Luke Lewis COYNE

New York
Abt Dec 1900
of Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Abt 1857
of New York
Oconto County, Wisconsin Marriage Records, (FHL#1291397) Vol. 1, pg. 731
1860 Census - Sevastopol, Door, WI
1870 Census - Sevastopol, Door, WI, Wife not in the home
1880 Census - Sevastopol, Door, WI, Divorced
USGenWeb - WI Pension Records, Pension application of Luke Coyne, Apr 2010
    Civil War Veteran.  Had his big toe shot off, got a fever and the remedies used caused partial blindness, he lost 50 lbs, and had weakness in limbs.  Filed for an invalid pension and received it.  Pension papers included in notes.  Pension ended Dec 4th 1900 due to death.

    Farmer.  Lost a barn and the whole crop in a fire in Oct 1871. Had one of the finest farms in Sevastopol, and bought a grain binder, the first in the town.  However, it refused to work, and the expense caused him to lose his farm in 1877.

    Luke is listed in a Sevastopol history as one of the first German farmers in the area, separating him from the Irish farmers who came a little later, though the Coyne ancestry is typically an Irish one.

Luke Coyne's pension record:

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War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, Mch 24, 1886

Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions

Luke Coyne, a Private of Company F, 32nd Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, 
__________ and is reported on muster in roll of Co. dated Sept. 24.62 present so reported 
on Co. muster rolls to Feb. 29.64  Ma & Apr. 64 absent detailed as Div. teamster same to 
Feb. 28.65.  Mar & Apr. 65 present.

Name not borne on rolls of detached men serving at Hd.2rs. 1 Div. 17 A.C. with which 
this Regt. service on file.  

Regt. Hosital records furnish no information.  Co. reports furnish no information.

J.S. Rucker


Washington, D.C. April 12, 1875


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension 
No. 201.724, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished from by the 
files of this office.

It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that Luke Coyne was enrolled on the 15th 
day of Aug. 1862, at Sturgeon Bay in Co. F 32nd Regiment of Wis. Volunteers, to serve 
3 years or during the war, and mustered into service as a Pvt. on the 25th day of Sept. 
1862 at Oskkosh Wis. in Co. F, 32nd Regiment of Wis. Volunteers, to serve 3 years, or 
during the war.  On the Muster Roll of Co. F, of that Regiment, for the months of Jan'y & 
Feb'y, 1863, he is reported present for duty.  This name not borne on Return for Jan'y-63 
among those absent sick or otherwise.  M_____ dated June 12/65 reports him present & 
mustered out with Co. on that date.  No evidence of disability Jan'y-64.  Name Luke 
Coyne is not borne on rolls of said Co.

I am, sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant
JP Martin
Assistant Adjutant General

The Commissioner of Pensions,
Washington, D.C.



To be executed before a court of record or some officer thereof having custody of its seal.

State of Wisconsin
County of Door

On this 8th day of March, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy five personally 
appeared before me, a clerk of the Circuit Court, a court of record within and for the 
county and State aforesaid, Luke Coyne, aged 44 years, a resident of the Town of 
Bailey's Harbor, county of Door, State of Wisconsin, who, being duly sworn according to 
law, declares that he is the identical Luke Coyne who was ENROLLED on the 15th day 
of August, 1862, in company F of the 32nd regiment of Wisconson Infty commanded by 
Captain H.L. Graham, and was honorably DISCHARGED at Washington on the 12th day 
of June 1865; that his personal description is as follows:  Age, 32 years; height 6  foot 1 
inches; complexion light; hair, light; eyes grey.  That while a member of the organization 
aforesaid, in the service in and in the line of duty at Jackson in the State of Tennessee on 
or about the _____ day of January 1863, he lost the great toe of the left foot also had 
fever & ague & intermittent fever the remedies used for which have settled in my limbs 
causing great weakness & pain and affecting my eyes very materially being unable to use 
them to read or write.

That he was treated in hospitals as follows:  was treated by the regimental surgeon in the 
company did no go to any hospital except for medicine.

That he has not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated 

Was transferred by the regimental surgeon into the 3rd Div. 17th Army corps as a 

That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in the Town of Sevastopal in the 
State of Wisconsin, and his occupation has been that of a farmer.  That prior to his entry 
into the service above named he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being when 
enrolled a farmer.  That he is now partially disabled from obtaining his subsistence by 
manual labor by reason of his injuries, above described, received in the service of the 
United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed n 
the invalid pension roll of the United States.

He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, _____ of _____, State 
of _____, his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim.  That he has never received 
nor applied for a pension.  That his Post Office Address is Sturgeon Bay, county of Door, 
State of Wisconsin.

Claiment's Signature;  Luke Coyne


John Parland?
(illegible signature)

State of Wisconsin
County of Brown

I Luke Coyne being duly sworn says I am applicant for Invalid Pension as Pri. Co. F 
32nd Reg Wis Inft Vols. claim No. 2013724 for loss of great toe of left foot fever & ague 
disease of legs & eyes.

I am 57 years of age my residence & PO address is 44 East Kinzie St. Chicago Illinois.  I 
enlisted in Aug. 15 at Sturgeon Bay Door Co. Wis. with about 18 others and was pvt in 
Co. F 32nd Wis. I was a farmer & well strong & hearty & sound.

In latter part of December 1862 at Grand Junction Tennessee I took a very bad cold had a 
fever in my head my eyes were very bad and had the catarrh very bad.  There was no 
hospital & my Capt. (M.J. Meade) took me to his quarters in a brick house and our 
surgeon Dr. Fay attended me stayed there a week or ten days was sick & excused from 
duty for a month or two & in spring of 1863 I was on picket at Jackson Tennessee  I was 
not well but there was so many sick I thought I would try it.

I was the _____ there was no one with me it was early in the morning.  I heard the report 
of a gun from the outside & immediately was struck on the great toe of the left foot by a 
bullet which took the toe off - not entirely but Dr. Wilbur the surgeon of the regiment 
took it off it was smashed so badly when I was sick at Grand Junction I had _____ _____ 
also examined by Surgeon Wilbur & ordered to be discharged - he said I could get along 
without my toe but it was impossible to cure my catarrh or eyes - I was sick & nearly 
blind - had to be led around.  Capt. Meade promised to take up to headquarters. from day 
to day to have me discharged.  The other six men died.  They belonged to my company.  I 
was ordered to a  hospital at Vicksburg in about Feb. 1864 just when our regiment was 
ordered on the march to Meridan I went as far as the door & then turned around back to 
the regiment was ordered to go back but told then I told them I had rather die in the field 
than in a hospital - The wagon master gave me a team of mules & I drove day time & the 
cook drove at night & the other harnessed & unharnessed and fed & took care of the 

The team was the commisary team of the 8th Division 17th Corps.  I went in that way to 
Atlanta & back to Chattanooga- Then the team was turned over & I with perhaps 100 
teamsters were sent to Tunnel Hill I never got back to my regiment until they were in 
Washington on their way home to be mustered out - Then I went with them to Milwaukee 
& was mustered out with them in June 1865.

When I enlisted I weightd 198 pounds I am six foot two & when I was discharged 
weighted 155 was not well enough to do any work but could walk around and my eyes 
were very bad and are yet.

Luke Coyne

Subscribed sworn to before me on this 29 Oct 1887 & I attest that affiant is a respectable 
person & entitled to credit - that I read the foregoing to him before signing & he agreed 
the same in my presence I have no interest direct or indirect in the presentation of this 
claim and a certificate of my authority as NS Commissioner is on file in the Pension 

Van Buren Bromley?
NS Commissioner
ES of Wis.

State of Illinois
Cook County

In pension claim 201.724, Luke Coyne late of Co F 32nd Reg't Wisc. Vol. Inf.

Luke Coyne being first duly sworn says that he is the person mentioned in the above 
claim; that in the year 1866 after his discharge from service and his return to Sturgeon 
Bay Wisconsin he went to a physician by the name of Desplains then a practicing 
physician and surgeon at said Sturgeon Bay Wis. for treatment of his eyes; that said 
physician then and there after a thorough examination of affiants eyes informed affiant 
that it would be useless to treat his eyes, that nothing could be done for them that would 
benefit them and that possibly what little sight affiant had left might be totally destroyed 
if an attempt to treat them was made; that upon that advice affiant never after attempted 
to have anything done for eyes and never consulted any physician about them and until 
about a year ago, when he submitted his eyes for an examination to Dr. E.L. Holmes of 
Chicago the most eminent physician in said city with reference to the treatment of the 
eye, and that said Dr. E.L. Holmes then and there informed affiant that any treatment 
would not benefit his eyes - affiant futher says that said Dr. E.L. Holmes again on this 
28th day of November 1888 examined affiants eyes and then informed affiant that 
treatment would not be beneficial to his, affiant's eyes.

Affiant further says that the physician first above named died about eighteen years ago at 
Ahnepee? in the State of Wisconsin as affiant is informed.  Affiant says that, therefore, he 
is unable to furnish the affidavit of said physician Dr. Desplaines, and is unable to furnish 
the affidavit of any other physicians than that on file in this case, for the reason that he 
had no others attend him.

Luke Coyne

Suscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of November AD 1888.

N.D. Munhall
Notary Public


Luke Coyne Co. F 32nd Wis . No. 201.721

State of Wisconsin
County of Brown

Jacob Cooper being duly sworn says - I am 51 years of age - my residence & PO address 
is Green Bay Brown Co Wis. has been off & on for 28 years - am a laborer - was a 
private in Co. F 32nd Wis. from Aug. 1862 till June 1865 - was well acquainted with 
Luke Coyne above named who was also a private in said Co. - he was always sound 
healthy & had good eyes until about Jan. 1st 1864 - remember that date as it was the 
coldest in many years - we were then at Grand Junction Tenn. the weather for some time 
was very bad - rain a lot & snow - we only had shelter tents and suffered a great deal.

Luke Coyne had a very bad cold and was sick - very soon after that his eyes were bad - at 
Jackson Tennessee when we went from Grand Junction he had to be led around - he did 
no dury - they took his gun away from him to keep him from going on picket - he always 
wanted to go and was of no use - he had to be led around by some one all the time he was 
in the service - I have led him around myself - after his discharge I saw him in 1877 & 
last fall & now - he is just as blind as ever but can get around with a stick without being 

I know he got his blindness in the army - I suppose from exposure at Grand Junction - 
and that he has been totally incapacitated ever since he was discharged from manual labor 
on account of his eyes.  I saw that his health was poor & that he lost his toe in the army 
but I was not present when he lost his toe and don't know the nature of his sickness - I 
have no interest in this claim.

Jacob X Cooper

Van Buren Bromley?
William T. Moger?

Subscribed sworn to before me this 29th day of August 1888 & I certify that affiant is a 
respectable person entitled to credit - that the foregoing affidavit was carefully read to 
him before swearing including the words "ever since was discharged" inserted before 
swearging.  That I have no interest direct or indirect in the presentation of this claim and 
that a certificate of my authority as N.S. Commissioner is on fiel in the Pension Bureau.

VAn Buren Bromley?
N.S. Commissioner 
E.S. of Wis.


Luke Coyne Co. F 32nd Wis. No. 201.724

State of Wisconsin
County of Brown

Peter Miller being duly sworn says I am 44 years of age my residence & PO address is 
and always has been Green Bay Brown County Wisconsin - was a private in Co. F 32nd 
Reg. Wis. from Aug. 1862 till June 1865 - was well acquainted with Luke Coyne above 
named who was also aprivate in said Company his eyes were good until about Jan. 1st 
1864 - I remember the date because it was the coldest day for many years - we were in 
Grand Junction Tenn. in dog tents - that day was extremely cold and at about that time we 
suffered very much on account of the weather - it was raining,snowing, and bad weather 
for some time - many sick with colds - Luke Coyne among the test - he had a very bad 
cold - and I suppose it settled in his eyes - they were very bad indeed - I remember after 
we got to Memphis a month or two after, he had to be led around - I often saw others lead 
him and I have led him myself - he continued in that way as long as he remained with the 
company - I would think nearly a year - then he left the co. - I don't know where he was - 
the next time I saw him was Green Bay in the summer of 1866 and he was _____ the next 
time was in the summer of 1877 at Sturgeon Bay - he was just as bad walked around with 
a stick - the next time was last fall and the next yesterday, and today - he is just as bad.  I 
judge that he has beeen totally disabled from the performance of manual labor ever since 
he left the army - he never did any duty after he was sick in Grand Junction.

I have no interest in this claim - I should have stated that he joined the Co. again at 
Washington when we were going home to be mustered out and came on to Milwaukee 
Wis. with us.

Peter X Miller

Van Buren Bromley?
William T. Moger?

Subscribed sworn to before me this 29th day of August 1888 & I certify that affiant is a 
respectable person & entitled to credit - that the foregoing affidavit was carefully read to 
him before swearing - that I have no interest direct or indirect in the presentation of this 
claim & a certificate of my authority ias N.S. Commissioner is on file in the Pension 

Van Buren Bromley?
N.S. Commissioner
E.S. of Wis.


State of Wisconsin
County of Winnebago

In the matter of the Invalid Pension claim acct. of Luke Coyne Private of Co. F 32nd 
Regt. Wis. Vol. Inf.

On this 12th day of September AD 1888 personally appeared before me Henry 
Fitzgibbon a Notary Public in and fore the county and state aforesaid, George W. Fay, 
MD, a respectable citizen and entitled to credit, who being duly sworn says that he is by 
profession a Physician and Surgeon having practiced said profession for over forty years 
and was late assistant surgeon of the 32nd Regt
Hannah Almeda PIERCE
New York
Bef 1898
Marinette, Oconto, Wisconsin
    As listed on husband's pension application.
30 Jul 1858
of Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
3 Oct 1875
Peshitgo, Oconto, Wisconsin 
    1860 - Minnoethe Coyne
    1870 - Minnonete Coyne
    1875 - Mary Nettie Coyne
    1880 - Marinettee Jones
    1900 - Marie Jones
Amanda COYNE
28 Oct 1859
Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
31 May 1861
Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
18 May 1911
Kidney Lake, Iron, Michigan
Judson COYNE
4 Jul 1862
Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
6 Jun 1866
Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
9 Dec 1868
Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
Harriet COYNE
3 Apr 1870
Sevastopol, Door, Wisconsin
FamilyCentral Network
Luke Lewis Coyne - Hannah Almeda Pierce

Luke Lewis Coyne was born at New York 1831.

He married Hannah Almeda Pierce Abt 1857 at of New York . Hannah Almeda Pierce was born at New York 1842 .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Mary Nettie Coyne born 30 Jul 1858.
Amanda Coyne born 28 Oct 1859.
Matilda Coyne born 31 May 1861.
Judson Coyne born 4 Jul 1862.
Louis Coyne born 6 Jun 1866.
John Coyne born 9 Dec 1868.
Harriet Coyne born 3 Apr 1870.

Luke Lewis Coyne died Abt Dec 1900 at of Chicago, Cook, Illinois .

Hannah Almeda Pierce died Bef 1898 at Marinette, Oconto, Wisconsin .