Thomas Edward COTTLE

22 Nov 1850
Dudley, Worcester, England
9 Dec 1850
Dudley, Worcester, England
1 Mar 1908
Plain City, Weber, Utah
4 Mar 1908
Plain City, Weber, Utah
7 Nov 1872
Plain City, Weber, Utah
   BIRTH:  27 Nov 1850 by Birth Cert of Thomas Edward Cottle, Somerset House, No:  BX 10006251 (in
      possession of F. John Roberts).  Plain City Ward records states  22 Nov as does the diary entry of William
      Henry Cottle, a brother, kept 22 Nov  since that is the date family members identified.
   CHR: IGI extracted batch C040146 call No. 378771 F Print Out: 6901851 Fiche.

    Birth date of Thomas E. Cottle: in Plain City Ward Records is listed as 22 Nov 1850.  The difference between Ward Records and English Birth certificate has caused difference of dates on FGS prepared by family members.

Historical Note in family file:
     Upon arriving in Utah he lived in Ogden for one year, then moved to Plain City where he lived until his death.  He served a mission in the Central States in 1887.  He played the bass horn in the Plain City Band and served as Sexton for a long time.  He was one of the most widely known gardners and bee keepers in the Weber Valley.

From Annie J. Cottle Stock's Journal:
    Thomas Edward Cottle son of Henry Cottle and Elizabeth Brettell was born at Dudley, Staffordshire, England, 22 Nov 1850.  He came to Utah for the gospels sake, stayed in Colorado till 1866, at which time they arrived in Ogden, Utah, leaving Ogden in 1870 and went to Plain City to settle.  Plain City is ten miles from Ogden.  He married Flora England.  Not long after his marriage he worked in the temple rock quarries.  During this time he had a preminition of danger.  With his partner he was hammering and chisling rock.  He heard a voice say "Tom, come out of there".  He turned, thinking that it was his partner speaking.  It was repeated twice more.  Then he hurried out, just in time to excape a cave in.  He later became a farmer and bee keeper at Plain City.  He raised wonderful celery, vegetables and flowers.

Height: 5'9"; Weight: 190-205lbs; Eyes: Blue; Hair: light.
Died of stoppage of bowels at Plain City.
Baptized by: Wm. Gale at Ogden, Utah
Confirmed by: Mr. Dinsdale
Ordained Elder: by Albert McCoy 5 Feb 1872.
Ordained Seventy: by W. R. Stowell  27 Jan 1884.

..Left Ogden in 1870, went to Plain City, Utah to settle.  The grasshopper war was there during that year.  Tlhey planted crops which the grasshoppers ate and had to ggo away to work that year to make a living.  From that time Thomas followed gardening and forming.  He was sexton of the Plain Clity Cemetery for 20 years.  He was a member of Plain City BAnd, played 3rd bass from 1880 to 1897.  Was active in church work, was a teacher in Sunday School, a ward teacher.  He filled a 14 months mission in the state of Ohio.  His death was caused largely from over work in building a home.
5 Nov 1856
Bradpole, Somerset, England
4 May 1896
Plain City, Weber, Utah
7 May 1896
Plain City, Weber, Utah
   Birth:  Plain City Ward Records, F 026,388.  However, difference between Ward Rec. and IGI on DOB & Place:  Ward says Bridport and IGI says Bradpole used IGI info.
Ward listed DOB 5 Nov but IGI listed DOB as 2 Nov 1856 assumed Ward to be correct.  IGI: Batch T999172 sht       94 Family History S13
   Burial Date:  Ancestral File.
   SP date: Sealing sheet in family file.

   Bapt date: AFN has 7 Apr 1864.

Historical Note:
    Flora came to Utah with her parents with an ox team in Captain Duncan's Company in 1862.  She lived with her parents in a dugoutuntil she met and married Thomas Edward Cottle.  They settled on the same ground he first built a two room adobe house, cellar, corrals, artisan well and so on.  Thomas later built a brick home (for his second wife).  [Note by Annie Jane Cottle Stock]:  She lived with her parents in Plain City in a dugout, about where Wm. Hunt lives now.  She lived there until her marriage to Thos. E. Cottle.  They settled on the same ground which my father later built a brick house which stands at this writing.   Flora England Cottle died of child birth
4 May 1896 (when Reubin Francis Cottle was born).

This article was found in the papers of LaPriel Roberts:

Jane Pavard - England           From the Daily Heralk, November 27

Mother England

A worthy woman leaves this world for a better one.

       Editor Heerald:  We have the sorrowful duty to record the demise of a worthy woman whose virtues will survive her long in the loving memory of her wide circle of friends and acquaintenaces.  There died in this city, Wenber County, Utah, on November 20, 1992, of congestion of the lungs, Jane Pavard, the beloved wife of Father John England.  The deceased was born, August 22, 1815, at Stafford near Yeovil, Someersetshire, England.  She was married at the same place, May 4, 1834, and at her death was the mother of 15 children, seven sons and eight daughters and grandparent to 37.
       Sister England was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Laatter-day Saints in 1848, at Bridgeport, Dorsetshire, England, by Elder George Kendall.  Mother England emigrated to Utah in 1862 in company with her husband and a portion of her family, in Captain Duncan's company and settled in this place, having been preceded to Utah by her eldest daughter Annie who crossed the plains in the handcompay in 1857.  Two years afterwards, her son, John, crossed the pllains and assisted to build the first telegraph line that crossed the Rocky Mountains to Utah.  They thus materially assisted their parents to gather to the home of the Saints.
       Sister England was surrounded at the time of her death by all of her family, and was fully conscious of the great change impending.  Her suffereings lasted about 27 days........  respect to all that remained of Mother England.  Yea; of very truth a city is left to mourn.  The services were opened by solemn music, and prayer by Elder A. Knight.  Bro. John Spiers then gave a very feeling and eulogistic review of the deceased's life and usefulness curing the last 17 years.  He was followed by Elder P. C. Green, and Bro. Wm. Geddes.  Bp. Shurtliff closed the seervices, but was so affected that his feelings were unexpressed.  The funeral cortege then moved to the graveyard, and the setting sun passed below the western horizon, as they hid in the tomb all that waas left of that good and faithful servant.  Mother and Sister England.  She died a true Latter-day Saint, having also been a member of the Rellief Society.

It is not the tear at this moment shed,
       When the cold eaarth has just been laid o'er her,
That can tell, how beloved was the wife that's fled,
       Or how deep in our hearts we deplore her,
Tis the tear through many a long day wept,
       Tis the one remembrance fondly kept,
Then all other griefs have faded.

Shortly after her settlement in Plain City, Sister England was ordained and set apart as a midwife, under the hands of Elder John Carver, and, by the dictation of the Spirit of God, who promised the blessings of success in all her administrations, which promis haas been fully vereified in a singular manner.  She was unlearned, even in the commonest rudiments of language or science, was unassuming,
(Omission and the rest of this excerpt from newspaper clipping was lost.
30 Dec 1881
Plain City, Weber, Utah
4 Aug 1974
Sandy, Salt Lake, Utah
7 Jun 1902
Paris, Bear Lake, Idaho 
26 Aug 1873
Plain City, Weber, Utah
4 Oct 1926
Garden City, Rich, Utah
6 Nov 1895
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
   John Stock Family file.
   Ancestral File: Death place; Burial date and place; marriage place (Jun 1994)

Flora and John Negus had seven children. Data not found in family file.
21 Mar 1875
Plain City, Weber, Utah
28 Mar 1918
Stone, Oneida, Idaho
2 Nov 1910
   Family file.
   Ancestral File: Jun 1994- Death place; marriage place; SS date.
   DOB & Children: Annie Jane Cottle Stock's journal.

**Note:  Ancestral file has different dates for Bapt need to Ck Plain City Ward
Records.  Can accept AF date of End-SS as they agree with marriage date.
Annie Jane's Journal has marriage to Alice Kemp as 10 Nov 1910.

HISTORICAL NOTE: (Annie Jane Cottle Stock)
   Blessed by John Spires  6 Apr 1876
   Baptized by Wm L. Steward  3 Jul 1884
   Confirmed by John Spires 3 Jul 1884
   Schooling at Plain City.
   Ordained a Deacon by John England  18 Feb 1890
   Ordained an Elder by Christian Olsen  8 Nov 1898
   Ordained a Seventy by Willard Smith  26 May 1912
   Ordained a High Priest by Rudger Clawson  17 May 1915
George Edward COTTLE
26 Jan 1878
Plain City, Weber, Utah
8 Mar 1879
                   NOTE:  From Annie Jane Cottle Stock journal:
   Died of scarlet fever.
Selena Farnum COTTLE
30 Mar 1880
Plain City, Weber, Utah
9 Aug 1881
18 Sep 1883
Plain City, Weber, Utah
2 Oct 1883
13 Aug 1884
Plain City, Weber, Utah
28 Jan 1962
ogden, Weber, Utah
31 Jan 1906
Ogden, Weber, Utah 
                   Source: FGS in LaPriel Roberts file.
   Ancestral File: Jun 1994- Death place; marriage place
   Birth: Plain City Ward Records - F 026,388

**SS date as recorded in Ancestral File is in error.
   ck again- Annie had SS 20 Jan 1906 in SL Temple.
25 Nov 1888
Plain City, Weber, Utah
20 Jun 1971
Montpelier, Idaho
3 Sep 1907
Logan, Cache, Utah 
   Data from Obituary - including family - children listed as the obit listed
   Ancestral File: Death place; Burial date and place, marriage place. SS date.
   Name: Plain City Ward Rec, F 026,388 which does not agree with family records
and Ancestral File.  Ward Rec. has only "Mary" while AF & Family has "Marylou"

NOTE: Family file records do not agree with Ancestral File on marriage info.
place and SS.
27 Aug 1889
Plain City, Weber, Utah
17 May 1974
3 Apr 1908
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
    Birth date: Plain City Ward Rec- 026,388.
    Ancestral File- marriage place and SS date.
Violet Tressa COTTLE
20 Dec 1890
Plain City, Weber, Utah
20 Apr 1895
   Family File.
   Ancestral File compared- Birth date listed as 1894 instead of 1890.

Note:  In every family member list that my grandmother, Annie Jane Cottle,
    made that I have seen she lists Violet after Myrtle and before Jesse.  If this
    is correct then 1894 is incorrect.  Jesse Cottle says in his history, that he
    wrote, that he was number eleven in the family and that two of each sex died
    less than 1 yr old.  Death date of Violet T. must be in error.  Annie journal
says that Violet lived about 4 months and died of pneumonia.
15 Sep 1892
Plain City, Weber, Utah
14 Mar 1985
14 Jun 1916
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
   FGS in LaPriel Roberts Family file.
   Life History of Jesse Lewis Cottle, by Jesse Lewis Cottle, which identified:
    Baptism date; Middle name is "Lewis" rather than "Louis"; and that he was the
    eleventh child in his family of twelve - this places him after Violet Tressa
    and before Rueben Francis (AF has Jesse # 10).
   Mar date: Jesse L Cottle
27 Apr 1896
Plain City, Weber, Utah
14 Aug 1963
Roy, Weber, Utah
5 Oct 1914
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah 
   FGS in LaPriel Stock Roberts file.
   Ancestral File- Death place; Burial date and place; marriage place.
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Edward Cottle - Flora England

Thomas Edward Cottle was born at Dudley, Worcester, England 22 Nov 1850. His parents were Henry Cottle and Elizabeth Brettell.

He married Flora England 7 Nov 1872 at Plain City, Weber, Utah . Flora England was born at Bradpole, Somerset, England 5 Nov 1856 daughter of John England and Jane Pavered .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Annie Jane Cottle born 30 Dec 1881.
Flora Elizabeth Cottle born 26 Aug 1873.
Thomas Henry Cottle born 21 Mar 1875.
George Edward Cottle born 26 Jan 1878.
Selena Farnum Cottle born 30 Mar 1880.
John Cottle born 18 Sep 1883.
Charles Welcome Cottle born 13 Aug 1884.
Mary Lew Beatrice Cottle born 25 Nov 1888.
Myrtle Cottle born 27 Aug 1889.
Violet Tressa Cottle born 20 Dec 1890.
Jesse Lewis Cottle born 15 Sep 1892.
Reuben Francis Cottle born 27 Apr 1896.

Thomas Edward Cottle died 1 Mar 1908 at Plain City, Weber, Utah .

Flora England died 4 May 1896 at Plain City, Weber, Utah .