George W. FRY

14 Jun 1809
Greene, Pennsylvania
28 Jun 1832
Iowa, Johnson County - Portrait and Biographical Record: Johnson, Powesheik, and Iowa Counties, Iowa, 407-408, Film # 897204
Iowa, Iowa City - Iowa City Press Citizen, Monday, September 20, 1948, page 6
Iowa, Johnson, Liberty - 1850 US Census, Film #1697716
Iowa, Johnson, Liberty - 1856 Iowa State Census
Iowa, Johnson, Liberty - 1870 US Census, film # 1421009
Ancestral File
Ancestry World Tree
                   Family records of George Fry
Confirmation ane Initiatory work done 21 May 1992 IFALL

Film # 897204
Portrait and Biographical Record Johnson, Powesheik and Iowa Counties, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Bros, 1893
Page 407-408

George W. Fry.  This worthy gentleman is the oldest member of the Fry family that settled in Johnson County in 1839.  Although he has attained to the advanced age of four-score years and four, he is still acknowledged to be a leader in the affairs of this section, and in this brief outline of the life history of one of the noblest men who have ever settled within the borders of the county, facts will appear which are greatly to his credit.  His intelligence, enterprise and integrity,  and many other estimable qualities, have acquired for him a popularity not derived from any factitious circumstances, but which has been a permanent and spontaneous tribute to his merit.  He was born in Greene County, PA., June 14, 1809, and at the age of four years was taken by his parents to Licking County, Ohio, where he was reared in the woods among the Indians, his playmates being young Indian boys.  Having been brought up at a time when the advantages of an education were not so fully appreciated as at this day, and when the facilities for obtaining one were by no means what they are now, his training in this respect was restricted to the old pioneer log schoolhouse, which he attended only during the winter months.  These primitive structures were heated by an open fireplace, slabs were used for benches, and greased paper had to do duty for window lights.  However, Mr. Fry possessed sound sense and discriminating judgment, and this, in a great measure, made up for what was lacking in the way of education.  In 1833 he was married in Ohio, to Catherine Kepler, a native of Pennsylvania, and in the fall of 1839 left Ohio and moved to what was then justly considered the wilds of Iowa, the journey hither lasting from October 10 until November 28.  With the exception of two nights the family camped out during the journey.  The land in Johnson County was not then in the market, and Mr. Fry accordingly took up a squatters claim in the Sharon township, and later became the owner of the same by purchase from the government.  His first purchase consisted of one hundred and sixty acres, but he eventually became the owner of three hundred and twenty acres, on which he built a log cabin and began the laborious work of cultivation and improvement.  Indians were very numerous in this section at that time, and deer and wild turkeys were also plentiful.
	All the trading and milling were done at Muscatine and Davenport, and the journey to and from these points took from three to four days, for they were compelled to go with ox-teams, there being no roads, and bridges being almost unknown.  In fact, this sterling old pioneer was compelled to undergo all the hardships, inconveniences and hard work of life in a new and unbroken country, but with characteristic energy, he kept pushing onward, and in time found himself on a smooth sea and floating with a prosperous tide, as the country began to settle up.  After disposing of the farm on which he first settled, he, during the Civil War, purchased the farm on which he is now residing, which at that time comprised one hundred and twenty acres, besides forty acres of good timberland south of the farm.  He has been careful, prudent, and economical, but not in the least penurious, and those who know him best recognize in him a good friend and neighbor.  His walk through life has been characterized by a sincere endeavor to do what was just and right, and he is one who has so arranged his life that others have been benefited by his having life in the world.
	His marriage with Miss Kepler resulted in the birth of thirteen children, seven of whom are living: Virgil, Ozias, Melissa, Sarah, Isaiah, Amos and Mary M.  Mr. Fry was called upon to mourn the death of his wife in 1886, after a happy and unusually long married life of fifty-three years.  She was a consistent member of the Christian Church, of which Mr. Fry is also a member and one of the pillars.  The Democratic party has always found a warm supporter in him, but he has never been an aspirant for political favors, although he has been often urged to run for office, and was at on time elected Justice of the Peace, but would not serve, the strife and turmoil of the official arena having no charms for him.  Upon reaching this State Mr. Frys Capital consisted of the sum of fifty cents, but this state of his monetary affairs was not al all discouraging to one of his temperament, and in order to keep the wolf from the door he followed the calling of a carpenter for some time after his arrival, by which means he obtained his start.  During this long and useful career, he has witnessed the development of the country, and where are now waving fields of grain and large droves of horses and cattle, was then unbroken timber and prairie land, inhabited by numerous wild animals, such as deer, wolves, etc.
Catherine KEPLER
17 Dec 1812
Huntington, Pennsylvania
18 Jan 1813
12 Jun 1886
Frytown, Johnson, Iowa
Iowa, Johnson County - Portrait and Biographical Record: Johnson, Powesheik, and Iowa Counties, Iowa, 407-408, Film # 897204
                   Family records of George Fry
Confirmation and initiatory done 21 May 1992
13 Feb 1833
25 Sep 1856
                   Family records of George Fry
Confirmation and Initiatory work done 21 May 1992 IFAll
21 Apr 1834
21 Dec 1855
                   Family recordds of George Fry
Confirmation and initiatory work done 21 May, 1992 IFALL

21 Oct 1835
12 Aug 1903
Ringold, Iowa
28 Dec 1855
Johnson, Iowa 
                   Possible Parents: found on but the submitter is no longer available:

George Fry
b: 1809 in Green County, Pennsylvania
d: 5 Aug 1903, Lenox, Taylor Co. Iowa

M: 27 Dec 1855 in Johnson Co. Iowa

Catherine Kelper
b: 17 Dec 1812 in Pennsylvania
Death: 13 Jun 1886, Frytown, Johnson Co, Iowa

Died at home of daughter, Mrs. D.B.Reed(Stella)
Burried Mt. Ayrs?
Confirmation and initiatory done 21 May 1992 IFALL
In 1850 Malissa Fry and Nelson Smith lived aproximately 20 houses away in the Lincoln, Johnson, Iowa
Family History has it that Malissa and Nelson's marriage was a deathbed marriage, when he had typhoid, however, he recovered. In 1874, they joined Disciples of Christ Church in Johnson County. Later, admitted by letter to Lenox Christian Church in1896. Nelson's Will probated on November 25th, 1902 in Ringgold County, Iowa; left estate to Malissa and their seven children. Note: The family moved from Johnson County to Ringgold in 1875. Malissa was living with her daughter Stella Smith Reed at the time of her death. Family Traditions and Family Bible is held by the Reeds.
11 Apr 1837
18 Jun 1914
Pierce, Pierce, Nebraska
13 Nov 1861
Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa 
                   Family records of George Fry
confirmation and initiatory done 21 June 1992
29 Nov 1838
Johnson, Iowa
8 Sep 1896
of Washington, Johnson, Iowa
17 Jun 1856
                   Family records of George Fry

Confirmation and initiatory work  21 May,1992 by family proxie
2 Jul 1840
Johnson, Iowa
14 Sep 1896
31 Dec 1867
                   Family records of George Fry
11 Jul 1845
Johnson, Iowa
2 Sep 1845
                   Family records of George Fry
Lucy FRY
19 Jul 1846
Prob. Liberty, Johnson, Iowa
28 Oct 1846
                   Family records of George Fry
2 Dec 1847
Prob. Liberty, Johnson, Iowa
4 Apr 1908
Johnson, Iowa
13 Jan 1869
Johnson, Iowa 
FamilyCentral Network
George W. Fry - Catherine Kepler

George W. Fry was born at Greene, Pennsylvania 14 Jun 1809. His parents were Jacob Fry and Susanna Beckenbaugh.

He married Catherine Kepler 28 Jun 1832 at Ohio . Catherine Kepler was born at Huntington, Pennsylvania 17 Dec 1812 daughter of Jacob Kepler and Sarah Snair .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Virgil Fry born 13 Feb 1833.
Ozias Fry born 21 Apr 1834.
Mellisa Fry born 21 Oct 1835.
Isiah Fry born 11 Apr 1837.
Sarah Fry born 29 Nov 1838.
Amos Fry born 2 Jul 1840.
Eli Fry born 11 Jul 1845.
Lucy Fry born 19 Jul 1846.
Mary Fry born 2 Dec 1847.

Catherine Kepler died 12 Jun 1886 at Frytown, Johnson, Iowa .