25 Apr 1807
Calais, Vermont
25 Sep 1872
Union, Iowa
McDuffie Cemetery, Platte, Iowa
6 Sep 1860
Monroe, Green, Wisconsin
Ancestral File
Internet IGI
Pedigree Resource File
Ancestry World Tree
                   The following note comes from the Bliss family genealogy. "David Bliss, Jr. was one of the earliest settlers and most successful farmers of Union County, Iowa, arriving there with his family in the spring of 1856. The 1860 federal Census shows that his real estate was valued at $3000 and his personal property at $2427, making him one of the five wealthiest farmers in Platte Township at that time. He was an educated man and taught school in Platte Township in 1856. He was appointed Postmaster of Union City (a town in Union County that no longer exists) in 1865. An interesting account of the family's trip from Mercer County, Pennsylvania to Jefferson County, Iowa and finally to Union County has been preserved by his granddaughter, Miss Ruth Madden of Creston, Iowa. It was recorded in about 1922 from the recollections of Leonora (Bliss) Madden, one of Mr. Bliss' daughters. An unedited selection follows: "We came up the canal on a tow boat from Mercer County, Pennsylvania to Wheeling, West Virginia, all but Edd Bliss (Charles Edward, who) was born later, four brothers and five girls. We came on a steam boat to St. Louis and from there to Keokuk (Iowa) and staid over night. Father got teamsters to take us to Fairfield to Uncle William's (William Pitkin, brother of Leonora Pitkin). We staid there two or three months (then) moved to Libertyville. Our grandfather (David Bliss, Sr.) was buried there. We lived there three years and then moved here (Union Co.) in the spring of '56. (We) came in covered wagons. We drove cattle, hogs, and sheep and we also brought the dog and cat. We had the chickens on the back of a wagon. We had a log house 20 or 24 ft. Our house was on the farm where Harry Woorsley lives. It wasn't finished when we got here. It was the first house in Union county this side of Afton that had board floor and shingle roof. The glass was 8 in. wide 10 in. long, 6 above and 6 below. Two beds down stairs and four up stairs." "

From Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America, Vol. 1:1860 Federal Census shows real estate valued at $3,000 & personalproperty at $2,427; one of five wealthiest farmers in Platte Townshipat that time.Postmaster of Union City in 1985.

Earliest Settler of Union Co, Iowa.  Farmer

REFN: 1667
Clarissa PITKIN
22 Mar 1820
Marshfield, Vermont
19 Mar 1906
Ringgold, Iowa
                   REFN: 1660
24 Aug 1861
Creston, Iowa
26 Sep 1950
Riverside, California
                   REFN: 1661
FamilyCentral Network
David Bliss - Clarissa Pitkin

David Bliss was born at Calais, Vermont 25 Apr 1807. His parents were David Bliss and Lucy Blanding.

He married Clarissa Pitkin 6 Sep 1860 at Monroe, Green, Wisconsin . Clarissa Pitkin was born at Marshfield, Vermont 22 Mar 1820 daughter of Stephen Pitkin and Damaris Goodwin .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Charles Edward Bliss born 24 Aug 1861.

David Bliss died 25 Sep 1872 at Union, Iowa .

Clarissa Pitkin died 19 Mar 1906 at Ringgold, Iowa .