28 Sep 1764
Manchester Twp, York, Pennsylvania
18 Nov 1764
29 Mar 1824
Jefferson Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Friedline Cem, Lavansville, Pennsylvania
Abt 1785
                   Record is on his toomb stone

Will of John Peter Friedline (1763-1824)
Dated: 11 February 1824
Proved: 8 April 1824
Will Book 2, p. 391-393
Somerset County, PA
(transcription copyright by Karen Cooke [KECooke]; permission is granted to use for non-commercial purposes; all commercial rights reserved)


Transcription Notes by KEC:

I received a photocopy of the will of John Peter Friedline on 29 October 2001 from a company named SAMPUBCO which offers, for a fee, the service of photocopying certain indexed wills of residents of Somerset County.

The transcription below is true to the original spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of the photocopy. The handwriting was very small - which meant I needed a magnifying glass to read the words. Even with the glass there were some words that I was not able to decipher. In those cases I enclose that information in [ ] sometimes with guesses as to what the word might be.

I indicated where the page breaks occurred in the original copy by enclosing the original page number in brackets at the appropriate point in the transcription.

Although I did proofread my transcription, the small handwriting and use of magnifying glass may have all contributed to errors on my part. 

Please note that the web version of this transcription is not in the same exact format as the original.  Please email me for a more exact formatted copy.  

---KEC 17 Nov 2001


Last Will

In the name of God amen. 

Peter Friedline of Somerset Township Somerset County and State of Pennsylvania, being very sick and weak, but in perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God. Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body, and knowing that is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. That is to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul my Soul [sic] into the hand of Almighty God that give it and my body I Recommend to the earth, to be Buried in decent Christian burial, at the descretion of my Executors nothing Doubting, but at the General Resurrection. I shall [one unreadable word] the same again, by the mighty power of God. And as touching such Modesty estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life. I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. ___ ___ First I give and Bequeath to Catharina my dearly beloved wife the sum of one thousand dollars to be raised and levied out of my estate further one horse and two Cows, and she shall stay on the place and having the one third out of the place during her lifetime. . Also I give and bequeath to my son Henry the land where he lives at present for sixteen hundred dollars. . I Give and Bequeath to my soninlaw Peter Ankeny the land where he lives at present for twenty four hundred dollars. . I Give and Bequeath to my son Jonas the land where he lives at present for three thousand four hundred dollars. . I Give and Bequeath to my Son Peter two hundred acres of Land the under part[?] where Adams lives at present for two thousand one hundred dollars. . I give and bequeath to my Son Daniel the old place where I live at present for two thousand one hundred dollars. . . I Give and Bequeath to my daughter Catharina the Land where [p.392] one Lint lives on at present for one thousand dollars. And after my decease my Executors hereafter mentioned may make bondice[?] of my loose property, and after taken off all expenses and cost to divide the Remainder among my ten children. So that every one gets equal share one so much as the other of my whole Estate and further if one my children before mentioned has more already as his share will come to when it is equal Divided he has to pay it back in manner as follows, that is to say four years after my decease he has to pay fifty Dollars and so on every year till the amount is paid. ___ ___ I Give and Bequeath to my daughter Eve equale share of my whole estate . . . I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Susanna equal share of my whole estate. . . And further is my will that my executors hereafter mentioned, when have settled with them, so that every one has equal to give every one a Deed according as it bequeathed to them. And I Constitute, make and ordain my beloved sons Henry and Jonas and my Son in law Peter Ankeny and ________ Boucher for my Executors for this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly, disallow, revoke and disavowl all and every other former Testament, Wills, Bequest and Executors before in any wise before named Willed and bequeathed, Radifying and Confirming this and no other, to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eleventh day of Februar in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four

Peters payment is only two thousand one hundred under lined before signed Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and declared by the said Peter Friedline, as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us Who in his presence and in the Presence of each other have hereto Subscribed our Names

Jacob Young 

John Young

John Hauger 


          Be it known by all men by these present that I Peter Friedline of Somerset Township, Somerset County have made and ordained my last Will and Testament in writing this Eleventh day of Februar in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four I the said Peter Friedline by those present Codicil do ratify and confim my said last Will and Testament and it is further my last Will. That if any one of my children should have more as there equal Share should come too, that the shall pay the overplus back again to the other heirs, no sooner till my beloved wife Catharina is deceased and the payment Shall be as follows fifty Dollars every year till the whole Amount is paid up, what ever the sum may be so that every one of my ten children get equal Share and my will and Meaning is that this Codicil be adjudged to be a part and parcil of my Last Will and Testament and that all things therein mentioned and Cordained be faithfull and truly Confirmed and as fully, and amply in every [1 unreadable word], as if the same whose So declared and Set down in any said last Will and Testament. Witness my had this elevent day of Februar one thousand eight hundred and eighty four.

Sealed in the Presence of us

John Hauger 

Jacob Young

John Young

Somerset County, Pa

                       This 8th day of April 1824 before me Alexdr Ogle Jun Esq. Register for the probate of Wills & Granting letters of Administration in & for the County of Somerset personally came John Hauger, Jacob Young, & John Young the Subscribing Witnesses to the above Will & being duly sworn according to law did agree & say that they were present & saw & heard Peter Friedline the testator, sign, seal, publish, pronounce, & declare the foregoing instrument of writing as & for his testament & last Will & that at the time of so doing he was of perfect & sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge observation & belief. 

Alex. Ogle Jun. Register  

       } John Hauger

       } Jacob Young

       } John Young


Somerset County Pa 

Letters Testamentary On the estate of Peter Friedline decd.

By the Tenor of those Presents I Alexd. Ogle Jun Esquire Register for the probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for the County of Somerest in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Do make known unto all men, that on the day of the date hereof at Somerset before me was proved, approved and insinuated the last Will and Testament of Peter Friedline late of said County deceased (a true Copy whereof is to these presents annexed) having whilst he lived and at the time of his death, diverse goods By reason whereof the approbation and insinuation[?] of the said last Will and Testament and the committing the administration of all and Singular the goods and chattels, rights and Credits which were of the said deceased, and also the auditing the accounts, calculations and Reckonings of the said Administration, and a final dismission from the same, to me are manifestly known to belong and that the administration of all and Singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the said deceased any way concerning his last Will and Testament was committed to his sons Henry and Jonas and his Son in law ____ Boucher Executors in the said last Will and Testament named they having been first Sworn well and truly to Administer the goods and chattels of the said deceased and make a true and perfect inventory thereof and exhibit the same into the Registers office at Somerset on or before the eighth day of May next and to render a just and true account, calculation and Reckoning of the said Administration on or before the eighth day of April next. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said County of Somerest this eighth day of April in the year of our Load one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. A. Ogle Jun Register

Registered 8th April 1824 A. Ogle Junior Register


Renumeration of Peter Ankeny on the estate of Peter Friedline deceased

I, Peter Ankeny of Somerset Township being appointed one of the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Peter Friedline of Said Township Somerset County decd by said Testor I do therefore Renounce all my Right and Title to the said Executorship & with that the same may be Committed to Jonas Friedline, Henry Friedline & David Boucher my Brothers in law. In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 20th day of April 1824. 

Peter Ankeny

Witness Present

Alexd. Ogle, Joseph Ankeny 

Registered 20th April 1824 A. Ogle Jun Register


   © KECooke 2001, 2002  

~ * Information compiled from many sources and may contain errors.  Please verify all sources from primary documents.  I'm striving for clear, concise, and verifiable source references, but that doesn't preclude errors on my part.  If you find any errors or discrepancies, please email me.  Also if you would like to be lists as a surname researchers and have your website linked on these pages, please let me know  --KECooke ~

    This page was last updated on 04/25/02

The following information should be changed to Sept. 30th 1763. In MEMORY ofPETER FRIEDLINEborn in York County PaSept. 30th 1765; >SHOULD read 1763 and it is clearly engraved that way.& died March 29th 1824,in the 61st year of his AGEThose that be planted in the houseof the Lord Shall flourish in the court of our God92d. Psalm
Maria Catherine MILLER
9 Apr 1767
Somerset, Pennsylvania
17 Apr 1835
Somerset, Pennsylvania
12 Aug 1787
Milford Twp, Bedford, Pennsylvania
31 Jan 1860
19 Apr 1790
Milford Twp, Bedford, Pennsylvania
9 Mar 1826
Abt 1811
9 Jul 1792
Milford Twp, Bedford, Pennsylvania
9 Mar 1836
Jenner Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Somerset, Pennsylvania 
                   Friedline Cemetery
23 Aug 1794
Milford Twp, Bedford, Pennsylvania
11 Jan 1842
19 May 1814
Abt 1798
Somerset Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Abt 1867
25 Sep 1800
Somerset, Pennsylvania
24 Apr 1866
Lee Township, Athens, Ohio
24 Jun 1803
Somerset Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
21 Dec 1860
Murphysboro, Jackson, Illinois
Aft 1846
5 Jun 1808
Somerset Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
22 Jan 1882
8 Mar 1843
Abt 1830
Abt 1811
21 Feb 1813
Somerset, Pennsylvania
22 Feb 1857
6 Apr 1829
                   Dan Hay Farm, rt 31, Mt Pleasant,Pennsylvania
FamilyCentral Network
John Peter Friedline - Maria Catherine Miller

John Peter Friedline was born at Manchester Twp, York, Pennsylvania 28 Sep 1764. His parents were John Ludwick Friedline, Rev War Vet and Anna Margaret Lenhart.

He married Maria Catherine Miller Abt 1785 at Pennsylvania . Maria Catherine Miller was born at Somerset, Pennsylvania 9 Apr 1767 daughter of John Salomonsmiller and Eva Marie Hillier .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Mary Barbara Friedline born 12 Aug 1787.
Henry John Friedline born 19 Apr 1790.
John Solomon Friedline born 9 Jul 1792.
Mary Eve Friedline born 23 Aug 1794.
Susanna Friedline born Abt 1798.
Jonas Friedline born 25 Sep 1800.
Peter Friedline born 24 Jun 1803.
Isaac Friedline born 5 Jun 1808.
Daniel Friedline born 1810.
Peter Ludwig Friedline born Abt 1811.
Catherine Friedline born 21 Feb 1813.

John Peter Friedline died 29 Mar 1824 at Jefferson Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania .

Maria Catherine Miller died 17 Apr 1835 at Somerset, Pennsylvania .