22 Apr 1784
of Christian, Kentucky, United States
18 Jun 1818
Troy, Lincoln, Missouri
21 May 1806
Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
GEDCOM file imported on 11 Jun 1999.
                         Information on the John Collard family obtained from (1) lette r from M.
Van Valin 6 April 1945, (2) letter from Evelyn Collard Fidelle 17 Ap r 1945 and
26 April 1945 where she quoted Collard family Bible and family record s and (3)
U. S. census of 1810 for Kentucky.

       Lydia Cannon's first husband was John Collard, whom she marrie d prior to
the Missouri settlement.  They established their home in Christian co unty,
Kentucky.  By this first marriage there were four children, namely, F elix Alver,
Isaphena, Rachel and John Jasper Collard.  John Collard (the father ) died in
1818.  John Jasper, later a county clerk of Pike county, was then a b aby 1 year
of age, and Felix Alver, the eldest child, was only 8.

       Lydia Cannon, following the death of her first husband, John Col lard,
married his brother, Isaac Newton Collard, by whom there was a son, J ohn
Collard, who was a soldier in the Civil war.  Isaac Newton Collard li ved but a
short time following his marriage to his brother's widow, his death o ccurring
in 1822.  His widow then married Isaac Thurman and by this marriage t here were
several children, among them Ephraim, Elijah C., George W. and Kesia h (Kizzie)
Thurman, the latter of whom married Samuel Hardin Lewis, Jr., eldes t son of
Samuel H. and Mary Barnett. (Thompson, History of Pike county, chapte r 161)

       John Collard, fourth child and third son of the first Joseph, was
born (probably in Virginia) April 22, 1784.  He married, in Kentuck y (probably
Christian county) Miss Lydia Cannon, a daughter of James and Rachel S tark
Cannon.  Their marriage was in 1809.  (This is false, Christian count y marriage
records show 1806-- J. R. Gillis)  He removed with his family to Miss ouri
Territory late in 1817 or early in 1818, shortly after the birth o f a fourth
child, John J. Collard, who became a Pike county school teacher and c lerk of
the county court.  John Collard was killed in an accident soon afte r he
settled in Missouri Territory.  His death occurred on Jun 18, 1818 . He died of
injuries sustained when a team of horses ran away, throwing him fro m the wagon.
His will is of record in the court house at Troy, Missouri.  (Thompso n,
History of Pike county, chap 163, page 467)
17 Nov 1791
Robertson, Tennessee
12 Sep 1869
Pleasant Hill, Pike, Illinois
GEDCOM file imported on 11 Jun 1999.
                          Lydia married (1) John Collard, (2) Isaac Newton Collard (thi s is very
questionable.  I have not found any  documentation to support this.-- J. R.
Gillis), (3) Isaac L. Thurman, (4) Jehu Sinklear or Sinclair.
20 Jul 1810
Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
7 Aug 1864
24 Mar 1832
Pleasant Hill, Pike, Illinois 
                         Felix and his family spent the winter of 1847-48 in a log cabi n at
Oswego.  Near here he took up a donation land claim consisting of a s quare
mile.  A Catholic convent school stands on part of it today.  However , he did
not stay long at Oswego but settled at Parkplace, which is on the out skirts of
Oregon City;he built a blacksmith shop on his land, which consisted o f severl
acres, the smithy being on the north side of the road that bordered h is place.
The present St. Agnes Baby Home is on the  property.  He built his ho use
several hundred yards northwest of the home, toward the Clackamas riv er.

       Felix was also a worker in wood and a coffin maker for the earl y Bay Creek
settlement. . . . On July 9, 1848, only a few months after their arri val in the
territory, we find Felix Collard and his wife helping organize the fi rst
Baptist Church in Oregon City.  Felix was a devout member of the Bapt ist Church
as his forebears had been before him.  He had an uncle, the Rev. Char les
Hubbard, one of the Pleasant Hill emigrants with Felix, who had bee n a Baptist
minister in Missouri; his mother's people, the Cannons, were also str ong
Baptists.  A Democrat in his political allegiance, Felix served in th e Oregon
legislature from Clackamas county.
18 Jul 1813
Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
24 Jan 1874
3 Dec 1834
Troy, Lincoln, Missouri 
                          Isaphena Collard was born in Christian county, Kentucky, July 1 8, 1813.
When she was four years old she came with her parents to the Missour i border,
to what is now Lincoln county.  This was early in 1818.
Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
Bef 27 Jan 1840
Pleasant Hill, Pike, Illinois
15 Sep 1831
Lincoln, Missouri 
7 Sep 1817
Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
22 Mar 1874
3 Oct 1839
Pleasant Hill, Pike, Illinois 
                         Information for this family was taken from (1) Thompson, Histor y of Pike
county, Illinois), (2) Collard family records owned by Evelyn Collar d Fidelle,
deceased, of Portland, Oregon, (3) family Bible of Jennie Brant Yocu m of
Pleasant Hill, Illinois.
       John J. Collard was a veteran of the Civil War and served as Fir st
Sergeant in Company C of the Tenth Regiment of Missouri Volunteers . He was one
of the first school teachers of Pleasant Hill township.  He was a Not ary Public
in 1873.  He was also county clerk in Pittsfield, Pike County, Illino is for
several terms.  (correspondence with Jennie Brant Yocum)
       John Jasper Collard fathered a line of school teachers.  Four o f his
children became teachers:  namely, Mary Elizabeth, Eliza Jane, John R ay, and
Ora Emma Collard.  (Thompson, chap 182)
       John Jasper Collard and family were living in Pike county, Illin ois in the
1860 census.
       In the Pike county court records is an affidavit which begins, " I, John
Jasper Collard, being first duly sworn, etc," the same being signed " John J.
Collard."  John was born in Christian county, Kentucky,  Sept 7, 1817 .  He was
only a few months old when his parents set out from near Hopkinsville , Ky., to
found a home in Missouri Territory in what is now Lincoln county, Mo . He was
not yet a year old when his father was killed.  His mother later marr ied Isaac
L. Thurman and John was reared partly in his step-father's home in Mi ssouri.
(Thompson, chap 179).
       John J. Collard, on Oct 3, 1839, at the age of 22, married Mar y Elizabeth
Barton, the 15-year-old daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Barton, native s of
Botetourt county, Virginia and emigrants from Ramsey Creek in Pike co unty, Mo.,
to the Bay Creek country southeast of Pleasant Hill in 1826.  John G . Sitton .
. . was the officiating justice at this Bay Creek wedding. . .
       The Collards resided in Fairfield until 1844.  Two children, Lyd ia Rebecca
and Eliza Jane, were born during this period.  John J. Collard and hi s elder
brother, Felix Alver Collard, engaged in merchandising in Fairfield i n the
pioneer days of the town, being among the earliest merchants in tha t section.
       On Feb 29, 1844, John J.  Collard sold his property at Fairfield . . . We
then find him locating at Bayville, in a settlement which had grown u p along
the bank of Bay Creek. . . Here, at Bayville, Collard engaged in scho ol
teaching and merchandising.  Here also, two more children were born,
namely, Elijah Barton Collard and Mary Elizabeth, the latter of who m married
John Hancock Brant. . . Collard in his pioneer store at Bayvill e . . . sold
everything from violins to tea and nails and lead for molding bullets.
(Thompson, chap 181)
       Further history of this family is found in Thompson, chapters 18 0, 182,
and 183)
FamilyCentral Network
John Collard - Lydia Cannon

John Collard was born at of Christian, Kentucky, United States 22 Apr 1784. His parents were Joseph Collard and Mrs Joseph Collard.

He married Lydia Cannon 21 May 1806 at Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky . Lydia Cannon was born at Robertson, Tennessee 17 Nov 1791 daughter of James Cannon and Rachel Stark .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Felix Alver Collard born 20 Jul 1810.
Isaphena Collard born 18 Jul 1813.
Rachel Collard born 1815.
John Jasper Collard born 7 Sep 1817.

John Collard died 18 Jun 1818 at Troy, Lincoln, Missouri .

Lydia Cannon died 12 Sep 1869 at Pleasant Hill, Pike, Illinois .