Joseph RICH
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: William /RICH/ (AFN:8HCL-RV) and Elizabeth // (AFN:8HCL-S2)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Joseph /RICH/ (AFN:2RN5-RC) and Elizabeth /GRUBB?/ (AFN:9GKZ-R0) Joseph /RICH/ (AFN:2RN5-RC) and Elizabeth /GRUBB?/ (AFN:9L8M-XS)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Joseph /RICH/ (AFN:2RN5-RC) and Elizabeth /GRUBB?/ (AFN:9GKZ-R0) Joseph /RICH/ (AFN:2RN5-RC) and Elizabeth /GRUBB?/ (AFN:9L8M-XS)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Joseph /RICH/ (AFN:2RN5-RC) and Elizabeth /GRUBB?/ (AFN:9GKZ-R0) Joseph /RICH/ (AFN:2RN5-RC) and Elizabeth /GRUBB?/ (AFN:9L8M-XS)
He married Elizabeth Grubb at West Nottingham, Chester, Pennsylvania . Elizabeth Grubb was born at West Nottingham, Cecil, Maryland Abt 1675 daughter of Henry Grubb Jr and Mary Perkins .
They were the parents of 4
Peter Rich
born 24 Apr 1715.
John Rich
born 13 Jun 1717.
Joseph Rich
born 1719.
Martha Rich
born 1721.
Joseph Rich died 25 Aug 1757 at West Nottingham, Chester, Pennsylvania .
Elizabeth Grubb died 1730 at West Nottingham, Cecil, Maryland .