17 Jan 1745/46
Augusta, Virginia, Usa
Augusta, Virginia, Usa
User Submitted
Nancy Rachel BROWNLEE
Augusta, Viginia, Usa
Oct 1791
Augusta, Viginia, Usa
                   February 21, 2001

I need to write an experience I had about Rachel Brownlee.  Years ago Ihad a dream. In the dream I heard the voice of a young woman.  Sheintroduced herself to me as Rachel Brownlee.  She said to me twice in thedream, "Don't forget me.  Don't forget me."  Very clearly.  I didn'tforget her. I remembered her name and the dream all these years.  But shein a relative on Bruce Hills side of the family, and although I lookedfor her name and family as I researched his family, I never learnedanything about Rachel.

Tonight I was looking up information about an obscure member on my sideof the family.  I had found a will for John Rohrer in Washington County,Maryland and noticed there was another will for his brother, FrederickRohrer.  When I tried to get it to print, Frederick's will would notprint.  In fact the whole computer crashed and I gave up in disgust.Tonight I was determined to find Frederick's will so I could make sure Ihad all of his children listed.  I could not get into the site on theInternet.  I tried every way I could think of, and had no success.Finally I typed in the name Frederick Rohrer and began going through eachsite that came up.  I found a site that listed his name, and when I wentto it, I noticed it had references to all kinds of names, includingreferences to the Brownlee family.  Intrigued, I went to theinformation.  As I scrolled through all the references to many members ofthe Brownlee family all around the globe, I came to ONE family fromAugusta County, Virginia.  Sure enough, there was Rachel's name, and thatshe had married John Christian.  But more important, it gave me herFAMILY--parents and siblings and birth dates and places.

I know that the Lord led me to the site and the information on it.  I amkeeping my promise to Rachel that I will not forget her.  It took awhile, Rachel, but I have found you and I will do what needs to be doneon behalf of your family.  There was no reason for me to ever stumbleonto that site, or read the information. I know the hand of the Lord wasthere guiding me to this person.  I thank the Lord for his wisdom and hislove that has allowed me to reach out and find my kindred dead.  I knowthat he blesses my work and that I am in His service as I search theworld for family members.  I know beyond a doubt that those on the otherside are aware of what we do for them down there.  Rachel knew that Iwouldn't forget her, and so tonight a promise was kept and theinformation she wanted me to find was given to me.

This is my testimony on behalf of Rachel and others waiting to be found.I thank the Lord for his help.

Judith Hills
Bountiful, Utah
FamilyCentral Network
John Christian - Nancy Rachel Brownlee

John Christian was born at 17 Jan 1745/46.

He married Nancy Rachel Brownlee at Augusta, Virginia, Usa .

They were the parents of 1 child:

John Christian died at Augusta, Virginia, Usa .

Nancy Rachel Brownlee died Oct 1791 at Augusta, Viginia, Usa .