Cornelius W. INGLEHART, HON.

11 May 1811
Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence, New York
6 Jul 1882
                   SOURCES:  1. This family group sheet compiled by Marion Grace Jewell Nicholls,
               of Gilbert, AZ.
            2. DAR Records- LDS Film #858785 Item 4 Foote Genealogy pg. 7.

NOTES:  1. Cornelius W. Inglehart was classed as a radical in Temperance,
             religion and politics. He never drank a drop of liquor and never
             used tobacco in any form. He was known for honesty, punctuality &
             promptness. An example of a life well spent.
          2. He was born in Oswegatchie, ST. Lawrence Co, NY. 11 May 1811. In
            the fall of 1812 his parents moved to the town of Philadelphia, NY.
            then called "Quaker Settlement". In 1814 his parents moved to
            Watertown. In the following fall or winter his parents moved to
            Hounsfield. He continued to live in this town. In later years he was
            involved in town affairs. He held several town offices. Also involved
            with railroad and a director of an insurance company.
         3. He was known as "A Radical in Temperance, Religion and Politics.
           For Honesty, Punctuality and Promptness- they were first lessons of
           his life.
         4. He married 4 times and had 8 children.
           1st wife- Nancy Phelps.
           2nd wife- Mary Spicer.
           3rd wife- Emmeline Foote (widow of Hiram Hall) she had 1 child by
           each husband.
           4th wife- Emmeline Little- a grandmother described as "None in the
           World Sweeter".
        5. Emmeline Foote's parents were burried in Churchyard- Bridgewater,
          Oneida, NY. (with many Foote names).
        6. Emmeline Foote, 3rd wife of Cornelius W. Inglehart & widow of Hiram
          Hall. Her parents were not settlers of Jefferson County, but of
          Bridgewater, NY. a town about 16 miles south of Utica. They are buried
          in a churchyard in Bridgewater, a small cemetery that seems full of
          Footes. No one knew how she met Cornelius W. Inglehart.
        7. This DAR Record was written by one of the children of Hiram Foote
          Inglehart, "She never knew her grandmother, but I am named for her".
          "The Footes have a coat of arms. In the war between England and Scotch,
          King James was pursued by the Scotch. A trusty officer, James Foote,
          gave him shelter in a hollow tree of oak.  For this he was granted a
          Coat of Arms. This occurred at a place called BOSCOBEL at the Battle
          of Worcester- 3 Sep. 1551 Henry Ward Beecher, whose mother was Roxanne
          Foote, used the Coat of Arms"
       8. Line of Descent- for Emmeline Foote:
         Nathaniel (1) first in America md. Elizabeth Deming.
         Nathaniel (2) md. Elizabeth Smith.
         Nathaniel (3) md. Margaret Bliss.
         Ephraim (4) md. Sarah Chamberlain.
         Adonijah (5) md. Grace Day.
         Epaphroditus (6) md. Ann Goodwin.
         Emmeline (7) md. Hon. Cornelius W. Inglehart.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Cornelius W. Inglehart, Hon. - Blocked

Cornelius W. Inglehart, Hon. was born at Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence, New York 11 May 1811.

He married Blocked .

Cornelius W. Inglehart, Hon. died 6 Jul 1882 .