Samuel Henry DUFF

Abt 1700
At Sea
Ancestral File, Version 4.19
Internet IGI, Feb 2009
Pedigree Resource File
Ancestry World Tree
                      Samuel Henry died on passage to America.
                      Elizabeth, according to tradition, is buried at the old Duff Cemetery at Stickleyville, VA.
Abt 1720
17 May 1796
Washington, Virginia
Abt 1742
of Ireland 
                   Historical Data in Notes

   Samuel fled Scotland during the Rebellion (1740-45) with his parents, Samuel Henry and Elizabeth.  They arrived in Tyrone County, Northern Ireland and stayed just a short time; just long enough to take passage to the New World. The family settled in Washington Co. VA.--There is no record that could be found of Samuel Duff receiving a grant of land in Washington Co., however, James and William, his sons, acquired land by a patent dated 20 June 1785.  Samuel did however buy from Adam Kerr for 18 English pounds, 59 acres on the north side of the Holston River that bordered land of John Duff and Samuel Duff as late as 16 Aug 1791. (Vol 1-2, page 86, Registry of Deeds, Washington Co., VA.) On this same day William Duff wold 159 acres on the north side of Holston river to William Alexander which was land that he had acquired by patent dated 20 Kime 1785; and James sold to David Lowery 235 acres that he had acquired by patent same date.(Page 48, Vol. 1, Washington Co., VA) Samuel served in the War of the Revolution at the Battle of Kings Mountain in western South Carolina.  Served under Capt David Beatie.

Samuel H. Duff WILL    
Book 2, Page 76 Washington County, Virginia. Executed May 17, 1796.In the name of God Amen, I, Samuel Duff of Washington County, Virginia, weak in body but of perfect sound mind and memory, thans to God of all His mercies and lling to mind the morality of man that it is apppointed for all men once to die and after death to come to judgement. I commit my soul to God who gave it to me and my body to Earth to be buried in a Christian way and manner at the direction of my executors, nothing doubting but at the Resurrection of the dead I shall recieve the same again, and as touching what worldly things in hath pleased to God to help me with I leave and bequeath in the following way and Manner, viz: I leave to my well beloved wife, Margaret, all her body cloths bed and bed cloths, wheels and reels to be disposed of at her death and at her pleasure likewise I leave her a sufficient maintenance of meat drink washing and lodging of place during her natural life, likewise I give to my son James five punds in trade, I give and bequeath to my son William, five pounds in trade, likewise I give to my son Samuel five pounds in trade, and to my son Jon I leave five pounds in trade and all the rest of my Estate real and personal I give and bequeath to my son Robert, and I appoint my son William and my son John DLuff to be my Executors and I do acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament revoking all former wills that have been make by me.In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this ninth day of December 1790.Signed, lealed and pronounced in the presence of us.Samuel Duff L. S.Alexander DoranJames LoweryAdam Hope
FamilyCentral Network
Samuel Henry Duff - Blocked

Samuel Henry Duff was born at Scotland Abt 1700.

He married Blocked .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Samuel Henry Duff born Abt 1720.

Samuel Henry Duff died 1780 at At Sea .