Abt 1750
of Bart, Templemore, Londonderry, Ireland
16 Oct 1792
6 Nov 1775
Cathedral Church, St. Columb, Londonderry, Ireland
Ferguson - Harvey Pedigree (PRONI)
Reg. of the Cathedral Church of St. Clumb, Derry, Ireland
Deed, Dated 8 October 1786
Internet IGI - 2006, September
Burke's Peerage of Ireland
Internet IGI 2007, June
    Deed, dated 8 October 1786: Reverend Andrew Ferguson of Burt, County Donegal, Northern Ireland, gave land formerly occupied by John Ferguson to Andrew Ferguson, the younger of the City of Londonderry.
Abt 1750
of Dunmore, Londonderry, Ireland
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
Abt 1795
of Artrea, Londonderry, Irelan 
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
30 Jun 1783
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
12 Apr 1870
Accident, Garrett, Maryland
22 Sep 1820
Somerset, Somerset, Pennsylvan 
                   June 30, 1783, Robert Ferguson was born in London Derry, Parish   of Kildore, Ireland.  Reportedly escaped hanging by taking a ship to the United States.  After sailing on the seas for 7 weeks he landed 29 Sept 1810, New Castle Port, Delaware at the age of 27 years old.  Robert Ferguson appeared to have moved westward to Somerset Co. Pa. where he married Frances Little 1824.  I have doubts of their marriage was in 1824 according to history their 3rd child was born in 1824 in Allegany Co. Md.  Their first and second child was born 1821, 1922 in Somerset Co. Pa.  They had total of eleven children.
Three of their daughters moved to Iowa. Several children settled in Pa.
Very little information is available on Frances Little who was born 28 Jan 1796.  The 1800 census of Somerset County recorded there were two Little families; William Little and Henry Little they each had a daughter under 10.  A John Little, Bedford Co. Pa., had a daughter under 10.  Which one of the three Littles is   the father of Frances Little?
Recorded in "Pioneer Families of Garrett Co. Md." Robert Ferguson early settler of the Flat Woods neighborhood, now Hoyes, left a memorandum in which he states that he was born  in the year of our Lord 1783, in Parish of Sudtree, County London Derry, Ireland.  He was admitted as a citizen 05 Dec 1826, his residence at that time was Allegany Co. Md.... A letter  sent from Artrea in the County of London Derry in Ireland, "I do certify that the bearer, Robert Ferguson,  is a young man of ggood character.  He conducted himself soberly, honestly, an inoffensively.  He is descended from respectable protestant parents who were always highly esteemed by the good and worthy.  Signed by Ninian Steele, Curate of Artrea, and Thomas (McFarman) and Samuel Ferguson, Church Wardens.
Robert Ferguson bought part of "Strawberry Hill" north of Granstville and moved to Maryland.  In 1835 he sold his tract and he settled at Flat Woods (now called Hoyes) in Garrett Co.  In 1849 Barney Mills of Anne Arundel Co. Md. deeded to Robert Ferguson all his interest in 4 military lots 3241, 4144, 1691 for $15.00 each.  In 1869, a year prior to his death, he sold the lots for $3,500.  His wife Frances died in 1868.
It is recorded and thought they are burried in the "Ferguson Cemetery" on the Will Silver Farm, formerly Old Trumen West Farm at Flat Woods intersection Bumble Bee Rd... Note cemetery is in bad shape, quite large and very old.  Possible that some of the West slaves are burried there. The farm is owned by heirs of William Callis on U.S. 219 near Hoyes.
Robert Ferguson estate is recorded in Old Estate Book No1. Page 160 Cumberland, Allegany Co. Md. courthouse.  The administrator for his estate was his son Samuel Ferguson.  At the time of his death he apparently had $750.00  The third and final account of Samuel Ferguson, administrator of Robert Ferguson estate is recorded in Liber G p 407.  Total paid out is recorded on page 262 Liber F Orphans Court.
Children of Robert Ferguson recorded in his bible.(1) Robert, b June 13, 1821; (2) Elizabeth, b 4 July 1822; (3) William, b 19 July 1824; (4) Joseph, b 8 Jan 1826; (5) George W., b 12 April 1827; (6) Mary Ann, B 25 March 1829; (7) Sarah, b 19 Feb 1830; (8) Samuel, b 28 March 1833; (9) Gideon J. b 27 Feb 1835; (10)Nancy, b 26 Sept 1837; (11) Francis T. b 25 June 1841 D. 3 Apr 1846.
The Ferguson Family - The Argylshire, Scotland was probably the original home of the Ferguson clan, which is now distributed over many districts of the Highlands and Lowlands, and includes branches settled in Ireland.  It is an ancient clan; the Kilkerran Fergusons claim descent from Fergus, son of Fergus, who obtained a charter of lands in Ayrshire from King Robert 1.  The Rt. Hon. Sir James Ferguson, Sixth Baronet, perished in the great earthquake in Jamica in 1907.  He was succeeded by his son, Sir Charles.

History of formation of Counties in Maryland. Washington County, Md. established 1776 from Frederick County, Md.; Allegany County, Md. established from Washington County 1789;  Garrett County, Md. established from Allegany County, Md 1872.

Here are the notes from my ancestral files.  Some are redunant, but you can see that the marriage date has been documented by Robert's travels and deeds to property.
From Sammye Roberta Leaper Woodruff 9/10/200
Ancestral notes on Frances, or, Sarah Frances Little  and husband, Robert Ferguson

In file  July 1999:  Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin pages 416-418, Vol
#39, #3 Summer 1998, Article on Ferguson Family, Clan Ferguson by Charles E
Hoye, published in the Mountain Democrat, no date given.
NOTES: [at end of article]
*1.  Hoyes is described as a village, now Accident, Garrett County.  Early name were Hoyesburg (post office 1841), Hoyestown and Johnstown (post office 1799) the  credit Schlosnagle, William Waller Hoye (1768-1836) and Irishman from Frog Harbor Manor, on the Potomac River, near Williamsport, mover with his family an slaves to Ginsing Hill, Garrett Co.,  The family name in Ireland is O'Hoye.   Charles Hoye, a descendant refers to the "little" known part of northern Ireland" the original Hoye was from.  From The Placesnames of Maryland, Their Orgin & Meaning by Hamill Kenny, published 1984, by the Museum & Library of Maryland History, Maryland Historical Society.

*2.  Frances Ferguson was buried in Ferguson Cemetery on the Will Silver farm, formerly the old Truman West farm at Flatwoods, intersection of Bumble Bee Road She d. July 31, 1868.  She is  identified as wife of Robert on her tombstone.
From Garret County Graves by Youghiogheney Glade Chapter NSDAR, Oakland, MD. 1981. pp. 74.

In file August 1999: Rulifon genealogy, fourth generation; Nancy Virginia
Ferguson is daughter of Sarch Frances Little-Ferguson and Robert Ferguson.  This source states that Frances was born in Maryland. All other sources have her born in Ireland.  Said to be of German extraction.

Information obtained from Maryland Seneca Stake Family History Center (Batch number 5026929-3) Film 1553838) Pennsylvania Census, Second Census of US 1800: Roll #43, page 523 listed a John Little, Bedford County, Pa one white female under 10; William Little, Somerset Co., Pa listed 1 white female under 10,; Henry Little of Somerset Co., Pa listed 1 white female under 10. According to the recordings for Robert Ferguson he married Francis, and in 1824 bought property north of Grantsville, Md.  That property should be recorded in Allegany Co. Md.
Note: Bedford County, Pa. date formed 1771 parent county, Cumberland; Somerset County date formed 1795, parent county Bedford County, Pa.

In file  July 1999:  Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin pages 416-418, Vol #39, #3 Summer 1998, Article on Ferguson Family, Clan Ferguson by Charles E Hoye, published in the Mountain Democrat, no date given.
The following newspaper clipping was found in Filing Case A, Maryland Historical Society.
Badge: the Little Sunflower or the Foxglove. Argylshire, Scotland was the probably the orginial home of the Ferguson clan, which is now distributed over many districts in the Highlands and Lowlands, and includes branches settled in Ireland.  It is an ancient clan; the Kilkerran Fergusons claim descent from Fergus son of Fergus, who obtained a charter of lands in Arshire from King Robert I. The Rt. Hon. Sir James Ferguson, Sixth Baronet, perished in the great earthquake in Jamaica in 1907.  He was succeeded by his son, Sir Charles.

The Fergusons of Garrett County
Robert Ferguson, early settler of the Flat Woods neighborhood, near Hoyes, left a memorandum in which he states that he was born in the year of our Lord 1783, in Parish of Sudtree, County London Derry, Ireland.  After seven weeks at sea, he landed at Newcastle, Delaware, 29th September, 1810, a single man; twenty-seven years of age.

Robert Ferguson appears to have moved westward to Somerset County, Pennsylvania where he married Francis Little.  In 1824, "Robert Furguson of Somerset Co., PA." bought part of Strawberry Hill, north of Grantsville and moved to Maryland In 1835 he sold this tract, and it is probable that he settled at Flat Woods soon after.
In 1849, Barney Mills, of Arundel Co., MD, deeded to Robert Ferguson all of his interest in lots 3241, 4143, 4144, and 1681, for $15.  These were the military lots awarded to Lieut. Nicholas Gassaway for his services in the Revolutionary War.  Here Ferguson made his home; his house was on the farm now owned by the heirs of William Callis on U.S. 219 near Hoyes. (*1) In 1869, Robert Ferguson then an old man, desiring to put his business affairs in order, sold the farm, consisting of part of the above lots, to Franklin Shan for $3500.
Frances Ferguson died between 1857 abt 1869, and Robert probably died in the early part of 1871, since the first account of his son Samuel as administrator of his father's estate was filed May 2, 1871.  Robert Ferguson and his wife are said to be buried in the graveyard of the Methodist Church at Hoyes, but their graves are unmarked. (*2)

The pioneer Ferguson had the fighting blood of his Scotch-Irish ancestors.  He was constable of his district and as an officer of the law it became his duty to arrest a rebellious negro; the black man resisted and in the fight which ensued both were thrown to the floor of the house.  The negro was at least holding his own, when the constable called on a woman who was watching  the fight, to hit his antagonist with the iron poker, she aimed a blow at the negro but hit Ferguson, " Try again," he cried.  She did, and finally they subdued the negro.
Nelson McGettigan was one of Ferguson's neighbors.  Mc Gettigan was an Irish Catholic, while Robert was an Orange man; they bitterly disagreed on politics and religion; it is said theat "their arguements always ended ina  fight."

Children of Robert Ferguson:  [from] His Bible Record Robert, b. June 13, 1821; Elizabeth, b. July 4, 1822,  William, b. July 19, 1824,   Joseph, b. January 8, 1826,   George W., b. April 12, 1827,   Mary Ann, b. March 25, 1829,   Sarah b. February 19, 1830,   Samuel, b. March 28, 1833,   Gideon J, b. February 27, 1835,   Nancy, b. September 26, 1837,   Francis T., b. June 25, 1841, d. April 3, 1846.
Several of the Ferguson children settled in Pennsylvania.  Samuel became a prosperous farmer at Hoyes; he married Hester Flagle.  Gideon J. was a farmer and local Methodist prescher at Hoyes, a deacon in 1879; he married (1) Martha De Witt, (2) - Friend, (3) Nancy Friend.
*1.Hoyes is described as a village, now Accident, Garrett County. Early name were Hoyesburg (post office 1841), Hoyestown and Johnstown (post office 1799) credit Schlosnagle, William Waller Hoye (1768-1836) and Irishman from Frog Harbor Manor, on the Potomac River, near Williamsport, mover with his family an slaves to Ginsing Hill, Garrett Co.,  The family name in Ireland in O'Hoye.
Charles Hoye, a descendant refers to the "little" known part of northern Ireland" the original Hoye was from.  From The Placesnames of Maryland, Their Orgin & Meaning by Hamill Kenny, published 1984, by the Museum & Library of Maryland History, Maryland Historical Society.

*2.  Frances Ferguson was buried in Ferguson Cemetery on the Will Silver farm, formerly the old Truman West farm at Flatwoods, intersection of Bumble Bee Road She d. July 31, 1868.  She is  identified as wife of Robert on her tombstone. From Garret County Graves by Youghiogheney Glade Chapter NSDAR, Oakland, MD. 1981. pp. 74.

June 30, 1783, Robert Ferguson was born in London Derry, Parish  of Kildore, Ireland.  Reportedly escaped hanging by taking a ship to the United States.  After sailing on the seas for 7 weeks he landed 29 Sept 1810, New Castle Port, Delaware at the age of 27 years old.  Robert Ferguson appeared to have moved westward to Somerset Co. Pa. where he married Frances Little 1824.  I have doubts of their marriage was in 1824 according to history their 3rd child was born in 1824 in Allegany Co. Md.  Their first and second child was born 1821, 1922 in Somerset Co. Pa.  They had total of eleven children.  Three of their daughters moved to Iowa. Several children settled in Pa.
Very little information is available on Frances Little who was born 28 Jan 1796.
The 1800 census of Somerset County recorded there were two Little families; William Little and Henry Little they each had a daughter under 10.  A John Little, Bedford Co. Pa., had a daughter under 10.  Which one of the three Littles is the father of Frances Little?
Recorded in "Pioneer Families of Garrett Co. Md." Robert Ferguson early settler of the Flat Woods neighborhood, now Hoyes, left a memorandum in which he states that he was born in the year of our Lord 1783, in Parish of Sudtree, County London Derry, Ireland.  He was admitted as a citizen 05 Dec 1826, his residence at that time was Allegany Co. Md.... A letter  sent from Artrea in the County of London Derry in Ireland, "I do certify that the bearer, Robert Ferguson,  is a young man of good character.  He conducted himself soberly, honestly, an inoffensively.  He is descended from respectable protestant parents who were always highly esteemed by the good and worthy.  Signed by Ninian Steele, Curate of Artrea, and Thomas (McFarman) and Samuel Ferguson, Church Wardens.
Robert Ferguson bought part of "Strawberry Hill" north of Granstville and moved to Maryland.  In 1835 he sold his tract and he settled at Flat Woods (now called Hoyes) in Garrett Co.  In 1849 Barney Mills of Anne Arundel Co. Md. deeded to Robert Ferguson all his interest in 4 military lots 3241, 4144, 1691 for $15.00 each.  In 1869, a year prior to his death, he sold the lots for $3,500.  His wife Frances died in 1868.  It is recorded and thought they are buried in the "Ferguson Cemetery" on the Will Silver Farm, formerly Old Trumen West Farm at Flat Woods intersection Bumble Bee Rd... Note cemetery is in bad shape, quite large and very old.
Possible that some of the West slaves are buried there. The farm is owned by heirs of William Callis on U.S. 219 near Hoyes.
Robert Ferguson estate is recorded in Old Estate Book No 1. Page 160 Cumberland, Allegany Co. Md. courthouse.  The administrator for his estate was his son Samuel Ferguson.  At the time of his death he apparently had $750.00  The third and final account of Samuel Ferguson, administrator of Robert Ferguson estate is recorded in Liber G p 407.  Total paid out is recorded on page 262 Liber F Orphans Court.
Children of Robert Ferguson recorded in his bible.(1) Robert, b June 13, 1821; (2) Elizabeth, b 4 July 1822; (3) William, b 19 July 1824; (4) Joseph, b 8 Jan 1826; (5) George W., b 12 April 1827; (6) Mary Ann, B 25 March 1829; (7) Sarah, b 19 Feb 1830; (8) Samuel, b 28 March 1833; (9) Gideon J. b 27 Feb 1835; (10)Nancy, b 26 Sept 1837; (11) Francis T. b 25 June 1841 D. 3 Apr 1846.
The Ferguson Family - The Argylshire, Scotland was probably the original home of the Ferguson clan, which is now distributed over many districts of the Highland and Lowlands, and includes branches settled in Ireland.  It is an ancient clan; the Kilkerran Fergusons claim descent from Fergus, son of Fergus, who obtained  charter of lands in Ayrshire from King Robert 1.  The Rt. Hon. Sir James Ferguson, Sixth Baronet, perished in the great earthquake in Jamica in 1907.  He was succeeded by his son, Sir Charles.

History of formation of Counties in Maryland. Washington County, Md. established 1776 from Frederick County, Md.; Allegany County, Md. established from Washington County 1789;  Garrett County, Md. established from Allegany County, Md 1872.

Here are the notes from my ancestral files.  Some are redunant, but you can see that the marriage date has been documented by Robert's travels and deeds to property.
From Sammye Roberta Leaper Woodruff 9/10/200
Ancestral notes on Frances, or, Sarah Frances Little  and husband, Robert Ferguson

In file  July 1999:  Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin pages 416-418, Vol
#39, #3 Summer 1998, Article on Ferguson Family, Clan Ferguson by Charles E
Hoye, published in the Mountain Democrat, no date given.
NOTES: [at end of article]
*1.  Hoyes is described as a village, now Accident, Garrett County.  Early name w
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
    According to the Tithe Applotment Books, 1823-1838: James Ferguson was living in Druminagh Townland, Artrea Parish, Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
Artrea, Londonderry, Ireland
FamilyCentral Network
Andrew Ferguson - Lydia McClintock

Andrew Ferguson was born at of Bart, Templemore, Londonderry, Ireland Abt 1750. His parents were Andrew Ferguson and Miss Harvey.

He married Lydia McClintock 6 Nov 1775 at Cathedral Church, St. Columb, Londonderry, Ireland . Lydia McClintock was born at of Dunmore, Londonderry, Ireland Abt 1750 daughter of John McClintock and Rebecca McCausland .

They were the parents of 8 children:
John Ferguson born 1777.
Rebecca Ferguson born 1779.
David Ferguson born 1781.
Dorcas Ferguson born 1782.
Robert Ferguson born 30 Jun 1783.
James Ferguson born 1785.
Sarah Ferguson born 1790.
Anne Ferguson born 1792.

Andrew Ferguson died 16 Oct 1792 .