William AXTELL
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: William /AXTELL/ (AFN:FLRV-CJ) and Thomasine // (AFN:FLRV-DP) William /AXTELL/ (AFN:8WGZ-QC) and Thomasine /.../ (AFN:8WGZ-RJ) This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: William /AXTELL/ (AFN:FLRV-CJ) and Thomasine // (AFN:FLRV-DP) William /AXTELL/ (AFN:8WGZ-QC) and Thomasine /.../ (AFN:8WGZ-RJ)
He married Thomasine . Thomasine was born at Berkhamstead, Hertford, England Abt 1591 .
They were the parents of 15
Nathaniel Axtell
born Abt 1612.
John Axtell
born 14 Aug 1614.
John Axtell
christened 14 Aug 1614.
William Axtell
born 1 Dec 1616.
William Axtell
christened 1 Dec 1616.
Thomas Axtell
born 1619.
Daniel Axtell
born 26 May 1622.
Samuel Axtell
born 15 Dec 1624.
Samuel Axtell
christened 15 Dec 1624.
Sarah Axtell
born 20 Jun 1628.
Sarah Axtell
christened 20 Jun 1628.
Joane Axtell
born Abt 1630.
Joane Axtell
christened 1630.
Ann Axtell
born Abt 1633.
Ann Axtell
christened 1633.
William Axtell died 1638 at Berkhamstead, England .