Abt 1815
Killinchy, County Down, Ireland
26 Feb 1815
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
16 Dec 1879
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
18 Dec 1879
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
19 Apr 1836
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
Ancestral File v4.19
Internet IGI, Nov 2008
Ancestry World Tree
Pedigree Resource File
                   Birth: Presbyterian Church records, Killinchy, County Down, Ireland
Death:  Gravestone inscription.
LDS Bapt:  MT Temple baptisms, 11 Apr 1907, Bk.O, pg.331, #11912 [GSF 170394]
Endowment: SL Temple endowments, 30 Mar 1911, Bk.W, pg.177, #6346 (or 1346 ?) [SF 184106]
Sealing: AL Sealings of Children, 25 Jul 1934, Bk.8, pg. 1570, #49546 [GSF 170744]
Sealing:  MT Sealings, 11 Apr 1907, Bk.F, pg.155, #7296 [GSF 170513]
[The above sources are from JGS]

We are using date of ordinances performed by Hugh Russel Sloan (son) as proxy.
Endowment date of 30 Mar 1911 came from ordinance data submitted by John A. Tate, heir.
Christened 26 Feb 1815, Presbyterian Church, Killinchy
Rec.of Hugh Card Sloan: Bap 23 Nov 1909 SL & 26 Feb 1924 Logan.
End: 11 Apr 1900, 9 Feb 1911 SL, 30 Mar 1924, SS 1 Nov 1916
Also dates of: Bapt: 7 Dec 1909,  End: 30 Mar 1911 and 26 Feb 1924.  Sealing to Parents: 11 Apr 1911

Birth/Chr: IGI Ref #C700301 0652 Harames Gen. Serv.
Marriage:   IGI Ref #710952203
Death/Bur:  GSF 170,394 MT Bapt/dead Bk O pg 331 #11912
Endowment:  GSF 170,445 MT End/dead pg 149 #5343
Sealing:    GSF 170,513 MT Sld/dead Bk F pg 155 #7296

[J.Harames notes: Bapt. 8 Apr 1975 OG, Endowed 10 May 1975 OG, SP 24 Apr 1972 SL, SP 24 Apr 1972 SL.]

BANGOR: Means "White Choir", pronounced like "h"
Records of Nan Patrick indicate born in Bangor, Married 19 Apr 1836, Buried in Bangor Abbey Burial Ground
Some records indicate marriage in March, records of Nan Patrick and Agnes Sloan indicate April
Occupation: Weaver
21 Mar 1817
Ballyhome, Bangor, County Down, Ireland
18 May 1818
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
5 Feb 1900
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
Feb 1900
Bangor, County Down, Ireland
                   We are using date of ordinances performed by Margaret Violet Reid Sloan (daughter-in-law) as proxy.
Endowment date of 9 Feb 1911 came from ordinance data submitted by John A. Tate, heir.
Rec.of Hugh Card Sloan: Bap 23 Nov 1909, End 23 Nov 1909 Buried in Bangor Abbey Burial Ground
One IGI record notes marriage 19 April 1836

Birth/Chr: IGI Ref #710952376 Harames Gen. Serv.
Death/Bur:  Family records of Hugh Russel Sloan, Sr.
LDS Bapt:   GSF 170,391 MT Bapt/dead Bk L pg 325 #11696
Endowment:  GSF 170,443 MT End/dead Bk G pg 146 #4888

Also ordinances: LDS Bapt: 1 Dec 1971 SL,  End: 3 Feb 1972 SL,  SP: 20 Apr 1972 SL.
12 Feb 1837
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
Abt 1855
Down County, Ireland 
                   Birth/Chr:  Family records of H.R. Sloan, Sr. in poss. Ruth S. Gifford
Marriage:   Records of Nan Patrick indicate 1835
Death/Bur:  (year only)  Family Records
LDS Bapt:   GSF 177,874 LG Bapt/dead Bk B pg 118 #5001 E
ndowment:  GSF 177,972 LG End/dead Bk A pg 704 #19264
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 AL Ch/parents Bk A pg 1010 #36440

[Information on the family was taken from the Family Bible in possession of Ellenor Sloan Mawhinney.]
Family went to Australia, never heard of again.  Possibly died in Australia.
This note was written by Clara Sloan Smith,  on the back of a family group sheet:
"Rachel Sloan Grames and Eliza Sloan Blunt went to Australia about 1873 or 4.  I am still looking for their families.  Have some of their names.  If you are near San Fransico it would be good to look up shipping records about that time.  I have had some research done in Sydney, Australia but got nothing.

If you would like to look this up I would appreciate it very much.  the dates could even be later as I think they were both in Pittsburgh when father came to America in 1872 or 3."  (End of note of Clara S. Smith)
26 Jun 1839
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
County Down, Ireland 
                   Birth/Chr: Family records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S. GiffordInformation
Marriage:   (Year only) from Family Records
LDS Bapt:   Patron Notification, Genealogical Dept. 4 June 1981
Endowment:  Patron Notification, Genealogical Dept. 4 June 1981
Sealing:    Patron Notification, Genealogical Dept. 4 June 1981

The ordinance data for Eliza could not be found in the church records.
The same dates were used for Eliza, dgtr of John Sloan & Rachel McMillan. Perhaps the work was done the same day but only recorded for one of the Eliza's (Data submitted for ordinances to be performed, March 1981, as no Temple records of these ordinances.  Therefore temple work done in July 1981 LANGE) Letter in poss.Ruth S.Gifford.

Fam.Grp.Rec.of Hugh Card Sloan: Bap. 26 Feb 1924, End: 26 Feb 1924 & 18 Apr 1924
Record of J.Grant Stevenson indicates name may have been Elizabeth.

[Information on the family was taken from the Family Bible in possession of Ellenor Sloan Mawhinney.]
Family went to Australia, never heard of again.  Possibly died in Australia.
This note was written by Clara Sloan Smith,  on the back of a family group sheet:
"Rachel Sloan Grames and Eliza Sloan Blunt went to Australia about 1873 or 4.  I am still looking for their families.  Have some of their names.  If you are near San Fransico it would be good to look up shipping records about that time.  I have had some research done in Sydney, Australia but got nothing.

If you would like to look this up I would appreciate it very much.  the dates could even be later as I think they were both in Pittsburgh when father came to America in 1872 or 3."  (End of note of Clara S. Smith)

A  form from the Registrar-General, New South Wales - Result of Search,  30th August 1962:
"I hereby certify that search has been made in the records of this Department, but no trace can be found of the registration from 1890 to 1920 inclusive of the death of George Blunt, husband of Eliza Blunt formerly Sloan; nor from 1890 to 1920 inclusive of the death of Eliza Blunt, wife of George Blunt."

[Note by Ruth S. Gifford:  On the "Australian Vital Records Index 1788-1905, I found
several George Blunt's - and others that list the father as George and the mother as Elenor and Ellen.]
James Louden (Lowden) SLOAN
18 Sep 1841
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
4 May 1857
                   Birth/Chr: Family records of H.R.Sloan, poss. Ruth S. Gifford
              Records of Nan Patrick indicate 19 Sep 1841
Marriage:   Unmarried
Death/Bur:  Family records of H.R.Sloan, poss. Ruth S. Gifford and gravestone.
                      Bangor Church record shows 4.5.1859
LDS Bapt:   GSF 177,874 LG Bapt/dead Bk B pg 118 #5006, 10 Nov 1914, Logan.
[Even though the baptism had been done, the Genealogical Dept. cleared this for baptism as well as endowment and sealing to parents.]
LDS Baptism:  Patron Not. Gen. Dept. 4 June 1981, done 23 Jul 1981 LANGE.
Endowment:  Patron Notification Genealogical Dept. 4 June 1981, done 23 Jul 1981 LANGE.
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 AL Ch/parents Bk A pg 1010 #36441  ??
Sealing:   Pat.Not.Gen.Dept. 4 June 1981, performed 23 Jul 1981 LANGE

[Please note the ordinances for the  other children were done 23 Jul 1931 AL, however these were done 50 years later, 23 Jul 1981 LA. - verified by Ruth S. Gifford.]
Discrepancy in date of death with that as noted on headstone and other family records.
If the headstone was misread and was 1857, therefore the date of 18 Sep 1841 for birth is right.
(The headstone was noted to be very worn in 1976  by Ruth Smith Gifford  at the Parish of Bangor Church Cemetery. ) Maggie Robb gave the date of death as 1859.
Some records indicate date of birth as 19 Sep 1841.
11 Sep 1844
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
17 Jan 1895
Butte, Silver Bow, Montana
Abt 1869
Down County, Ireland 
                   Birth/Chr:  Family records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S. Gifford
Death/Bur:   Family records, coroner's report 17 Jan 1895, newspaper clippings
LDS Bapt:    GSF 177,874 LG Bapt/dead Bk B pg 118 #5007
Endowment:   GSF 170,774 AL End/dead pg 172 #3788
Sealing to Parents:  Sealing data submitted March 1981,  as no Temple record found, Patron Notification, Genealogical Dept. 4 June 1981,  sealing  done 23 July 1981, LANGE
(Please note this sealing was done 50 years to the day from other sealing dates of the children to the parents.)
22 Dec 1846
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
14 Aug 1921
South Africa
29 Jun 1879
Belfast, Antrim, Ireland 
                   Birth/Chr: Family Records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S. Gifford
Marriage:   Copy of poss.Ruth S.Gifford, poss Nan Patrick
Death/Bur:  Family records
LDS Bapt:   GSF 177,891 LG Bapt/dead pg 546 #21126
Endowment:  GSF 170,783 AL End/dead Bk A pg 202 #4585
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 AL Ch/parents Bk A pg 1010 #36442

Records of Nan Patrick indicate married in St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, 26 Jun 1879
JGS had Sealing to Spouse: 22 Nov 1961 AL.
Death date: one record had Jan 1921.
However,  a letter written by Richard W. Smith indicates 14 Aug 1921, in South Africa.

In October 1973 Maggie Robb visited with relatives in California and gave the following information to Ellen Bunting and Margaret Woolford (see Sloan/Reid Newsletter #9, March 1974):
"Mary Sloan Carlisle had three sons.  They all went to South Africa to work in the mines.  When she was left a widow, she also went to South Africa to live, taking her niece, Anna Louise Anderson Sloan Robinson, with her.  The last they heard from her was in 1920, so assumed she passed away.
     John Carlisle, her oldest son, was in World Ward I and was gased. He was sent back to South Africa and didn't get much better so he came back home to Scotland.  He died three weeks after he arrived in Scotland.  He was unmarried.
     Robert Hugh Carlisle, her seond son, married a girl from Australia.  They had no children and he died in South Africa. The two sons, they think, were buried in Boxburg (North) South Africa.
     William James Carlisle, the third son, never married as far as the family knew. He died in South Africa.  The two sons, they think, were buried in Boxburg (North) South Africa."
12 Aug 1849
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
Sep 1903
Park City, Summit, Utah
24 Dec 1868
Conlig, Bangor, County Down, I 
                   Birth/Chr: Conlig Prby.Ch.Pb.Rec.Off.Ref;Mic 1P/94,Graves/Harames
Marriage:   Family records
Death/Bur:  Family records
LDS Bapt:   GSF 177,874 LG Bapt/dead Bk B pg 118 #5002
Endowment:  GSF 177,972 LG End/dead Bk A pg 709 #19392
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 AL Ch/parents Bk A pg 1010 #36443
Samuel SLOAN
1 Jul 1851
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
22 Dec 1851
                   Birth/Chr: Family records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S.Gifford Marriage:   Child
Death/Bur:  Child
LDS Bapt:   Child
Endowment:  Child
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 AL Ch/parents Bk A pg 1010 #36444
22 Dec 1852
Conlig, Bangor, County Down, Ireland
8 Aug 1924
Park City, Summit, Utah
23 Jan 1874
Allegeny, Pennyslvania 
                   Birth/Chr: Conlig Prby.Ch.Pb.Rec.Off.Ref;Mic 1P/94,Graves/Harames
Marriage:   Family Records
Death/Bur:  Family records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S.Gifford
LDS Bapt:   GSF 170,765 AL Bapt/dead pg 1152
Endowment:  GSF 170,787 AL End/dead pg 882 #20625
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 Ch/parents Bk A pg 1010 #36445

One record indicates SS:  25 Jul 1933  AL.
Martha SLOAN
18 Dec 1854
Conlig, Bangor, County Down, Ireland
13 Jul 1855
                   Birth/Chr: Family Records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S.Gifford
Marriage:   Child
Death/Bur:  Family Records of H.R.Sloan, poss.Ruth S. Gifford
LDS Bapt:   Child
Endowment:  Child
Sealing:    GSF 170,743 AL Ch/parent Bk A pg 1010 #36446

Nan Patrick has a death date of 13 Jan 1855.
5 Aug 1856
Conlig, County Down, Ireland
28 Oct 1920
Portland, Multnomah, Oregon
                   Birth/Chr  Conlig Presby.Ch.Pb.Rec.ff.Ref;Mic 1P/94.gen.Graves/Harames
Marriage   Family records of H.R. Sloan Sr. in poss. Ruth S. Gifford
Death/Bur  Oregon St.Brd.of Hlth.Cert.Death Reg.#2709,Loc Reg.#210
LDS Bapt.  Church Blessings Reconfirmed & Ratified, 8 May 1969, Archive Rec.
Endowment  GSF 170,485 Manti Liv/end pg 34 #1222
Sealing to Spouse:   GSF 170,490 Manti Liv/sld Bk A pg 30 #529
Sealed to parents: 23 Jul 1931, Proxy Hugh Russel Sloan Jr.,  Film 170,743 AL
Additional Sources: Death - Cardston, Alberta Cemetery Records.

Hugh Russel Sloan used the birthdate of 5 Aug 1857 all his life and on all Church records.  However, the Bangor 1st Presby.Church records indicate 5 Aug 1856.  Also, his sister indicated 1856 as the year of his birth.  On the front of the Manti Temple Index Card the date is shown as 5 Aug 1857, on the back of the card the date is shown as 5 Aug 1856.
Christened:   Presbyterian Church, by Wm. Craig.
Schooling commenced:  1848.
LDS Baptism: 1882 - only the year is known, by Wm. Taylor Reid, confirmed by Wm. Taylor Reid - see pg. 327 of Hx of W.C. & Clara Sloan Smith and Family.
Rebaptized 8 May 1969 SL, and all former ordinances ratified. [Proxy Blain Stewart]
Ordained: Elder - by John P. Reid.  Ordained: High Priest - by Patriarch Henry L. Hinman.
Died: 28 Oct 1920, Portland.  The death certificate (in poss.Joann Rogers) notes the date of burial as 30 Oct. 1920. However, this could not be and it is probably the day they shipped the body by train to Canada.

Birth/Chr: Conlig Presby.Ch.Pb.Rec.Off.Ref:Mic 1P/94,gen.Graves.Harames
Marriage:  Family records of H.R.Sloan poss. Ruth S. Gifford
Death/Bur: Oregon St.Brd.of Hlth.Cert.Death Reg.#2709,Loc.Reg. #210
LDS Bapt:  Church Blessings Reconfirmed & Ratified, 8 May 1969,Archive Rec.
Endowment: GSF 170,485 MT Liv/end pg 34 #1222
Sealing to spouse:   GSF 170,490 MT Liv/sld Bk A pg 30 #529
Sealed to parents: 23 Jul 1931, Proxy Hugh Russel Sloan Jr., Film: 170,743 AL
Additional Sources: Death - Cardston, Alberta Cemetery Records

Birthdate: A letter from Hugh Russel Sloan's sister to him notes his birthdate as 5 Aug 1856.
Birthdate: The  Register of the Bangor 1st Presbyterian Church indicates 5 Aug 1856.
Therefore it is determined to use the 1856 birthdate instead of 1857 as he used during his lifetime in many church records, histories and patriarchal blessing, etc.  The Index Card  (No. 1222, Book A-lvg Pg.34) of the Manti Temple Records, on the front, shows 5 Oct. 1857 as birthdate and the back of the card shows 5 Aug 1856.
Christened: Presbyterian Church, by Wm. Craig.
Schooling commenced: 1848.
LDS Baptism:   1882 - only the year is known, by Wm. Taylor Reid, confirmed by Wm. Taylor Reid - see pg.327 of Hx of W.C. & Clara Sloan Smith and Family.
Rebaptized 8 May 1969 SL, and all former ordinances ratified.  [Proxy Blain Stewart]
Ordained: Elder - by John P. Reid
Ordained: High Priest - by Patriarch Henry L. Hinman.
Died: 28 Oct 1920, Portland.  The death certificate (Joann Rogers has a copy) notes the date of burial as 30 Oct. 1920.  However, this could not be and it is probably the day they shipped the body to Canada.

In July of 1873 Hugh Russel Sloan (about 16 years of age) sailed for America on the ship, Samaisia (Samaria??).  The crossing took 13 days. After landing in America, he went to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and then came on to Salt Lake City with his sisters, Ellen MaWhinney and Agnes Kelly, to work with his brother, John, who was already in Salt Lake City. John was a boiler maker.
14 Dec 1860
Conlig, Bangor, County Down, Ireland
3 Jun 1896
Bangor, Conlig, County Down, Ireland
26 Jun 1883
County Down, Ireland 
                   Birth/Chr: Conlig Prby.Ch.Pb.Rec.Off.Ref;Mic 1P/94 Graves/Harames
Marriage: poss.of Nan Patrick, Scotland (granddaughter)
Death/Bur:  Copy of card for notif.of death in poss.Ruth S. Gifford
LDS Bapt:   GSF 177,874 LG Bapt/dead Bk B pg 118 #5003
Endowment:  GSF 177,979 LG End/dead Bk H pg 430 #12620
Sealing:    GSF 170,744 AL Ch/parents pg 1263 #39547

Fam.Grp.Sheet of Hugh Card Sloan indicates SP: 25 Jan 1933 ALBER Also a date of birth of 14 Dec 1860
Buried at Presby.Church,(Bangor Abbey Burial Ground), Bangor
TAILORESS - made clothes for Lord Dufferin, Clandeboye House, Conlig
Records of Nan Patrick indicate born 28 Dec 1860.
Letter from the Genealogical Research Services gives date of birth as 14 Dec 1860, Bangor Church records.
FamilyCentral Network
John Sloan - Agnes Findley

John Sloan was born at Killinchy, County Down, Ireland Abt 1815. His parents were John Sloan and Rachel McMillan.

He married Agnes Findley 19 Apr 1836 at Bangor, County Down, Ireland . Agnes Findley was born at Ballyhome, Bangor, County Down, Ireland 21 Mar 1817 daughter of Archibald Findley and Agnes (Louden) Lowden .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Rachel Sloan born 12 Feb 1837.
Eliza Sloan born 26 Jun 1839.
James Louden (Lowden) Sloan born 18 Sep 1841.
John Sloan, Jr. born 11 Sep 1844.
Mary Stewart Sloan born 22 Dec 1846.
Agnes Jane Sloan born 12 Aug 1849.
Samuel Sloan born 1 Jul 1851.
Ellenor (Ellen) Sloan born 22 Dec 1852.
Martha Sloan born 18 Dec 1854.
Hugh Russel Sloan, Sr. born 5 Aug 1856.
Margaret Thompson Sloan born 14 Dec 1860.

John Sloan died 16 Dec 1879 at Bangor, County Down, Ireland .

Agnes Findley died 5 Feb 1900 at Bangor, County Down, Ireland .