Thomas Edward COTTLE

22 Nov 1850
Dudley, Worcester, England
9 Dec 1850
Dudley, Worcester, England
1 Mar 1908
Plain City, Weber, Utah
4 Mar 1908
Plain City, Weber, Utah
19 May 1897
   BIRTH:  27 Nov 1850 by Birth Cert of Thomas Edward Cottle, Somerset House, No:  BX 10006251 (in
      possession of F. John Roberts).  Plain City Ward records states  22 Nov as does the diary entry of William
      Henry Cottle, a brother, kept 22 Nov  since that is the date family members identified.
   CHR: IGI extracted batch C040146 call No. 378771 F Print Out: 6901851 Fiche.

    Birth date of Thomas E. Cottle: in Plain City Ward Records is listed as 22 Nov 1850.  The difference between Ward Records and English Birth certificate has caused difference of dates on FGS prepared by family members.

Historical Note in family file:
     Upon arriving in Utah he lived in Ogden for one year, then moved to Plain City where he lived until his death.  He served a mission in the Central States in 1887.  He played the bass horn in the Plain City Band and served as Sexton for a long time.  He was one of the most widely known gardners and bee keepers in the Weber Valley.

From Annie J. Cottle Stock's Journal:
    Thomas Edward Cottle son of Henry Cottle and Elizabeth Brettell was born at Dudley, Staffordshire, England, 22 Nov 1850.  He came to Utah for the gospels sake, stayed in Colorado till 1866, at which time they arrived in Ogden, Utah, leaving Ogden in 1870 and went to Plain City to settle.  Plain City is ten miles from Ogden.  He married Flora England.  Not long after his marriage he worked in the temple rock quarries.  During this time he had a preminition of danger.  With his partner he was hammering and chisling rock.  He heard a voice say "Tom, come out of there".  He turned, thinking that it was his partner speaking.  It was repeated twice more.  Then he hurried out, just in time to excape a cave in.  He later became a farmer and bee keeper at Plain City.  He raised wonderful celery, vegetables and flowers.

Height: 5'9"; Weight: 190-205lbs; Eyes: Blue; Hair: light.
Died of stoppage of bowels at Plain City.
Baptized by: Wm. Gale at Ogden, Utah
Confirmed by: Mr. Dinsdale
Ordained Elder: by Albert McCoy 5 Feb 1872.
Ordained Seventy: by W. R. Stowell  27 Jan 1884.

..Left Ogden in 1870, went to Plain City, Utah to settle.  The grasshopper war was there during that year.  Tlhey planted crops which the grasshoppers ate and had to ggo away to work that year to make a living.  From that time Thomas followed gardening and forming.  He was sexton of the Plain Clity Cemetery for 20 years.  He was a member of Plain City BAnd, played 3rd bass from 1880 to 1897.  Was active in church work, was a teacher in Sunday School, a ward teacher.  He filled a 14 months mission in the state of Ohio.  His death was caused largely from over work in building a home.
8 Feb 1868
Greensboro, North Carolina
   Jesse Lewis Cottle (stepson) personal knowledge.
   Marriage date changed from previous FGS to agree with information in the
    history of Thomas Edward Cottle by Jesse L. Cottle.
   Previous marriage year of '1909' is impossible as Thomas was then dead.

**PROBLEM: Check out the following:
    It is infered by the dates in FGS that Thomas married Mary Oliver in the the date in Annie's journal is 19 May 1909 for marriage and endowment.  This would mean that Thomas death date is in error.

Note: Mary married William H. Coy in Gainesvill, Florida.
   GS in family file do not use Mary's maiden name as they refer to her as Mary  Oliver Kirkman.  I am assuming that OLIVER is her maiden name [John Roberts June 1994].
   Height: 5'10"; Weight: 150 lbs; Eyes: blue; Hair: dark
   Died: of old age, 84 yrs old, at Ogden, Utah

From Annie's Journal:
   She went from North Carolina to Sacramento, California then came to Utah July 24, 1895 with her husband W. A. Kirman.  He was later killed in an explosion in Ogden Canyon.  Thos E. Cottle dug his grave and at that time met Mrs. Kirkman.  They were married about a year later.  they lived at his home in Plain City for about eleven years, until his death.  In the year 1905 they took a trip to Mrs. Kirkman's home in North CArolina where they visited with her sisters.
Tom's son Jesse Lewis Cottle went with them on the trip.  He was between 12 & 13 yrs old.  They left Dec 15, 1905 and returned 26 Feb 1906.  After Thos E. Cottle died she married William Coy of Plain City.  They mad a trip to
Jacksonville, Florida from Dec 1912 to Jan 1917.  While in Florida she made a trip to North Carolina remaining about 3 weeks.  Wm Coy took sich and she returned to him in Florida.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Edward Cottle - Mary Oliver

Thomas Edward Cottle was born at Dudley, Worcester, England 22 Nov 1850. His parents were Henry Cottle and Elizabeth Brettell.

He married Mary Oliver 19 May 1897 . Mary Oliver was born at Greensboro, North Carolina 8 Feb 1868 .

Thomas Edward Cottle died 1 Mar 1908 at Plain City, Weber, Utah .