RESIDENCE -AGE: 1850 Federal Census of Chattanooga Valley, Walker Co GA, p. 426, l. 23, Dwelling #51, Family #51, shows John Gillean, 36, m, w, born in Geo., children 11, 10, 8, born in Tenn; children 7, 6, born in Ala; child 5 born in Misp; child 4, born in Ala, children 3 and 1/12, born in Geo; shows no value for real estate owned. Photocopy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman. CENSUS: 1860 Federal Census of Duck Creek Post Office, Wilson Dist., Walker, GA shows Gillean, John, 47, m, w, farmer, born in Ga., value of real estate 1500, value of personal estate 600; 1870 Federal Census of Frick's Gap Post Office, Walker, GA taken 7 July 1870, shows Gillean, John; 57, m, w, Farmer, Value of real estate 250, value of personal estate 400, born in GA. MILITARY: Sherman D. Gibbs, ed., WALKER COUNTY GEORGIA HERITAGE; 1833-1983; Dallas, Taylor Publishing, 1988, FHL film #6101101, Salt Lake City, photocopy of #455 JOHN GILLEAN in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman "John Gillean served as a private in Company A, 6th Battalion Cavalry, Georgia State Guards. He was mustered in on Aug. 4, 1863 from Lafayette, Walker County, Georgia at age 50, height 5'9", hair silver gray, eyes blue, farmer. He was mustered out on Feb. 4, 1864 at Camp Iverson being paid 40 cents daily for use of his horse for a total pay of $49.20. DEATH: Conflict between WALKER COUNTY HERITAGE account and Bobby Luck's account, supposedly killed in a shoot-out along with son Vergil Gerome near Waters [now Pine Ridge], Montgomery county, AR. in 1884.
Line 6809 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Sarah or Sally Ann /Dyer/ CENSUS: 1850 Federal census of Chattanooga Valley, Walker Co GA, p. 426, l. 24, Sarah, age 35, f, w, b. in Tenn; unable to read/write; 1860 Federal Census of Duck Creek Post Office, Wilson Dist., Walker, GA, microfilm 653, roll 139, page 707, Salley, 46, f, w, born in VA; 1870 Federal Census of Frick's Gap Post Office, Walker, GA taken 7 Jul 1870 shows Sarah, 56, f, w, born in KY, can't read or write. NARRUAGE -DEATH: Sherman D. Gibbs, ed., WALKER COUNTY GEORGIA HERITAGE: 1833-1983; Dallas, Taylor Publishing, 1988; photocopy #455 JOHN GILLEAN in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman
CENSUS: 1850 Federal census Chattanooga, Walker CO, GA. p. 426, l. 25; age 11, b. in TN; in school.
CENSUS: 1850 Federal Census Chattanooga Valley, Walker CO GA, p. 426, l. 26; age 10, b in TN; in school. NILITARY: #455 WALKER COUNTY, GEORGIA HERITAGE: Served in Company I, 60th GA Inf, CSA, injured. RESIDENCES: By 1880 in Polk County, AR with parents; mother accompanied him to Cooper, Delta Co, TX. BIRTH -DEATH-BURIAL: Research of Bobby Luck, gg grandson; living with son Virgle Gerome Gillean at time of death. Virgle applied for a mortuary warrant for burial expenses, rec'd $25.00 from Confederate Soldiers Pension. Doctor's affadavit states illness of 5 weeks duration prior to death. CONFLICT: HISTORY OF WALKER COUNTY, GEORGIA, p. 147 shows James GILLEAN , J. H. GILLEAN, A. GILLEAN on "MUSTER ROLL OF THE WALKER INDEPENDANTS . [sic]" Affidavit of J. H. GILLEAN in pension application file #25105 for brother W. E. GILLEAN , there is this in Cross Int. - 1st "J. H. Gillean further states that he and W.E. Gillean were Brothers and that they each served in same Regiment." The Walker Independents were Company "C" of SIXTIETH GEORGIA INFANTRY [from information packet from THE HAROLD B. SIMPSON CONFEDERATE RESEARCH CENTER , HILL COUNTY COLLEGE, Hillsboro, TX, (817) 582-2555 conflicts with WALKER COUNTY HERITAGE #455 above.
CENSUS: 1850 Federal census Chatooga, Walker Co. GA, p. 426, l. 27, age 8; born in TN;in school. CONFLICT: WALKER COUNTY, GEORGIA HERITAGE, 1833-1983 / Sherman D. Gibbs, editor; #455, photocopy in poss Sybil Chapman says birthplace was AL MILITARY: Served in Compnny I, 60th Infantry, Georgia in Confederate forces of Georgia, captured at Spottsylvania 12 May 1864. Source photocopy above. Served in "Walker County Independents", which was not Company I
CENSUS: 1850 Federal census of Chattanooga Valley, Walker CO GA, p. 426, l. 28. age 7, born in AL, attended school uncertain about mark. MILITARY -DEATH: Sherman D. Gibbs, ed WALKER COUNTY GEORGIA HERITAGE 1833-1983 #255 JOHN GILLEAN says Hiram A. Gillean served in Company I, 60th Georgia Infantry. photocopy in poss of Sybil THOMAS Chapman, FHL microfiche #6101101 CONFLICT: Death Cert File No. 382, Green Co, Arkansas Vital Statistics for Hiram A. Gillean in Poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman shows dob 1 Apr 1836, place Lafayette, Georgia, father John Gillean, birth place blank, mother Margarett J. Wier, birthplace Tenn. See census information above for conflict. Pension File, State of Arkansas in possession of Sybil Thomas Chapman, 1860 census of Walker Co, GA shows him 18 yrs old, married. Other children of John Gillean and Sarah or Sally Ann Dyer acknowledged him as sibling in spite of conflicts in pension file according to researcher Bobby Luck, Silver City, NM. Did not serve in Company I, 60th Georgia Inf.
CENSUS: 1850 Federal census Chatooga, Walker Co GA, p. 426, l 30.; age 5, born in Miss
CENSUS: 1850 Federal census of Chattanooga Valley, Walker CO GA, p. 426, l. 31; age 4, born in AL RESIDENCE -OCCUPATION: Lived and worked as postmaster in Polk county, AR, returned to GA before moving to FL according to researcher Bobby Luck.
CENSUS: 1850 Federal Census Chattanooga Valley, Walker CO GA, p. 426, l. 32; age 3, born in GA CENSUS: 1870 Federal Census Fricks Gap P O, Walker Co, GA, age 21, w, male, born in GA, on roll 180, page 221, from GRS 3.03, Copyright 1994, Automated Archives, Inc. DEATH -BURIAL: Information from Bobby Luck, Gillean researcher, died in a shoot-out, along with his father, at Waters, AR, now Pine Ridge, Montgomery, AR . Buried with father, at site, at one time rail fence around graves, no longer there or can't be found according to Bobby Luck.
CENSUS: 1850 Federal census Chattanooga Valley, Walker CO GA, p. 426, l. 33; age 1/12, born in GA., not on 1860 census of family.
CENSUS: 1860 Federal Census of Duck Creek Post Office, Walker, GA, Wilson Dist., micro copy 653, Roll 139, page 707 shows Exer A, age 6, F, born in GA im household of John Gillean. 1870 Federal Census of Fricks Gap Post office, Walker, GA does not show Exer A. in household of John Gillean.
BIRTH -SPOUSE-RESIDENCE: According to Bobby Luck, born 1845, but not on 1850 census so believe he's wrong; married Thomas Shelton, lived in Bastrop County, TX, with mother Sarah Ann Dyer Gillean at time of mother's death, conflicts Walker County Heritage information.
Line 1942 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT PLAC ,Tishomongo,Mississippi or Alabama OBITUARY: W. E. Gillean, 86 year-old Confederate Veteran, was found dead at 5:45 p.m. Monday {8 Dec 1930) in his little home in the yard of the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. E. Fleeman, 900 Lancaster St., (Big Spring, Howard, TX) with a pistol wound in his head. [par] A bullet from a 32 caliber pistol entered the roof of Mr. Gillean's mouth, coming out at the top of his head. The slug landed in the ceiling. [par] The Civil War veteran was sitting in his rocking chair, facing a north window, when his body was discovered by Mr. Fleeman, who had gone to the house to summon him for supper. [par] According to Mr. Fleeman, Mr. Gillean had failed to eat any lunch, but had informed the family he felt badly. Officials expressed the opinion he was shot about 4 p.m. [par] Mr. Fleeman could assign no reason for the act. Justice of the Peace Cecil C. Collings conducted an inquest and returned a verdict of suicide. [par] He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Fleeman, Big Spring, and Mrs. Fannie Thomas, Houston, and two sons, E.B. and R.L. Gillean, Garden City route, Big Spring. His wife preceded him in death 29 years ago. [par] Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Eberley Chapel, the Rev. W. G. Bailey, pastor of the First Methodist church, conducting. Burial will be in the Mt. Olive cemetery. [par] The body of the aged veteran, clad in the immaculate grey of the Southern Confederacy, lies in state at the funeral home today, the Southern Cross of Honor placed over the heart. [par] Mr. Gillean was prominent in the battle waged for "the lost cause," having "gone to war" when 18 years old. He enlisted in a Georgia company Feb. 1, 1862 at Lafayette. [par] His army duties carried him to Savannah, Ga., and to Stanton, Virginia. His regiment was first in the Laughton brigade, the Ewell division of the Stonewall Jackson corps. [par] He was in the seven-day fight around Richmond, participated in both battles of Fredericksburg, and the battle of Chancellorville, and was in the march to the Potomac. This march carried him through Maryland and on to Gettysburg, Pa., where he fought for three days. [par] His career carried him on to the march toward the Spottsylvania Courthouse, over the historic grounds of Chancellorville. [par] On the first day, Mr. Gillean's cause saw 16,000 of Grant's men left dead on the field, while Lee was losing 9,000. [par] He was with General Early at Harper's Ferry. He was wounded twice during the war, once at Fredericksburg, and once at Winchester. He was shot in the right arm and forced to walk 100 miles to a hospital." Photocopy from BIG SPRING HERALD in poss. of Sybil Thomas Chapman who was told that her great-grandfather was going blind and did not wish to lose his independence or to be a burden by her father. CENSUS: 1850 Federal census of Chattanooga Valley, Walker, GA, p. 426, l. 29 shows Wiliam E. Gillean, 6, m, w, born in Ala; 1860 Federal census of Duck Creek, Wilson Dist., GA Microfilm 653, Roll 139, page 707 shows William E. Gillean, 15, m, w, born in Ala.; 1880 Federal census of Enum. Dist #187, Wilson's or 943, Walker, GA., enumerator: R. Wardlaw taken 4 June 1880, shows dwelling #110, family #110, Gillean, William E. 35, m, w, farming, born in Miss, parents' birthplaces unknown; 1900 Federal census of Ellis, TX , Enum. Dist. #13, W. N.C. Phariss, dwelling # 279, family # 282 shows Giilean, William Elliott, head w, m, b.18 Aug 1844, 55, m, 33 yrs married, born in Miss, both parents born in Miss., occupation farmer.; 1910 Federal census of Victoria County, TX in family #455 of son-in-law William S. Thomas, line 41, pg 179 m,w, age 68, wd. born in Mississippi, parents' birthplaces unknown, speaks English, farm laborer, home farm, working on own account, not out of work on Apr 15, 1910, 0 wks out of work year 1909, able to read, able to write,. Photocopies of 1850 and 1910 census in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman. Other censuses worksheets of granddaughter Georgia Belle FLEEMAN Landiss. MILITARY -RESIDENCE: Soldier's Application for Pension A-25105 photocopy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman, filed Nov. 9, 1913, approved Dec. 1, 1913, pension allowed from Mar. 1, 1914, deposition signed by William E. Gillean on 8th day of November, 1913 states he enlisted in April 1862, discharged on surrender at close of war, on furlough at the time of surrender, being wounded, born in Tishomingo Co., Miss., lived in Texas since 1881, in Victoria County, since 1902, had income less than three hundred dollars per annum from any source. W, G, Stoner, county tax assessor certified on 8th day of November 1913 that Wm. E. Gillean owned property of assessed value of six hundred dollars. Rec'd pension, entered Confederate home twice, left twice. REPRODUCED FROM THE HOLDINGS OF THE TEXAS STATE ARCHIVES, available from Texas State Library, cost $2.41 in 1996. SIXTIETH GEORGIA INFANTRY, capsule history available as part of a packet from THE HAROLD B. SIMPSON CONFEDERATE RESEARCH CENTER, HILL COLLEGE , P.O. Box 619, Hillsboro, TX 76645 enumerates 59 battles and/or campaigns that the regiment participated in up to the Sept. 19, 1864 battle at Winchester where a bone in his right arm was shattered. [told to William Otho GILLEAN , Sr. Waxahachie, TX, 18 Mar 1921. Sent to Georgia Belle FLEEMAN Landiss by William Otho, Jr., San Antonio, TX, copy in poss of Sybil Thomas Chapman.] "When wounded in right arm I had to march 100 miles to hospital and started with 4 hardtacks {crackers). The second day about 12 o'clock I came to a spring, here I got a drink and there being some good willow shade here, I slept, with my wounded arm {which had not been dressed since on the battle field} in the spring branch. During that time the blow flies had got into my arm. When I reached the hospital I had worms in my arm. Took gangrene (blood poision). The surgeon wanted to cut it off but I refused and now I have my arm as good as ever." LAND: VICTORIA COUNTY DEED RECORDS, VOL. 46, p. 164/5; sale to W. E. Gillean by H. Gervais, 50 a. for $400 cash on 25 day of Jan. A.D. 1902. Land in "Sumpter Turner survey, being part of lots 111, 112, 113 and 114 according to a map and plan of subdision of certain lands made by Wm. A Woo
He married Sarah or Sally Dyer Abt 1838 at Tn, Usa . Sarah or Sally Dyer was born at Usa 1814 .
They were the parents of 11
Marion Asbury Gillean
born 1837/38.
John Houston Gillean
born 19 Sep 1839.
James Monroe Gillean
born 1841/42.
Hiram A. Gillean
born 1 Apr 1842.
Sarah A. Gillean
born 1845.
Pleasant Taylor Gillean
born 17 Sep 1847.
Virgil Gerome (J.) Gillean
born 1848.
Jefferson Gillean
born Aug 1850.
Exer A. Gillean
born 1852.
Martha Ann Gillean
born 1856.
William Elliott Gillean
born 21 Aug 1844.
John Gillean died 1884 at Waters, Montgomery, Ar, Usa .
Sarah or Sally Dyer died 1912 at Delta, Tx, Usa .