Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
User Submitted
Elizabeth HAUGER
Email: Arlean
15 Jun 1815
Mt Pleasant, Pennsylvania
                   A copy of the deed where Peter, Jonathan's brother, sells Jonathan hishalf of the land that their father, John Lenhart, left them both.  Thedeed declares Peter selling Jonathan his half of the land that was deededto their parents, John and Catherine Lenhart, in 1825 in Somerset County,Pennsylvania.  This deed is listed under Jonathan's brother Peter..SeeNotes under Peter.

From Robert Hauger, he has Jonathan's death as August 1, 1906.
12 Jun 1819
Somerset, Pennsylvania
7 Dec 1873
Abt 1844
Somerset, Pennsylvania 
                   Somerset Co., Pa., Deeds Book 17, p. 713:

RE: Peter Lenhart of Donegal Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., deeds toJonathan Lenhart of the Twp. of Somerset, So., Co., Pa, grantee, his halfinterest in  the lands of their father, John Lenhart decd. of SomersetTwp., Pa.

Deed made & recorded:   14 Jun 1841.

John Lenhart, decd.   late of Somerset Twp.
Peter Lenhart,   his son, living in Donegal Twp., Westm. Co., Pa.,
grantor Jonathan Lenhart,     s/o John Lenhart decd., of Somerset Twp.,So. Co., Pa.

Consideration sum of $ 666.66 2/3 cents for 151 & ΒΌ  acres of landbounded  by lands of:
      Jacob Lenhart,
      Christian Ankeny,
      John Stern now occupied by
      Philip Durr,
      Jacob Zimmermans
      Jonathan Rhoads, Esquire.

The same tract of Land which Jacob Lenhart & Catherine his wife deeded on25 Nov 1826 to John Lenhart. Reference in Somerset Co., Record book Vol11, page 504.
            Wm Philson,   witness.
                John Neff,   Esquire, Justice of the peace & witness.
             Saml. Elder,   Recorder.


Peter Lenhart  #404   |  This Indenture Made the Fourteenth day of Junein the
            to                      |  year of our Lord one thousand eighthundred and forty
Jonathan Lenhart       |  one Between Peter Lenhart Son of John Lenhartdecd
                                     |  of Township of Donegal in thecounty of Westmoreland and
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the first part and Jonathan Lenhart Sonof  John Lenhart Decd of the Township of Somerset in the County ofSomerset and  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania aforesaid of the second partWitnesseth That the  said party of the first part for and inconsideration of the sum of Six  hundred and Sixty six dollars and sixtysix and two third cents Lawful Money  of the United States of Americaunto him well and truly paid by the said  party of the second part at orbefore the sealing and delivery of these  presents the receipt whereof ishereby acknowledged hath granted bargained  Sold aliened enseoffedreleased conveyed and confirmed and by these presents  doth grant bargainsell alien enscoff release convey and confirm unto the  said party of thesecond his heirs and assigns. All the undivided half part  of a certaintract of Land late the Estate of John Lenhart late of Somerset  TownshipSomerset county and State of Pennsylvania Deceased Situate in thetownship County and state aforesaid Bounded and discribed as follows towit Beginning at a post by land of Jacob Lenhart South seventy degreeswest two  hundred and twenty eight perches to Stones thence southseventeen degrees  East twenty three perches to Stones thence south sixtynine degrees west  forty perches to a maple thence South twenty threedegrees and one fourth  west twenty five perches to Stones thence southfourteen degrees west forty  perches to a Service thence by land ofChristian Ankeny north fourteen
Degrees west nine perches & five tenths to a post thence by land occupiedby  John Stern now by Philip Durr. North ten degrees East eighty twoperches &  five tenths to a spanish grub thence by vacant land Northtwenty one and one  half degrees west seventy perches and eight tents toStones. Thence by land of Jacob Zimmermans Estate North Sixty eight andone half degrees east two  hundred & eighteen perches to a locust postthence by land of Jonathan Rhoads  Esquire South sixty seven and one halfdegrees East one hundred & twenty  perches to the place of beginningContaining one hundred & fifty one acres  and one fourth and the usualallowance for roads etc. it being the same tract  of land which JacobLenhart & Cathrine his wife by deed dated 25th November  1826 Conveyed toJohn Lenhart reference thereto had to the records of  Somerset county Pain Record Book Vol eleventh page 504 will more fully at large appearTogether with all and singular the buildings improvements ways  waterswater courses rights liberties privileges hereditaments andappurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertainingand  the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof: andall the Estate right title interest property claim and demand what soeverof the said party of the first part in law equity or otherwise howsoeverof in and to the same and every part thereof To have and to hold the Saidundivided half or  part or parcel of Land aforesaid Hereditements andpremises hereby granted or mentioned and intended so to be with theappurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirs andassigns to and for the only proper use and  behoof of the said party ofthe second part his heirs and assigns forever.  And Peter Lenhart of Johnthe said party of the first part his heirs executors and admisnistratorsdoth by these presents convenant grant and agree to and with the saidparty of the second part his heirs and assigns  that he the said party ofthe first part his heirs all and singular the hereditaments and premisesherein above described and granted or mentioned and intended so to bewith the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirsand assigns against him the said party of the first part and his heirsand against all and every other person or persons whomsoever lawfullyclaiming or to claim the same or any part thereof Shall and will warrantand forever defend. In Witness whereof the said party of the first parthath to these presents set his hand and seal. Dated the day and yearfirst above written Sold and Delivered in the presence of us,
        Peter Lenhart [Seal]
       Wm. Philson
       John Neff

          Received the day of the date of the above Indenture of the abovenamed Jonathan Lenhart the sum of Six hundred & sixty six dollars & sixty&  2/3 cents lawful money of the United States being the considerationMoney  therein mentioned in full
Wm Philson                          Peter Lenhart
    ~    ~
John Neff

                  Somerset County ss
          on the Fourteenth day of June Anno Domini 1841 --  before me JohnNeff Esquire a Justice of the peace in and for said County Came the abovenamed Peter Lenhart of John and acknowledged the above Indenture to behis act and deed desired that the same might be recorded as such.
Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid
                              John Neff [seal]
                  Recorded the 14th June AD 1841
                          Saml Elder
17 Jul 1827
FamilyCentral Network
John Lenhart - Elizabeth Hauger

John Lenhart was born at Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania 1790. His parents were Johan Jacob Lenhart and Catherine Schappell.

He married Elizabeth Hauger . Elizabeth Hauger was born at 1800 daughter of John Hauger, , Jr. and Hanna Shultz .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Jonathan Lenhart born 15 Jun 1815.
Peter Lenhart born 12 Jun 1819.
Susanna Lenhart born 17 Jul 1827.

John Lenhart died 1841 .

Elizabeth Hauger died 1840 .