John William THOMAS

1 Jan 1849
Logan, Kentucky or Robe, Tennessee
27 Jul 1907
Victoria, Victoria, Texas
Evergreen Cem, Victoria, Texas
15 Jan 1871
                       Line 2132 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
    BIRT PLAC ,Logan,Kentucky or Robertson,Tennessee,USA

    VICTOIA   ADVOCATE; "Death of a Good Man W. S. Thomas, aged sixty years, died near this city this morning at the home of his son, Clarence E. Thomas, mail carrier on Rural Route No. 2, from injuries received from a piece of falling timber while gathering wood on his bottom land about a week ago.  The old gentleman was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and led a model life, the news of his death being received with much sorrow in Victoria. His wife and three sons survive him."
    Apparently W. S. (Silas)  THOMAS gave the death news to paper and his name was used by mistake in the newspaper as being the person who died. Died in his son's home.
    1900 Federal Census Victoria, TX, Precinct 1, taken 25th day of June, 1900, line 4, Thomas, John W., Head w, m, born Jan '49, age 50, married 29 years, born in KY, father's birthplace unknown, mother b. in KY, farmer, can read, can write, can speak English, owner of property, property mortgaged, unclear
    Death cert #59229 Texas Dept. of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics shows secondary cause of death as paralysis of seven days, copy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman.
    VICTORIA   COUNTY DEED RECORDS, VOL. 47, pgs 535/6; Record of release of lien on 159 7/10 acres, purchased November 21st 1896, "particularly described in the aforesaid deed of record in Vol. 36 page 292" [actually it's on page 294].  Three notes for $400 each "payable two, three and four years after date respectively bearing interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum payable annually." Copy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman
    photocopy in pss of Sybil Chapman, prob from religious paper. Victoria, TX; THOMAS.--J. W. Thomas was born in Logan County, Kentucky, January 1, 1849.  He was married to Miss Melissa Ward, who survives him, January 15, 1871. The issue of the marriage was three sons, viz: Silas, C.C., [error, C. E.] and John, all of whom have established homes of their own.  Bro. Thomas was converted and joined the M. E. Church, South, in Glenwood, Eliis County, Texas, in August 1887. He was a faithful steward of the Methodist Church for seventeen years. Ten years ago he removed with his family and sons to Guadalupe, in Victoria County, which was his home at the time of his death, which sad event occurred at the home of his son on July 27, 1907. Bro. Thomas' death was due to an accident; while chopping wood a stick of timber strking and breaking his nose, causing paralysis of the epiglottis. He suffered greatly for several hours before his death. Bro. Thomas was a true Christian gentleman and we shall greatly miss him, but we know where to find him after life's work is done. Bro. Thomas died at the home of his son, C. C. Thomas in Victoria, Texas.  {byline} G. W. WHITE, P. C.  Victoria, Texas-CONFLICT: 1860 Federal Census of Logan co., KY #843 -830, 1870 Logan co., KY census #180-180 in household of Silas M. Thomas shows birthplace as Tenn.
    1850 FEDERAL CENSUS, DIST NO. 5, Robertson co., TN;  dw 1048, fm 1048 line 14 John, age 2 b Tenn
Melissa Jane WARD
Adairville, Logan, Kentucky
25 Jun 1926
Victoria, Victoria, Texas
26 Jun 1926
Evergreen Cem, Victoria, Texas
                       Line 1845 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
    BIRT DATE 21/22 Jun 1850

    Death certificate on file at Victoria City Hall, copy in possession of Sybil Thomas Chapman, name spelled as Melsia Jane Thomas.
    Parents' names come from death certificate, causing questions about spelling of mother's name
    THE   VICTORIA ADVOCATE; Mrs. Melissa Jane Thomas, 76, widow of the late John W. Thomas and a pioneer reisdent of this county, whose death occurred in this city Friday, was laid to rest Saturday evening in the Evergreen Cemetery in the preesence of many sorrowing friends. [par] The funeral took place from the residence of Clarence E. Thomas, son of the decedent, at 5 o'clock and Rev. M. Williamson, pastor of the First Methodist Church of this city, conducted the rites.  The floral offerings were many and beautiful. George G. Adams, R. L. Vaughan, J. B. Marcak, J. R. Trice, Chas. L. Hewitt and J. M. Beckman were the pallbearers.
    1900 Federal Census of Victoria, TX, Precinct 1, 25th June, 1900, line 5, _______ Melissa, Wife, w, f, born June '50, age 49, married, 29 yrs., 3 children born, 3 children living, born in KY, father's birthplace unknown, mother b. in KY.
    photocopy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman, prob from
    ADVOCATE  , Victoria, TX; Mrs. Melissa Jane Thomas, 76, widow of the late John W. Thomas, and a resident of the Lone Tree community of Victoria County for many years, died at the Victoria Hospital at 5:30 o'clock this morning. She had been in failing health for over a year, her condition becoming critical about two months ago. [par] Mrs. Thomas was born in Logan County, Ky., near Adairville, June 22, 1850. Her husband also was born in Logan County and some years following their marriage they located in Grayson County, Texas. Later they moved to Ellis County and then settled in this county. Mr. Thomas' death occurred July 27, 1907. He was a prominent farmer. Mrs. Thomas was a woman of many admirable personal traits and very highly esteemed. [par] Surviving are three sons, W. S. Thomas of Houston, J. J. Thomas of Galveston and C. E. Thomas of this city, and a sister, Mrs. Nannie Kirkland of Stamford. [par] The funeral will be held from the residence of C. E. Thomas at 206 East Commercial Street Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock.  Rev. M. Williamson, pastor of the First Methodist Church of this city, will officate and interment will be in the Evergreen Cemetery.
    1860 Federal Census, Logan, KY, Adairville post office; p 637/136 dw 936, fm 921 line 6 as Malissa J. Ward, age 10, with mother, siblings in home of grandfather, Jonas Allen; 1870 Federal Census, Logan, KY, Adairville
    PO  , p 3, dw 15, fm 15, living in household of mo
2 Jan 1872
Laura, Logan, Kentucky
30 Sep 1949
Houston, Harris, Texas
25 Dec 1890
Ellis, Texas 
    Photocopy of interment record #2830 in possession of Sybil Thomas Chapman, buried in space 1, Unit A, NO. 133, Section 51.
    Carpenter, farmer-rancher, personal knowledge of Sybil Thomas Chapman.  Built a house almost sigle-handedly when he was 75 years old.
    33 grandchildren, 8 sons, 3 daughters
    STATISTICS  ; Cert
    #51297 in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman shows residence at time of
    death as 716
    Yorkshire, Houston, Harris, TX; Father was John W. not John J. as
    shown on
    death certificate.
19 Feb 1878
Kentucky, Usa
28 Dec 1941
Kingsville, Kleberg, Texas
15 Oct 1899
Amity, Ar, Usa 
    THE   VICTORIA ADVOCATE; "native of Kentucky and was born on February 19, 1878, the son of John W. Thomas and Mrs. Melissa Ward Thomas, deceased.  He was a farmer by occupation and had resided in Kingsville for nine years, moving there from this county.  Fifty years of his 63 were spent in Texas. On October 15, 1899 he was married to Mrs. Martha E. Thomas, who survives to mourn his passing.  Besides his wife he is survived by two sons, Rev. Foy Thomas of Rockwall and C. Jack Thomas of San Antonio; four daughters, Mrs. H. C. [Allie May] Searcy of Wichita Falls, Mrs. G. R. [Juanita] Wray, Jr. of Corpus Christi, Mrs. V. D. [Cora Frances] Tally of Victoria and Mrs. F. B. [Hattie Lee] Calhoun, also of this city; one brother, Silas Thomas of Houston and five grandchildren."
    RESIDENCE  -OCCUPATION: Texas Dept. of Health, Bureau of Vital
    Statistics; Cert
    #56649 in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman shows address for 9 yrs prior
    to 28 Dec
    1941 at 625 W. King Ave. Kingsville, Kleberg, TX; Occupation,
    Salesman as
    TX  , "See Justice Crt No. 1, case No 1508 State vs. Clarence Thomas [? unclear] murder of Joe Evangelista on the Thomas farm June 18, 1931." "see weekly Victoria Advocate of May 13-1932-Clarence Thomas to be tried May 10-1932 in Dist crt of Victoria Co. for murder of a Mexican Jose Evangelista who Thomas shot to death in a cane field near his home in Lone Tree Area on June 18, 1931 Thomas & the Mexican were both having an affair with a young Mexican Woman.  J. W. Ragsdale was defense attny-Thomas acquitted-Thomas lost his farm which went to Ragsdale for Legal Fees."
12 Oct 1887
Ellis, Tx, Usa
17 Sep 1939
Houston, Harris, Tx, Usa
18 Feb 1907
Victoria, Victoria, Tx, Usa 
    THE   VICTORIA ADVOCATE "John J. Thomas, of La Marque,...Born in Ellis County, October 12, 1887, Mr. Thomas came to this county many years ago. He served as a deputy sheriff during the World War and about 18 years ago moved to Houston, where he was employed as a special agent of the Southern Pacific Lines, a position  he held until about five years ago.  Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Essie Thomas of La Marque; two daughter (sic), Mrs. A. D. Nelson of Port Arthur and Mrs. R. M. Cowey of La Marque, and two brothers, W. S. Thomas of Houston and C. E. Thomas of Kingsville." photocopy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman
FamilyCentral Network
John William Thomas - Melissa Jane Ward

John William Thomas was born at Logan, Kentucky or Robe, Tennessee 1 Jan 1849. His parents were Silas M Thomas and Frances Fletcher.

He married Melissa Jane Ward 15 Jan 1871 at Kentucky .

They were the parents of 3 children:
William Silas Thomas born 2 Jan 1872.
Clarence e Thomas born 19 Feb 1878.
John J Thomas born 12 Oct 1887.

John William Thomas died 27 Jul 1907 at Victoria, Victoria, Texas .

Melissa Jane Ward died 25 Jun 1926 at Victoria, Victoria, Texas .