28 Jan 1821
Middlecreek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
15 Mar 1912
Middlecreek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Middle Creek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
13 Oct 1844


Baptism record in Sanners,  baptized 10 Jun 1821

Peter was member and officer of Barrons Lutheran church for over sixty
years at death.  He was 91 years, 2 months, 14 days old, survived by four
sons and two younger brothers, George of Fayette county and Noah of
Greene County.

Source: Gravestone markings, Middlecreek Township, Somerset County,Lutheran Church, Barons Cemetary
Peter G. Whipkey
Born: Dec 31, 1819
Died: Mar 15, 1911
Mary (Buried with him)

Source: 1850 Census, Somerset county, Penn
Peter Whipkey, 28 Penn
Wife Mary
Jerome 5 Penn
Jerimiah 3 Penn
Wilson, 1 , Milford, Somerset County, Penn

Source: Wills, Middlecreek Township, Somerset county, Penn
April 17, 1912, Vol 10, page 397

Information from V. K. Mason; sources:
(1) Book of families in Somerset County, PA.
(2) 1850 Census- Somerset County, PA (Milford Township- p. 461-74):
                         Whipkey, Peter      age 28      b. PA      Farmer
                              "    "     Mary             28           PA
                              "    "     Jerome           5           PA
                              "    "     Jeremiah        3           PA
                              "    "     Wilson            1           PA

Source: Eber Cockley wrote in 1971. "Peter G. Whipkey, born 1821, MiddleCreek township, died there 15 Mar 1912, wife Mary Moore, daughter ofDaniel Moore, married 13 Oct 1844.  Peter was officer and member ofBarron Lutheran church, for over sixy years.  At death, he was age: 91years, two months, 14 days, survived by four sons and two youngerbrothers, George of Fayette county and Noah of Greene county, Penn.Children:  Jerome B, born 1845, Middlecreek, died 10 Feb 1907 Carleton,Neb.  Jesse - residence Barronvale, Jeremiah G. - residence Barronvale,Wilson - residence Barronvale.  The above from Peter G. obituary."
Middle Creek Township
Chapter LXXIV, Middle Creek, from
The History of Somerset, Bedford, and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania, 1884

MIDDLE CREEK township is called after the stream of the same name whichflows about midway betweem Laurel Hill and Cox's creeks. The township wasorganized in 1853.

The township contains several small veins of coal, which are mined forlocal use. A good quality of limestone is found. Considerable quantitiesof iron ore exist, but as yet they have not been utilized.

Caspar Harbaugh is supposed to have been one of the earliest pioneers inthe present territory of Middle Creek township. He was originally fromGermany. He served under Gen. Braddock in 1775, and resided in theeastern part of this state until 1789. In the spring of 1790 he came tothe wild and sparsely inhabited region since known as Somerset county,and settled on the farm where Hiram Tedrow now lives, bringing with him awife and two or three children. Harbaugh passed nearly all of theremainder of his life in this township. He died at the age of ninetyyears.

A few months after Harbaugh's arival, Elijah Lyons, from Virginia, cameand settled on the farm now owned by Alexander Moore. He was then a youndman, but was married before coming to this neighborhood.

About 1791 Andrew Putman, from Maryland, settled on a farm adjoining thatof Caspar Harbaugh. Like the other early settlers, he leased land fromlandholders residing in Philadelphia. Mr. Putman lived to be quite aged.He died about 1850. The farm on which he settled is now owned by PeterWhipkey.

Daniel Moore emigrated from New Jersey to this country about 1800. Aftermaking a location and beginning improvements on a farm in the southernpart of this township, he left, and for some years led the life of anitinerant miller, working in various places. Later her returned to hisfarm and made rapid improvements upon it. He died in 1844, and his wife(Mary King) in 1852. They reared eight children, five of whom are stillliving. One son is in Ohio; Jesse is an old resident of this township;Catharine (Gross) lives in Milford township; and Mrs. Barron and Mrs.Whipkey, in Middle Creek. Jesse Moore is the father of Philip K. Moore,who owns a beautiful farm of two hundred and forty acres in the northernpart of this township. Though Mr. Moore, senior, has passed the allotedthreescore years and ten, he is still active; and being a man ofobservation and good memory, recalls much that is interesting concerningthe early settlers, their customs and manner of life.

Alexander C. Moore, another son of Jesse Moore, is a prosperous farmer,residing one mile north of New Lexington.

William Moore was born and reared in this township. In 1838 he came intopossession of the homestead farm, inherited from his father. He marriedRosanna, daughter of George Pile, an early pioneer of this township, andreared five children: Louisa (Mognet), Cyrus B., Walter F., H. D. andLyman K.

Cyrus B. served in the late war, and , after its close, establishedhimself in the mercantile business at New Lexington, in 1866. Dr. H. D.Moore read medicine, and, after graduating, settled in New Lexington,where he now has a successful practice.

George Pile located in this township in 1818, on the farm which he boughtof Andrew Putman, his father-in-law. He expended much hard labor inimproving his farm and bringing it into good condition. He married SalomePutman. Their son, Josiah, is one of the thrifty farmers of thistownship. He resides upon a farm which he purchased of Samuel Barclay.

George Putman was born in Somerset county, and lived in Milford township.His son John commenced life for himself as a farmer in 1848. he owns agood farm of one hundren and sixty acres, which he purchased from hisuncle, Michael Putman. Mr. Putman was a soldier in the late war; enlistedin the nine months' service in 1863. He has taken an active interest ineducational matters, and has served as school director several times.

George Barron became a resident of Middle Creek township in 1817, movingfrom a neighboring township. His mother was captured by the Indians inMorrison's cove. (For particulars, see sketch of Milford Township.) Mr.Barron purchased a farm of John Weyant, and devoted his lifetime toimproving it. His family consisted of ten children, all of whom are stillliving. Moses Barron owns one hundred and seventy acres of land in thistownship and operates a gristmill. He is a miller by trade, havinglearned the business thoroughly.

On the same site where Barron's mill now stands John Koozer erected agristmill in 1806. it was largely patronized by the early settlers.Koozer's mill passed through various changes of owners, and, until it waspruchased by Mr. Barron, always retained its origional name. Peter Koozerhad a carding-mill put in operation as early as 1808, near the presentsite of Baker's woolen-factory.

Jacob Baker was reared near Rockwood. In 1855 he came to Middle Creektownship, and purchased from Thomas Van Horn one-half interest in awoolen factory. The following year Jeremiah Pile became his partner andthe two conducted the business for six years. Mr. Baker's mill is almostnew, having been built by him in 1876, at a cost of twenty-five hundreddollars. The factory contains a full set of carding-machines, aspinning-jenny and three looms. It is run by water-power. Mr. Bakermanufactures blankets, cassimeres, waterproofs, barred flannels andyarns. Since his residence here he has made important improvements.Besides erecting the factory, he has built a brick house and a stable.

Hiram Tedrow moved from Milford to Middle Creek township in 1859, andsettled on a farm known as the David Young farm, which he purchased fromDennis Hay. Mr. Tedrow has greatly improved his place. The farm consistsof two hundred and twenty acres, and is in a high state of cultivation.The wife of Mr. Tedrow is Amanda C., daughter of Jesse Moore, an oldresident of this township. Mr. Tedrow is a son of John K. Tedrow, whoseparents were early settlers in this county. During the civil war Hiramwas drafted into the army twice.

William R. King is a son of Mesmore King, who lived for many years inthis township, although he was born in a neighboring township. The elderMr. King was the owner of extensive tracts of land in various parts ofthe township. In 1875 he disposed of the greater part of his property andremoved to Westmoreland county. William R. has also accumulated, as theresult of industry and good management, extensive quantities of land, andis today the owner of over sixteen hundred acres.

Hon. Jacob R. McMillen was born and reared in old Turkey-Foot township,of which both his father and grandfather were residents. The name of thelatter was Rush, and he was a soldier in the revolutionary war. J. R.McMillen came to Middle Creek in 1847, located in the southern part ofthe township, and purchased a tannery of Harris Luddington -an eccentricold gentleman, who was a "jack-of-all-trades" - a tanner, merchant,minister, lawyer, doctor, etc. Luddington had established the tannery andoperated it only a few years when Mr. McMillen took charge. The latterhad learned his trade with his father in Paddytown, in this county. Mr.McMillen conducted the business successfully for thirty-one years, thenturned the management of it over to his sons, R. S. and J. J. McMillen,who are now conducting it. Mr. McMillen has been prominent in publicaffairs and an active member of the republican party. In 1866 he waselected associate judge of the county, and held the office during a termof five years. He was elected to the state legislature in 1872 and servedtwo terms.

Michael Ansell settled on Laurel Hill in 1866, having purchased sixhundred acres of land of Samuel King. The farm had been improved yearsbefore by John Pile, now of Fayette county. Mr. Ansell's farm is veryrich in iron ore. There is also a mineral spring, the waters of whichpossess great medicinal virtues, situated upon the place. Mr. Ansellserved in the late war in Co. C, 142d regt. Penn. Vols., and was in anumber of severe engagements, but fortunately escaped being wounded. Heenlisted in 1861 and was mustered out at the close of the war.

Joseph B. Critchfield, an old resident of Middle Creek, was born inMilford township. Early in life he came to Middle Creek, and afterworking several years at various avocations, married Harriet King andsettled on a farm which he purchased of Elizabeth Miller, of Salem, NewJersey. After residing on this farm twenty-two years, he sold it toWalter Moore, and subsequently bought back thirty-eight acres of it, uponwhich he presently resides.

Isaac Barron, son of John N. Barron, who was a native of Berks county,settled in Middle Creek in 1868, on a farm purchased of AbrahamHostetler, which he greatly improved. Isaac Barron's mother, as mentionedin the history of Milford township, was captured by Indians. Mr. Barronmarried Charlotte Moore. Two of their children are living: William II.,who was a soldier in the late war and now resides upon the homestead, andMrs. Anna Rebecca Meyers, in Fayette county.

The first gristmill and the first sawmill in the township were built byPhilip King, on Middle Creek, about 1880.

The first store in the township was started by Elias Stahl, about 1840.Stahl continued in business fifteen years, then sold out to Henry F.Schell.

In Middle Creek township the following industries are at present carriedon: Two gristmills, one on Laurel Hill creek, owned by Moses Barron, theother on Middle Creek, owned by Israel Gross. The one general store andpost-office (at new Lexington) are kept by Cyrus B. Moore. Baker'swoolen-factory is elsewhere alluded to.

The following is a copy of the official list of voters of Middle Creektownship in 1854, one year after the organization of the township: JohnBoyts, Christian Barkley, Dav. Barkley, Jr., John Bongard, Geo. Barron,Benj. Bowman, Moses Barron, H. B. Barnes, Henry Boucher, John Boucher,Chas. Cramer, Josiah Crise, John Cummins, Jos. B Crichfield, Dav. Cramer,Gabriel Christner, John Davis, Geo. Enos, Adam Felderkerchner, Geo.Ferguson, Jac. Gary, Adam Gary, John Hidler, A. B. Hostetler, Jos.Herrington, Jac. Hechler, Wm. Henry, John Hersh, John Infield, DerrickKreger, John King, Henry Kreger, Jos. King, John R. King, Missimer King,Cassimer King, Sam. Kooser, Dan. Lee, Jona. Lions, Jac. L. Miller, Dan.A. Miller, Jesse Moore, John G. Miller, Jac. R. McMullen, Chas.McLelland, Abr. R. Miller, Mich. Nicholas, Hugh Nichel, Geo. Pile, Dav.Pletcher, Sam. Pletcher, Christian Phillippi, Sam. Phillippi, John L.Sayler, Jere. Sayler, Christian Schrock, Jac. C. Schrock, Henry L.Snyder, Dewald Snyder, Levi Snyder, Chris. Speicher, Jos. Saylor, Jona.Sayer, John D. Snyder, Mich. Sanner, Dav. Tedrow, Derrick Trimpe, FredUphouse, Henry Uphouse, Thos. Vanhorn, Abr. Walker, Henry Weyand, PeterWhipkey, Dav. Young, Dav. Younkin, Eli Sayler, Dav. Sayler, FrancisSinger, Amos Schrock, Solomon Pile, Jere Pile, David'n Pletcher, JohnWeyand, Jac. Speicher, Peter Speicher, Noah S. Snyder, Sol. Boucher,Cassimer Cramer, Emanuel Caron, Geo. Feldkerchner, John Gross, Dav. Hoop,Hiram King, Geo. King, Arnold Kuhlman, Geo. Leer, Elijah Lyons, Jas.Mickey, Geo. Mickey, Jos. Mognet, Josiah Pile, Wm. Putman, Dav. Pletcher,Sol. young, Isaac Younkin, Simon Barron, Chauncy Barron, Hiram Barron,Dan'l Barkley, Hiram Boucher, Sam. Cramer, Chauncy Cramer, Wm. Curry,Geo. Davis, J. G. Elder, Jona. Emert, Jac. Hechler, Jr., Aaron Hechler,Josiah Heminger, Chauncy Meyers, Eli Younkin.

New Lexington

The village of New Lexington was laid out September 14, 1824, on the landof David and Magdalena Tedrow. The village is in the south-eastern partof the township, three miles west of New Centerville, in the midst of athriving neighborhood. Its population consists of about one dozenfamilies. The place contains one general store, a postoffice, threeshoeshops, two smithshops and a tannery.

Lutheran Church

Middle Creek Evangelical Lutheran church was organized by Rev. WilliamUhl in 1850. Prior to the organization there had been preaching in thePutman schoolhouse for five or six years. The church edifice was erectedin 1850, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars. The first church officerswere: Diedrich Kreger, William Moore, George Pile and Frecerick Uphouse.The pastors have been: Revs. Solomon MeHenry, J. K. R\Bricker, JohnRomlinson, Charles Young, Josiah Zimmerman, Reuben Smith, John Unruh and--- Zinn.
10 Jun 1818
16 Dec 1900
15 Jul 1845
Middle Creek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
10 Feb 1907
Carlton, Thayer, Nebraska
31 Dec 1871
                   Occupation: Farmer, School teacher Education: Mt. Union College, OH, class of 1871 Change Date: 20 NOV 2001
22 Apr 1847
of Barronvale, Pennsylvania
26 Apr 1931
5 Feb 1871
23 Oct 1849
Middle Creek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
25 Nov 1915
Middle Creek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
20 Feb 1861
25 Oct 1865
Somerset, Pennsylvania
30 Oct 1881
24 Mar 1863
26 Feb 1892
FamilyCentral Network
Peter G. Whipkey - Mary Moore

Peter G. Whipkey was born at Middlecreek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania 28 Jan 1821. His parents were John D Whipkey and Margaret Rebecca Gary.

He married Mary Moore 13 Oct 1844 . Mary Moore was born at 10 Jun 1818 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Jerome B. Whipkey born 15 Jul 1845.
Jeremiah G Whipkey born 22 Apr 1847.
Wilson Whipkey born 23 Oct 1849.
Mary e Whipkey born 20 Feb 1861.
Jesse M Whipkey born 1857.
Harmer M Whipkey born 24 Mar 1863.

Peter G. Whipkey died 15 Mar 1912 at Middlecreek Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania .

Mary Moore died 16 Dec 1900 .