17 Jul 1737
Lindby, Svenstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
17 Jul 1737
Svenstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
15 Dec 1808
Lindby, Svenstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
21 Feb 1766
Tullstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
                       CHRISTENING: Svenstorp PR, 1732-1821, p. 40, FHL 0147156: "Anno 1737 d 17
    Julij en Sonday Kl. 2 om 4 morgons foddes i Lindby Nils Tuessons och des hustru
    Elsa Nilsdotters lilla Sohn som christnades samma dag och kallads Tufve. Barnet
    bars til christnades af Bengta Herlof Tufvesons i Lindby. Faddrene waro Herlof
    Tufveson i Lindby Lars Jonson ibm Elna Anders Jons i Lindby Christine Oluf Nils

    1. Svenstorp Parish Register 1732-1821 (FHL#0147156)
    2. Tullstorp Parish Register 1719-1800 (FHL#0147398)
    3. Probate Record of Tufve Nilsson (FHL#0147916)

    MARRIAGE: Tullstorp PR, 1719-1800, p. 31, FHL 0147398: "Anno 1766. d. 21.
    Februar wigdes drangen Thue Nilsson ifran Linby [Lindby], med Pigen Elsa
    Persdoter i St: Beddinge."

    MARRIAGE: second marriage did not occur in Tullstorp. Searched Tullstorp PR,
    1782-90, FHL 0147398.


    CLERICAL SURVEY: Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1780, n.p., FHL
    0147397, Husman Tufve Nilsson, ae 42; hustru Elsa, ae 44; sonen Per, ae 12;
    dottren Elna, ae 11 1/2.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1781, n.p., FHL 0147397, husman Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 43; hustru Elsa, ae 44; sonen Per, ae 12; dottren Elna, ae 12.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1783, n.p., FHL 0147397, husman Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 45; hustru Elsa, ae 46; dottren Elna, ae 14.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1785, n.p., FHL 0147397, husman Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 47; hustru Elna.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1794, n.p., FHL 0147397, husman Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 57; Elna, ae 45.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1795, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 57; hustru Elna, ae 45.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1796, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 58; hustru Elna, ae 46.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1797, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 59; hustru Ellna, ae 47.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1799, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 61; hustru Ellna, ae 49.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1800, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 62; hustru Ellna, ae 50.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1801, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 63; hustru Ellna, ae 51.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1802, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 64; hustru Ellna, ae 52.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1803, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 65; hustru Ellna, ae 53.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1804, n.p., FHL 0147397, husman Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 66; hustru Ellna, ae 54.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1805, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 67; hustru Ellna, ae 55.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1806, n.p., FHL 0147397, Tufve
    Nilsson, ae 68; hustru Ellna, ae 56.

    Tullstorp (Tullstorp 12) Husforhorslangd, 1807, n.p., FHL 0147397, nothing
    further listed.

    PROBATE: Vemmenhogs Harad Bouppteckning, 1809, fol. 4, FHL 0147916. The probate
    of the "husmann" Tufve Nilsson of "Onummererade Gatehased under Krono Skatte
    fordelshemmanet No. 7 Lindby", dated 7 Jan 1809, mentions that he died 15
    December 1808 and that he is survived by his widow Ellna Larsdotter, and two
    children from his marriage with Ellse Parsdotter, a son Par Tufvasson, who
    twenty-three years earlier had gone to Denmark looking for work, and a daughter
    Ellna Tufvasdotter, married to the "Husar" Soldervall. Also mentioned is his
    deceased brother Hans Nilsson, and his brother's son, Nils Hansson. About 1800
    Par Tufvasson let his family know that he was in Denmark working at a brewery.
    He had served in the Danish Army for ten years and was crippled. At the time of
    the probate, it was not known if he was still living or if he had descendants.
    Ellna Tufvasdotter's husband, Andreas Sodervall, was then a prisoner of war in
    France. Ellna was destitute without a place to live. It was decided that since
    her brother Par could not be located, that his share of inheritance would be
    used to build a small shack for Ellna to live in at Bosarp. If her brother ever
    returned, then she would owe him his inheritance.

    Death date also listed on Family Records as 1 Aug 1809
21 Jan 1733
Beddinge, Tullstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
28 Jan 1733
Tullstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
                       CHRISTENING: Tullstorp PR, 1719-1800, p. 74, FHL 0147398: "1733 d 21 Janu: En
    Sondag Kl. 4 om morgenen foddes i Bedinge Per Hanssons och des hustrus Elna
    Anders dotters lilla dotter som christnades d 28 Jan och Kallades Elsa. Barnet
    bars til christnadom af Margaretha Hans Andersons i Espo Fadderne woro Anders
    Hanson i Bedinge Jons Nilson ibm dr. Hans Hanson ibm. Jepe Israels Anna Per
    Parsons begga summa i Bud."

    MARRIAGE: Tullstorp PR, 1719-1800, p. 31, FHL 0147398: "Anno 1766. d. 21.
    Februar wigdes drangen Thue Nilsson ifran Linby [Lindby], med Pigen Elsa
    Persdoter i St: Beddinge."

    BURIAL: Tullstorp burials were not kept between 1 Nov 1778 to 1792. Elsa died
    prior to her probate on 11 September 1784.

    PROBATE: Vemmenhog Harad Bouppteckning, 1784, fol. 63, FHL 0147898. The
    probate of Elsa Pehrsdotter of Tullstorp, dated 11 September 1784, mentions
    mentions her widower, the "fralse husmannen" Tufve Nilsson, her son Pehr (age
    18), and daughter Ellna (age 16). Representing the interest of the children in
    the probate were the mother's brothers, the "husmann" Anders Pehrsson of Stora
    Beddinge, and the "husman" Pehr Pehrsson of Tullstorp.

    DEATH:  Death date also listed on Family Records as 9 Nov 1784
9 Jul 1766
Svenstorp, Lindby, Malmohus, Sweden
Aft 1800
    not recorded in Tullstorp PR, FHL 0147398.

    see the note about his father's probate which shows that Pehr Tufvesson was last heard from about 1800 in Denmark.
29 Feb 1768
Tullstorp, Tullstorp, Malmohus, Sweden
9 May 1836
Atofta, Orsjo, Malmohus, Sweden
25 Jun 1817
Solberga, Malmohus, Sweden 
    Tullstorp PR, 1719-1800, p. 172, FHL 0147398: "1768 d: 29. Februar am Mondag foddes i Tullstorp Kl. 1 pa dagen Thue Nilssons och des hustrus Elsa Persdotters lilla dotter hwilken blef christnat onsdagen, dorpa, ak blef wid dopet Kallat Elna, Karna Jans Hanssons i Tullstorp bar barnet till doop ak Christandam Manfolkfadder woro: Skudra Anders Olsson. Hans Persson. dr. Jons Persson alla i Tullstorp. Qwinsfadder woro: Metta Per Lars i Tullstorp. Elna Tullgreen ibidem. Pigan Ana Hansdotter ibidem."

    Hassle-Bosarp PR, 1771-1816, p. 59, FHL 0145533: "1792 den 28 dito [December] wigdes Ryttaren Andreas Soderwall, och pig: Elna Tufwasdotter i Haslebosarp."

    Solberga PR, 1817-61, p. 117, FHL 0147152: "1817 Sondagen den 18 Maij fingo Husmannen och Enklingen Nils Martensson och Enkan Elna Tufwas Dotter Lyning har ifran Thorsjo By och Hon ifran Hasle Bosarp Socken af vigden d. 25 Junii."

    Orsjo PR, 1786-1860, n.p., FHL 0146719, widow Elna Tufvesdotter of  Atofta, died 9 May 1836 of old age and was buried 15 May 1836, age 68 years; she was born 29 February 1768 at Tullstorp. 

    HOUSEHOLD  -EXAMINATION:  Villie Husforhorslangd, 1827-35, p.98
    (Ringarehuset under Rydsgard), FHL 0147687, widow Elna Tufvesdotter,
    b. 29 Feb 1768 Tullstorp, moved from Solberg no. 16 in 1832, moved to Atofta
    in 1834 (she was living with son Ola Andersson and wife Hanna Olsdotter).

    HOUSEHOLD  -EXAMINATION:  Orsjo Husforslangd, 1827-35, p.55 (torp Atofta
    under Orsjo 14), FHL 01467718, widow Elna Tufvesdotter, b. 29 Feb 1768 Tullstorp, 
    moved from Ringarehuset in 1834, died in 1836 (she was living in the household of
    torpare (crofter) Jons Pahlsson, b. 15 May 1764 Sodra Willie, and his wife Anna
    Gabrielsdotter, b. 19 Mar 1762 Lindby).

    Vemmenhog District Probates 1836-71, FHL 0147162, the probate of  widow Elna Soderval of Torsio, dated 11 June 1836, mentions that she died 9 May  [1836] and that she was survived by five children: sons Ola, Anders, and Hans  Andersson, a daughter Else who is married to soldier Stahl, and son Lars Andersson;  all are of legal age; abo (tenant farmer) Pehr Olhson and abo Christen Jacobson of  Torsjo conducted the inventory which was valued at 62.24.0 riksdaler.

    SEARCHES FOR BURIAL: Hassle-Bosarp PR, 1817-50, FHL 0145533, nothing;

    NOTE: also sealed to first spouse 19 May 1979 SL.

FamilyCentral Network
Tufve Nilsson - Elsa Persson

Tufve Nilsson was born at Lindby, Svenstorp, Malmohus, Sweden 17 Jul 1737. His parents were Nils Tuesson and Elsa Nilsdotter.

He married Elsa Persson 21 Feb 1766 at Tullstorp, Malmohus, Sweden . Elsa Persson was born at Beddinge, Tullstorp, Malmohus, Sweden 21 Jan 1733 daughter of Per Hansson and Elna Andersson .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Pehr Tufvesson born 9 Jul 1766.
Elna Thuesdotter born 29 Feb 1768.

Tufve Nilsson died 15 Dec 1808 at Lindby, Svenstorp, Malmohus, Sweden .