22 Sep 1595
Burton, Dassett, Warwick, England
1 Aug 1667
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Abt 1626
of England
Universal Genealogy, ALIAS: 5410-3131, GENDB
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
Pedigree Resource File
Ancestry World Tree Project, Feb 2010
      Historical detail in NOTES

THOMAS MAKEPEACE:Ref. Savage: MAKEPEACE, THOMAS, Dorchester 1636, came with a large co. 1638, m. 1641, for his sec. w. Eliz. wid. of Oliver Mellows, hadJoseph, bapt. 20 Sept. 1646, wh. prob. d. bef. his f. rem. some yrs.later to Boston, and there d. In his will of 30 June 1666, he nameseldest s. Thomas, to wh. he had bef. giv. ho. and ld. in Eng. where hethen liv. and William; eldest d. Hannah, w. of Stephen Hoppin; Mary, w.of Lawrence Willis; Esther, w. of John Brown of Marlborough; andWaitawhile, w. of Josiah, not (as Geneal. Reg. V. 402, has it) ThomasCooper, nine ch. of Hoppin, whose mo. was Opportunity, four of Brown, andtwo of Cooper. WILLIAM, Boston, s. prob. of the preced. m. 23 May 1661,Ann Johnson, rem. I suppose, to Taunton, for there the name was long keptup.Ref. Edminster Family in America: find that a James Edmester and AnneMakepeace were married in Taunton, Massachusetts on 19 April 1689. It iscertain that this is the same James. Taunton is close to Freetown; theAnne checks; and the timing is satisfactory. Once more, the spellingvariation is not a handicap (except to a genealoger) According toarchive records in the Mormon Genalogical Library, Ann Makepeace was bornabout 1668 at Freetown. Another reference (17) cites the fact that,"Sarah the second wife (of Remembrance Davis of Freetown) was a daughterof Christopher Fox and wife Hannah Edminster, and born March 30, 1724,near Freetown, Massachusetts, granddaughter of James Edminster and wifeAnne Makepeace." Here the spelling is back to "Edminster". The patheticremainder of this story of Sarah is that "...several children ofRemembrance Davis by his second wife were so deformed that they could notlive."In the genealogy of the Makepeace family (18) it states, "Also, anotherdeed dated Jan. 25, 1689, by William Makepeace, Thomas Makepeace, WilliamDavis, James Edmester and Anne Edmester, wife of James Edmester, all ofFreetown..." Spelling is back to "Edmester" again. Also, note that theJanuary date in 1689 of the deed, above, is about nine months later thanthe April 1689 date of the marriage of James and Anne due to the factthat the beginning of the new year was on March 25th, and January wasthus the 11th month.In a discussion of the early residents of Freetown, especially one Lieut.Gardiner, is the following which places James in Freetown as a taxpayerin 1690; "To the record of Lieut. Gardiner we also owe the names of theresident taxpayers of Freetown in 1690, and which were as follows: JohnReed, ...William Davis, William Makepeace, Thomas Makepeace, AnnMakepeace, widow, James Edminster, Job Winslow..." The widow AnnMakepeace in this note is the widow of William Makepeace and mother ofAnn Makepeace Edminster. This William Makepeace had been drowned in 1681(19). He was the second son of Thomas Makepeace who was born in Englandabout 1592, came to Boston in either 1635 or 1637 from Daventry,Northamptonshire (20). It is not known whether or not this ThomasMakepeace was closely related to the Makepeace's of Northamptonshire,England, who owned Sulgrave Manor. Lawrence Makepeace, of London, in 1610bought the Manor from Robert Washington, 4-great grandfather of GeorgeWashington of Virginia. Robert Washington's sister, Mary, married AbelMakepeace, father of Lawrence who acquired the famed Manor. Lawrence'sson, also Abel, sold the Manor in 1659 (21).In 1637, soon after his arrival in Boston from England, Thomas Makepeacewas granted "...a house plot and garden place." with location given as"... bounded with Jeremy Houtchin, Southeast; William Wilson, South; thestreet, Westerly; and the Lane, Northerly. " It was " HanoverStreet, near Court Street, and probably not far from where Concert Hallnow (1857) is..." It was near the "Market Stead" where the first "MeetingHouse" was built an
Elizabeth HAWKREDD
8 Dec 1604
Boston, Lincoln, England
21 Jul 1634
Bristol, Somerset, England
24 Apr 1655
Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachu 
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Makepeace - Elizabeth Hawkredd

Thomas Makepeace was born at Burton, Dassett, Warwick, England 22 Sep 1595. His parents were William Makepeace and Mary .

He married Elizabeth Hawkredd Abt 1626 at of England . Elizabeth Hawkredd was born at Boston, Lincoln, England 8 Dec 1604 daughter of Anthony Hawkredd and Isabel Dowse .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Hester Makepeace born 21 Jul 1634.

Thomas Makepeace died 1 Aug 1667 at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts .