Jonathan GEARY

30 Aug 1806
Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
7 Jul 1807
Somerset, Pennsylvania
15 Sep 1881
Bellaire, Belmont, Ohio
Abt 1825
of Somerset, Pennsylvania
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Jonathan GARY-49 Nancy Agnes ClARK-50

Yr of Birth 1806 Yr of Birth 1

Husband- Jonathan GARY-49 CENSUS: 1830 - Turkeyfoot, SoIerset County, Pa., Age 20-30; 3 in fam.;
	National Archives Roll 161
	1 B4O - ?????
	1850 - 33rd District, lIarshall County, VA. Age 44; b.PA. Page 3258.
(Agnes A.43 PA, Nasbington 24 PA, Catherine 22 PA, Ruth Ann 20 PA, James 18 PA, l'Iary 16 PA, Sarah 14 PA, Elizabeth 11 PA, Sophia 9 PA, Jane 7 PA, Saluel 4 VA, Milliam 2 VA.)
t86() - ltarshall County, VA.; Age 55, b. PA. Page 264. (Nancy 55 PA, Jane 16 PA, Saluel 16? VA, Nilliam 12 VA, _therine Gore 30 PA, Eli jah Gore 12 VA, John Gore 1 VA.)
1870 - Bellaire City Post Office, Pultney Township, Belmont County,
	flUe. Reel 1173 OH State Library.Jonathan (65).
1880 - 2630 I'Iarket, Wheeling, Ohio County, Nest Virginia. Enumerated
	wi th son Salluel.

BIRTH - Jonathan Gary b. 30 _g 1806; bapti sed Sanner's 7 June 1807.
(Historical and Genealogical Society of SoIerset CO PAJ (NOTE: This date c_licts ..ith 10 April 1806 for birth). Book for Recording Births and Baptisas of lien and Children Lutheran Church Record of the Sanner Evangelical Lutheran Reforaed Church in Milford TMp. SoIIerset Co., Pi. pg 28. Parents: Peter Sary & Catherine. IIi t. Adam Keefer, Sr.

JOO NOTE: My 1Other, IJ6, always accepted the family tradition that the "GearysD were frOill MesttllDrel and Co. PA, Mhich was cbvi DUsl Y wong. She thought the 'loose family and-Nancy Agnes Clark were from Wesbaoreland, but I have found nothing to sub5tantiate this. Josiah 'loose owned land in SoIterset Co. at one tille.

BURIAL: frail Tombstone Inscriptions and Family Records Belmont County, Ohio VolUlle 1. Published by Esther Weygandt PONell. 36 North Highland Avenue Akron, Ohio. 1969. Pages 81-82. Book in the Ohio State library in CoIUllbus. Gave year only (1880; IJ6 gave death date as 15 Sept 1877 and said it was frOlll Aunt Sadie's Bihle. -Was not able to locate a death record in Belmont County, 00. . JJ6 visit to celletery in 1989 found tombstones too Neathered to read.

	1833 Tax List lilford Township, SoIIIerset County, PA. lists a Jonathan
	Geary (spelled this KaY).
	1838 Tax List flilford Township, Somerset County, PA. lists a Jonathan
	Garey (spelled this way).
1856 deed (22 Jan) betNeel1 Jonathan Gary, Washington Sary, and Jases
Sary Mho sold 71 acres of land on Grave Creek, I'Iarshall County, VA. From State Archives in Charleston, IIVA. - Microfilm t83 - VolUllle 10 ­Page 394.
1895-1898 Green Co. PA tax list has Jonathan Gary ta.'{ed for real est.,
	occupation tc trade, and 3 horses. <1894 has a John Gary taxed)

RELATIONSHIP: Somerset County, PA. Estate Record 139 (Peter Sary) dated 1843.

Statement frlJlll above record dated 23 Sept 1844 indicates Jonathan was in

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Vr of Birth 1800 Vr of Birth 1807

Jonathan GARV-49 Nancy Agnes CIJIRI(-50

Virginia at this time. Census records confir_ this.
- Nancy Agnes CLARK-SO
	CENSUS: 1850 - I'Iarshall County VA. EnUllel""ated with husband. Age 43.
	1860 - Marshall Co. VA. Enumerated with husband. Age 55.
	1870 - Bellaire City PO; Pultney Township; Belmont County, OH. (Reel
	1173 (Ohio State Lib It Arc). EnUErated wi th husband (64). .

BIRTH-DEATH: TOIIbstone Inscriptions and Faaily Records BelllOOt County, 00, Vol 1. Published by Esther Weygandt Powell. 1969. Pgs 81-82. Book in Ohio State Library, Colusbus. Gave years only (lva Jewel Geary had 15 Jun 1807 for birth, but 1880 for death, presumably frOll Aunt Sadie's Bible.) No record of her
death was found in the records of Bellont County, OH.	.

We visited Greenwood Cemetery in June 1989. There is a record of the burials of Jonathan, Nancy Agnes and their daughter Catherine Gore. The gravestones are totally illegible.

PARENTS? In Bedford Co. PA is an estate index listing Andrew Clark H827-005(}} which lists a daughter Nancy, Providence Twp. Also listed sons: Isaac, John, llilliall; dau: Sarah, Elizabeth, Catherine, Polly. 1810 PA Census Index lists Andrew Clark Sr. in Providence Twp, Bedford Co.; also Andrew Clark.

CHILD 1 - Eieorge Washington GARY-51
	CENSUS: 1850 - 33rd di strict, Karshall County, VA. Enumerated wi tfi parents.
	Washington Age 24, BP PA.
	1860 - Marshall Coonty, VA. George II. Age 33. BP PA (Margaret 23,
	Charlotte 4, James A. 3, Daniel 1).
	1870 - Not listed in Greene or WestJllOreland County, PA. or Belilont
	County, 0Ii.
	1880 - Wheeling, Ohio County, Pa. (3931 \food St. George N. ,36 (46?) b.
	_BIRTH: Probably SOIIerset CO PA. - 1930 census shows Jonathan living there
	with three others in family.

(RESIDENCE: 22 Jan 1856 deed between Jonathan Gary, Washington Gary, and James Gary who sold 71 acres of land on Grave Creek, Marshall County, VA. FrOll State Archives in Charleston, II. VA. - l'Iie:rofilll 183 - Volume 10 - Page 394.

1882 city directory for Wheeling, Nest VA. lists Washington Gary at 2608 Main. Also WH Gary and G. Washington Gary.

1887-1890. Green County PA tax list includes Washington Gary Sr. (1884-1889 tax list for the Co. has a G.W. Gary - apparently .Wash.")
QUESTION: Green Co. PA Sand Hill Cemetery, Springdale Tp. lists a George W. Bary b. 25 Apr 1822 d. 2 April 1901; wife Margaret b. 25 Dee: 1832; David b. 15 Aug 1870 d. 4 April 1898; Wash b. 29 Jan 1877 d. 7 Nov. 1900.6reene Co. PA Cemetery Ree:ords Vol 16, Pg 370. Located beside chure:h at Ned. Compiled by Dorothy T. Hennen. Is this Jonathan's son? Some dates coincide, others do not), NOTE: A 'Wash Gary' was killed by a street car in nerarby Benwood, Ohio Co.,WV, 7 Nay 1902.


9 Apr 1991

\ .', WIFE


Jonathan 6MY-49 Nancy Agnes ClMK-50

CHILD 2 - Catherine GARY-52
	CENSUS: 1850 - 33rd District, I'Iarhsall County, VA Page 32SB. EnUJErated with
parents, age 22.
1860 - larshall County, VA Page 264. Catherine BORE, 30; enUllerated
	.	with parents and sons, Elijah 12, John 7. htidmt,divorced?)
1870 - ????????????
1000 - 2630 tlarket, Wheeling, ]bio County, W.VA. Enulerated with
brother, Saatel, as Catherine GORE 49.
1900 - OH Soundex - No Catherine Gore listed.
	1910 - Bellaire, Dellmt, 00. Catherine Gore (79), b PA, 5 children 4
living. Enu8erated with daughter and son-in-law (Nichol as­and ltary J. Schiffler). l'Iary J. (49) bWA, father born 1m.
BIRTH: Probably Somerset CO PA - 1930 census showed Jonathan living there with three others in family.

BIRTH-DEATH-BOO I AL-RELATIONSHIPS: State of Ohio Death Certificate; Reg nist 99; Primary Reg. Dist 8041; Reg No 62. Cause of death valvular heart trouble. Age at death ff1y 7. 4<1. (JJ6 has copy)

DIAl: Cemetery Records of GreenNOOd Celletery, Ball ai re, Behmt County, OH. She is buried with her parents. All larkings on the headstones have been cDlpletely worn off.

CHILD 3 - Ruth Ann GARY-53
	CENSUS: 1850 - 33rd Di strict, larshall County, VA. Page 32513. EnUllerated wi th
	parents, 20, PA.	---­
BIRTH - DEATH - Ruth Ann Gary - 1831 - 1913, 2nd wife of William Supler (Greene Co. PA JacKsonville Cemetery, Ric:hhill Township). Vol 2, pg 756.

Cl-ECK ON: - above cemetery record through death certi Hcate.

CHILD 4 - JileS Alexander GARY-20
BIRTH-DEATH-MRRIAGE-BURIAl-RELATIONSHIP: Ci vii War Pensi on File located in the National Archives 1799-504. (James J. Geary has copy. Discloses second aarriage. Cemetery Inscriptions of Licking County. By JohnstOwn Genealogical Society. Vol 13, Pg 11. LC 1F491.LbJ63. 1971.

DEATH: Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, Board of Health. Death Certificate 	1129.


1850 - Marshall CO VA age 18, VA enumerated with parents.
1860 - Marshall County, VA.; Age 27, b.VA. Page 264
1870 - ?? Searched WestillOreland County, PA nothing. Also Greene
County, PA. Nothing. Also Belmont County, OH.
1880 - ?? Searched I'Iarshall County, II. VA. Nothing.
1890 - Special Census for Surviving Union Soldiers of the Civil War. E.D. lOb; Page 1; S. D. 111. Springhill Township, Greene
	County, Pa. Deep Valley Post Office.
1900 - ?? ­
1910 - Columbus City, Franklin County, Ohio, 120 Rinehard. Age 77; PA.


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Yr of Birth 1806 Yr of Birth 1807



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Jonathan 6ARY-49 Nancy Agnes CLARK-50

Yr of Bi rth tBO6 Yr of Birth 19)7

(Anna SO; lillie,18, adopted). E.D. 130. I'Ird 20 yrs. Parents born PA.	.

(RESlDOCE: 1856 I'Iarshall Co. N. VA. Deed dated 22 Jan 1856 conveying land on Big Grave Creek: to Joseph Loudenslager frOil Jonathan Gary, Washington Gary, and James Gary. Sold to the Garys by Joshu Burley but before they paid for it or received the deed, they sold it. (JJG has copy).
1866 I'Iarshall Co. Ii. VA. Deed dated 14 April 1902 in place of deed dated 24 Dee 1866 conveying to James Geary frOil W.V. Hage, executtr, 140 acres crI Big Run. Book 87, Page 166. (JJ6 has a copy).
1867 ttarshall Co. W.VA. Deed dated 18 Oct 1867 conveying to James-E. "'ipkey froa James Gary and Elizabeth Gary his wife for $630 forty-tMO acres of the above property on Big Run. "icrofila Box 88, Vol 18, Pages 561-562. (JJ6 has copy).
1869 I'Iarshall Co. II. VA. Deed dated 2 Oct 1869 conveying to Catherine Hunt from James Gary and Elizabeth his wife for $1274 ninety-eight acres on Big Run. mcrofila Box 89, Vol 21, Pages 313-314. (JJG has copy). Salle date: (Vol.18 pp 348) sold one bay aare abt 9 yrs old, one brmm tare abt 10 in trust to secure 11m Hoback the sua of $41.62 due by note. Kis lad:.
1872 - 1900 census lists JAG's son John as born in PA Jan 1872.
1890 Greene Co. Pi\. Above pension application dated 12 July 1890.
	1885-1915 Greene Co. PA. Above pension file; John Pettit of Ned,
Greene Co., affirms 13 Oct 1915 he has kntMO James Gary and Anna Gary for
3() years. (wOuld seetI to indicate JAG in Green Co. by 1885.)
1893 Greene Co. PA. bill of sale dated 14 Jan 1893, lumber froa Jaaes
Gary and Francis Barger to Duncan Heald. Vol. 83, Page 284.
1891 Greene Co. fA. tax records; James Gary Jr. (?) real est 50 olt SO.
	1893	.	.	..	. James Gary real est 62 1 horse 50 1 cow 12
	1894	.	.	..	. James Gary real est 52 2 horse 40 1 cow 12
	1895	.	.	..	. James Gary real est 62 olt 50 1 cow 12
	1896	.	.	..	. James Gary real est 50 Occupa/trade SO
	1897	.	.	..	. James Gary real est 50 Occupa/trade 50
	1898	.	.	..	. Jaaes Gary rle 100 oft 40 1 horse 25 2 c 35
	1899	.	.	..	. James Gary real est 50 Ikcupaltrade 50
1891-1899 also (PresUiably all these in Deep Valley)
1910 Columbus, Franklin Co. OH - Census
1912 Columbus, Franklin Co. DH 120 Rhinehard Ave. - pension, declaration 16 _y 1912.

I'IILITMY SERVICE: Enlisted at Cameron, Ii. VA. ,as a private 1 Oct 1861, Co. l, 6th Regiment, W.VA Infantry; honarably discharged 12 Nav 1864 at New Creek, W. VA. Pension file.

OTHER I'IARRIA6E: 4 April 1883 to Annie Archibald I'IClAlNE-247 , widow of Harry 'k:Laine (l1clane?); 8 May 1915, she MaS living at 676 I'Iohawk St. CoIWlbus, OH. (Pension file).

NOTE: 1880 Ii.VA. Soundex lists a James 6ary, 37, b. PA in Wheeling (26th St. #86) with the fallowing: Nancy, wife, 28, b.VA; Thomas, 18, son; b.N.VA; Ulysses Grant, 16, son, b.Ii.VA.; Jonathan, II, soo,b.N.VA; Elijah, 9, son, b.W.VA; and Reggie, 11/12, b. W.VA. (Vol 9, ED 207, Sheet 16, Line 37). The children, with the exception of Reggie, are


Il Apr 1991

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Jll'lathan 6MY-49 Nancy Agnes ClARK _

" .;t,{;.,

Yr of Birth 1806 Yr of Birth 1807

too old to be Nancy's. QUESTION: Could they be James Alexander's? His \IIife had died two years before. Could this be a nephew James, son of George Washington Gary (Jonathan's oldest son), Mho IItaS tetlporarily providing a home for James Alexander's children. The names latch and the ages nearly so. I'Iarshall CO N.VA aarriage records. (Vol B Page 362) show a James Gary 45 of Ohio CO M. VA married a Nancy Pearcy 30 of I'Iarshall CO N.VA 7 Sep 1879. (NOTE 3/26/91: Now believe this is JAG and 2nd iii fe, Nancy Pearcy. ff1 Ohio Ca. 'IN I. record (VOl b, pp 362) lists a James Gary, 45, of   
Nancy Agnes CLARK
15 Jun 1807
of Somerset, Pennsylvania
15 Sep 1878
Greenwood Cmtry, Bellaire, Belmont
26 May 1826
Somerset, Pennsylvania
2 Apr 1901
Brown Run, Wetzel, West Virginia
29 Mar 1855
Aleppo Twp, Greene, Pennsylvan 
3 Aug 1829
Somerset, Pennsylvania
7 Mar 1919
Bellaire, Belmont, Ohio
14 Jan 1831
Somerset, Pennsylvania
27 Apr 1913
Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania
17 Aug 1832
Somerset, Somerset, Pennsylvania
21 Apr 1915
Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
4 Apr 1883
of Somerset, Somerset, Pensylv 
Abt 1834
Abt 1836
13 Sep 1904
Bellaire, Belmont, Ohio
6 Oct 1881
Bellaire, Belmont, Ohio 
Abt 1839
Marshall, West Virginia 
Abt 1841
Abt 1843
22 Aug 1846
Cameron, Marshall, Virginia
24 Oct 1918
Martins Ferry, Belmont, Ohio
Abt 1848
15 Aug 1888
Belmont, Ohio
10 Jan 1874
Belmont, Ohio 
FamilyCentral Network
Jonathan Geary - Nancy Agnes Clark

Jonathan Geary was born at Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania 30 Aug 1806. His parents were Peter Gary and Catherine Kester.

He married Nancy Agnes Clark Abt 1825 at of Somerset, Pennsylvania . Nancy Agnes Clark was born at of Somerset, Pennsylvania 15 Jun 1807 daughter of James Clark, Jr and Jane Paine .

They were the parents of 11 children:
George Washington Gary born 26 May 1826.
Catherine Gary born 3 Aug 1829.
Ruth Ann Gary born 14 Jan 1831.
James Alexander Gary born 17 Aug 1832.
Mary Jane Gary born Abt 1834.
Sarah Ann Gary born Abt 1836.
Elizabeth Gary born Abt 1839.
Sophia Gary born Abt 1841.
Jane Gary born Abt 1843.
Samuel Clark Gary born 22 Aug 1846.
William B Gary born Abt 1848.

Jonathan Geary died 15 Sep 1881 .

Nancy Agnes Clark died 15 Sep 1878 .