
User Submitted
Delilah Sarah TURNER
16 Aug 1829
Patriot, Switzerland, Indiana
16 Aug 1890
Buffalo, Johnson, Wyoming
Sheridan, Wyoming
     1.  August 16, 1829, born to Joseph and Lois Turner in Patriot,
    Switzerland  County, Indiana.  In 1832, both parents died and she was raised by her
    grandparents.  On Augst 16, 1844 (age 15), she married a Daniel R.
    Spraig  (Sprague?).  She was widowed in 1849 at age 20.  They had no children.
    She studied medicine under Dr. Webster of Monmouth IL and became a
    physician.  On April, 15, 1851, she married George Washington
    Babcock in  Monmouth IL and they had 8 sons, 5 of whom lived to adulthood.  In
    1856,  they moved to Amity (now College Springs), Page County IA. About 1870,
    she separated from Babcock.  (It's assumed they divorced because she
    remarried in 1876.) In 1872 she and her five sons moved to the
    Colorado  frontier. On August 16, 1876, she married William A. Sonnesberger, a
    German immigrant, in Colorado.  In 1878, they moved to the Wyoming
    frontier and were the second family to move to the Big Horn area of
    WY.  In 1883, she moved to Sheridan WY and on August 16, 1890, she died in
    Sheridan WY and is buried there.  She was the first and only
    physician on  the Wyming frontier for many years and delivered many of the babies
    born  there.  In Sheridan, she owned the land now known as South Park
    Addition.  She was the first woman to vote in what was then Johnson
    County (now the areas of Johnson and Sheridan Counties). A photo of
    her  voting now hangs in the Buffalo WY museum. She was a member of the
    Christian Church for many years but joined the Methodist Episcopal
    Church  in Sheridan.  She was a prohibitionist and when she sold her land, she
    added a reversionary clause to the deed that if the lands should
    ever be  used for "houses of intemperance, or ill fame", the lands would
    revert to  her (or to her estate).  She was a good writer and orator.  She was
    born,  married twice and died on August 16th.
    2. Marriage to G.W. Babcock alos reported as <1853>, , Sealed 4 Nov 1999, LVEGA.
No Children Recorded
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