Henry Sprinkle LENHART

3 Dec 1823
York, Pennsylvania
6 May 1904
28 Sep 1871
Putnam, Ohio
The Benjamin Lundy Family, by William Clinton Armstong, 1902; from GenealogyLibrary.com, pg. 426
Email:skratze, Probate Court Vol. 1, pg. 501, Putnam Co., OH marriages
                   From Lenhart queries on netscape, Sheila Kratzer posted the will of HenryS. Lenhart of OHIO - will appears as written:
In the Matter of the Will of Henry S. Lenhart, Deceased
State of Ohio, Putnam County, ss,

Personally appeared in open Court EJ Reed and JJ Moore, who being firstduly sworn to testify the truth, the whole truth and nothing but thetruth, in relation to the execution of the Last Will and Testament ofHenry S. Lenhart deceased, depose and say: That they were present at theexecution of the instrument of writing now before them bearing date the 6day of July 1903, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of HenryS. Lenhart deceased, that they respectively subscribed their namesthereto as witnesses at the request of said Testator and in his presence,that they saw said Testator sign said instrument at the end thereof, andheard him acknowledge the same to be his will, and that said Henry S.Lenhart at the time of executing the same was of full age, and of soundmind and memory, and not under restraing. EJ Reed, JJ Moore

Sworn to before me and signed in my presence by said witnesses in openCourt, this 20th day of June 1904.

AM Heidlebaugh, Probate Judge


I Henry S. Lenhart, of Leipsic, Putnam county, Ohio, do make and publisthis my last will and testament in manner and form following to-wit:

Item One. I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid.

Item Two.  I direct that my executors hereinafter named, pay to Mrs MaryMcConnell, if she be living, and if deceased, then to her heirs at law,the sum of one thousand dollars, the same having heretofore been agreedby me to be paid, and this directrion is to make good such provision onmy part, but not as an additional bequest.

Item Third.  I give and bequeath to my son A. Lincoln Lenhart, onethousand dollars and to my sonl Melvin G. Lenhart one thousand dollars.

Item Four.  I direct that my executors shall erect at my burial lot amonument at an expense not to exceed five hundred dollars.  Said monumentto be erected for myself and my first wife at the Crist Cemetery.

Item Five.  I give bequeath and devise all of my estate both real andpersonal, after the several amounts in the foregoing items are fully paidto my sons A. Lincoln Lenhart and Melvin G. Lenhart, and my daughtersEmma White, Martha Lowry, Nellie May Lowry and Mary Edwards share andshare alike subject however, to be chrged with the followingadvancements, to-wit: Emma White six hundred dollars, Martha Lowry fourhundred dollars, and Nelly May Lowry four hundred dollars.  Noadvancements are charged to A. Lincoln Lenhart, Melville G. Lenhart, orMary Edwards.

Item Sixth.  Not desiring to make a distinction as between the severalpersons herein named, I hereby nominate and appoint my sons A. LincolnLenhart, and Melving G. Lenhart and my sons-in-law H.A. Lowry, WillisLowry and Herman White - executors of this my last will and testament,and if any of said persons named refuse or neglect to qualify, then thosewho do accept the trust and qualify to act, and I hereby authorize andempower my said executors to compromise and adjust as to them may seembest all claims and demands due me - and to fully adjust and settle allmatters connected with my estate.

In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand this sixth day of July 1903.Henry S. Lenhart

Signed and acknowledged by Henry S. Lenhart as his last will andtestament in our presence and at his request as witnesses thereto, andsigned by us in his presence the day and year above written. E.J. Reed,J.J. Moore

Putnam County, OH Wills, Volume H, P. 269-270.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Henry Sprinkle Lenhart - Blocked

Henry Sprinkle Lenhart was born at York, Pennsylvania 3 Dec 1823. His parents were Jacob Lenhart and Lydia Sprinkle.

He married Blocked 28 Sep 1871 at Putnam, Ohio .

Henry Sprinkle Lenhart died 6 May 1904 .