600, Elizabeth (dsp), dau of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Kt, Lord Keeper, by his 1st wife Jane, dau of W
illiam Ferley, of West Creying, Suffolk. He m 2ndly 1617, Anne, Maid of Honour to Queen Elizabeth I, dau of Sir John Roger, and dsp 1656.8a Christopher, of Percywood, Gower, Glam, m Anne dau of Sir Robert Worsley, of Bonch, Lanes, and had issue,1b Jane.2b Hope.3b Dorothy.4b Catherine, m Rev Marmaduke Mathew, of Swansea.5b Elizabeth.9a Edward.10a Henry, liv 1585.11a William, dsp.1a Elizabeth, m her cousin, Sir Walter Rice, of Newton, Carmarthenshire, and had issue (see BURKES Peerage, DYNEVOR, B).2a Cecil (Cecily), m Sir Rowland Williams, of Llangibby Castle, Mon, High Sheriff of Mon, and had issue (see BURKES Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies).3a Mary, m Christopher Turberville, of Penline (Pennlyne) Castle, Glam.4a Anne, m Edward Carne, of Little Nash, Glam.(3) Anthony, of Llantrithyd, Glam, inherited Falway and other lands in Glam from his father, MP for Glam 1553, b 1533, m Elizabeth, dau and heiress of John Bassett, of Llantrithyd, Glam, by his wife Elizabeth, dau of Andrew Norton, of Bristol, and had issue,1a Edward, dsp 1573.2a Rhys, dsp 1583.3a William, dsp 1573.1a Elizabeth, dsp 1567.2a Anne, dsp 1570.3a Mary, m 12 Feb 1584, Sir Thomas Aubrey, of Llantrithyd, Glam, 2nd son of William Aubrey, LLD, and d 1615, leaving issue.4a Cecilia (Cecil), m 16 April 1607, Sir Rawley (Rawleigh) Bussie (Bussy).(1) Mary, m post 1558, Sir Thomas Southwell, of Woodrising, Norfolk, and had issue.2 Hugh, m Jane, dau and co-heiress of Richard Wogan, of Kent, and had issue, Robert, Groom of the Bedchamber to Henry VIII and Marshal of the Hall to Queen Elizabeth I, m Alice, dau of Philip Long, of Dorset, and had issue,John, m Edith Breche, of Newbury, Berks, and had issue, 1b Richard, of Keynsham, Somerset, one of the Yeomen of the Guard to Queen Elizabeth I.2b William.3b Foulk.3 Philip, of Llandewy, m Anne, dau of William Daubridgecourt (DAubridgecourt), of Strathfieldsaye, Hants (aunt of Cecily, who m as his 3rd wife, Sir Rhys Maunsell) (see above), and had issue,(1) Henry, liv 1558, m Dorothy, dau and heiress of Jeffery Newton, by his wife Grace, dau of Nicholas Bringer, and had issue, 1a Rees, m, and had with other issue,Dorothy, m Thomas Franklen, of Nicolaston (Nicholeston) Hall liv 1632.2a Henry, m Jane, dau of John Hodges, of Lofton, Somerset1a Elizabeth.2a Grace.(2) William, dsp.(3) George, liv 1558, m Matilda, dau of William Probert, and dsp.(1) Elizabeth, m ante 1558, David Hopkins (Thomas), of Gower, Glam.(2) Grace.(3) Mary, liv 1558.1 Alice, m John Grew, of Bristol.2 Anne, m David (ap Rees) Wynne, of St Gothens, Llancayach.3 Jane, m John Wynne (ap Jenkyn ap Richard), of Llansanwar.4 Elizabeth, m Christopher Fleming, and had issue.4 RICHARD, of whom presently,5 Philip1 Alice; m ca 1489, as his 1st wife, Sir Mathew Cradock, of Swansea, Seneschal of Gower, and had issue, one dau (Margaret, who m 1st, Sir John Malifant, of St Georges Castle; 2ndly, Sir Richard Herbert, of Ewias, Mon, whose son, Sir William Herbert was cr Earl of Pembroke 1551 (see BURKES Peerage); and 3rdly, Sir William Bawdrip). He d 1531.###
FamilyCentral Network
John Maunsell - Cecily de Cantelupe

John Maunsell was born at of Oxwich Castle, Glamorgan, Wales 1399. His parents were Richard Maunsell and Elizabeth Tuberville.

He married Cecily de Cantelupe . Cecily de Cantelupe was born at Cantelupestown Castle, Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales 1400 daughter of William de Cantelupe, Sir and .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Philip Maunsell, Sir

John Maunsell died 1451 .