17 May 1732
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
13 Dec 1803
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
16 Aug 1759
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
1998 Ancestral File
Ancestry World Tree Project
Pedigree Resource File
Internet IGI, Jul 2008
                   Historical information included in notes.

The children were listed in the town records of Freetown (FHL 904380)There is a family group sheet in the FGRA collection of the FamilyHistory Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, submitted by Janette C. Miller,(now deceased). Her sources: "Winslow Family of America" Vol.1 byHolton.It seems a little strange that Abner and Rebecca were married 4 1/2years before having any children. Also, there is a span just short of 10years between the birthdates of the second and third children. However,the list of the family in the town records of Freetown has only the fiveshown here.The 1790 census shows Abner in Freetown, pg 46, with 2 males over 16,3 under and 3 females. One of the males over 16 would be Abner but hissons Philip and John were under 16 so there must have been an older boyunless some relative was living with them. And since there were threeunder 16, there could have been another younger boy unless, again, hewas a relative. One of the females would be his wife Rebecca but, sincedaughters Rebecca and Martha were both married before 1790, Hannah isthe only one who would be at home. The census seems to suggest twomore boys and another girl.In the 1800 census he is listed with one male btw 10 and 16, two btw 16and 26 and one over 45, one female under 10, one btw 10 and 16, one btw16 and 26 and one over 45. This also suggests a younger and an older boyas there is no known son which would be between 10 and 16 and Johnwould be the only known son between 16 and 26 who was then unmarried.There are also two unexplained girls in the 1800 census, one under 10and the other between 10 and 16. It is possible the one between 10 and16 was born after the 1790 census but had turned 10 before the 1800census and the other born after 1790, but it is unlikely that Rebeccawould have children that young as she was over 51 in 1790. Here, again,it is possible they were relatives, perhaps grandchildren.No other records have been found supporting these extra children andthey were not named in Abner's will, so they must have died before thatdate if they were his children, or were older and had been given theirportion.Abner was a selectman of Freetown in 1777-8 and 1780, and was one ofthe Committee of Correspondence and Amity in the Revolutionary War.This committee (called, in "History of Freetown" pub 1902, "Committeeof Correspondence, Inspection and Safety") evidently was instrumentalin drawing up a "Declaration of Independence", in 1776, the text ofwhich is found in "History of the Town of Freetown", no author given butpublished by J. H. Franklin and Co. of Fall River in 1902. In the early daysof the war there were some in Freetown who were loyal to Britain andit caused some stir in the town. Some Winslows were listed with these,including a John and a William, but not clear of which family as thesenames were used in many of the Winslow families at that time. Abner'sname was not included.In his will, dated 5 Nov 1800 and proved 3 May 1803, he calls himself"gentleman". He gave his wife his homestead farm whereon he then livedtogether with all the buildings thereon and a quarter share of a saltmeadow for her use during her life, to be given after her death to his twosons Phillip and John. He also gave her all his "indoor moveables" andhousehold furniture, one horse and one cow. He gave all the rest of hislands, stock, cattle and outdoor moveables to be divided equally betweenhis two sons. He also gave to his two sons one quarter share in a sawmill, all money on hand and all due him by note, bond or book debt to bedivided between them. They were to pay $400 to each of his daughtersand $100 to his grandson Abner Jones when he reached the age of 21.Phillip and John were appointed joint executors. He and his wife wereboth buried in Freetown. I have not yet found a death date for her.
31 Mar 1738
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
13 Apr 1803
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
3 Mar 1764
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
Mar 1848
20 Nov 1781
Freetown, Bristol, Massachuset 
7 Apr 1766
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
20 Mar 1776
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
17 Nov 1799
Freetown, Bristol, Massachuset 
24 Nov 1778
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
13 Nov 1854
5 May 1801
Freetown, Bristol, Massachuset 
19 Oct 1781
Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts
6 Aug 1801
Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachuse 
FamilyCentral Network
Abner Winslow - Rebecca Hathaway

Abner Winslow was born at Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts 17 May 1732. His parents were John Winslow and Elizabeth Hathaway.

He married Rebecca Hathaway 16 Aug 1759 at Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts . Rebecca Hathaway was born at Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts 31 Mar 1738 daughter of Phillip Hathaway and Martha Simmons .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Rebecca Winslow born 3 Mar 1764.
Martha Winslow born 7 Apr 1766.
Phillip Winslow born 20 Mar 1776.
John Winslow born 24 Nov 1778.
Hannah Winslow born 19 Oct 1781.

Abner Winslow died 13 Dec 1803 at Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts .

Rebecca Hathaway died 13 Apr 1803 at Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts .