14 Nov 1756
Wurttenberg, Germany
Mennonite Church
14 Nov 1803
Howard Twp, Centre, Pennsylvania
3 Feb 1796
Centre, Pennsylvania
                   First interred in Butler Cemetery Later moved to Schenck Cenetery.

Fact's about Henry Pletcher
Fact 1: 1779, Tax List of Conestoga Twp. Freeman list spelled Pletsher
Fact 2: 1782, Tax List Conestoga Henry Pletcher Shoemaker
Fact 3: August 10, 1782, Henry Pletsher Lancaster Lieutenancy Battalion 4th
Company 3rd cpt. Jacob Metzger
Fact 4: September 11, 1776, Muster Roll Captain Nathaniel Pages Company
Fact 5: Headed for the Camp in the Jerseys Private 3rd Class
Fact 6: 1779, Tax list Conestoga Henry Pletsher
Fact 7: June 08, 1782, Henry and Catharine Sternman sells land to Jacob
Fact 8: July 1791, Henry and Catharine sell patent to Henry Miller
Fact 9: PA archives Series 3, V23, p429; Arch 5, V7, p 436. V7,p634
Fact 10: May 24, 1800, John Philip De Haas Deeded  land to Henry Pletcher
Fact 11: Source History of Centre and Clinton Counties PA author Linn.

More information on Henry Pletcher and the Revolutionary War

       During the Revolutionary War Townships organized the citizens with a
captain from that township being in charge. As a result we can identify
where a Revolutionary soldier was from by checking the name of his captain.
   All these references are from the Pa. Archived 5th series Vol. 7 (the
Lancaster County Volume).  I'm afraid that Henry did not live long enough
to get a War pension.

The following is all that I have found so far that proves that Henry was in
the Revolutionary War.

Platcher, Henry, Conestoga Twp. page 634 Sept. 11th, 1776 (Muster List)
This is a muster list, Henry was a Private and paid 50 shillings for his
service in the camp in the Jersey's)
Pletcher, Henry, Third Class, Conestoga Twp. p. 436, 1782  (Class List)
(this is simply a list of those between the age of 18 and 53 living in
Conestoga Twp. at this date.

I am also including on more Pletcher/Blecher who served.
Blecher, William, Heidleberg Twp., p. 161 (now Dauphin) Co. Pa. Class Roll)
Blucher, Henry, 8th Class, Martic Twp., page 583 (Class List)

1.      Jacob A. Pletcher b. 1787
2.      Henry Pletcher b. 1789
3.      Daniel Pletcher b. 1790 d. 1800

Centre County, Pennsylvania,--1880 Newspaper Obits
"09/16/1904 - Friday - THE SCHENCK FAMILY REUNION - Thursday of last week
the annual reunion of the Schenck family was held in the grove near Howar
d.  About five hundred descendants of the family, as well as many others
were present.  An important action of the SCHENCK association at the reun
ion was the decision to remove the remains of the seven bodies of the ori
ginal PLETCHER family that have rested for scores of years in the Butler
grave yard to the Schenck cemetery and erect over them a suitable monument.  The bodies will be exhumed at once.  Among the bodies to be removed are those of Henry PLETCHER and wife.  Mr. PLETCHER was a revolutionary soldier and for valiant service rendered during the struggles of our forefathers was presented by the Government at Washington with 400 acres of ground near the present site of Howard.  He took up his claim in 1796 and lived and died a hero of those strenuous times."

No. 3550
Valuation of the real estate of Henry Pletcher Deceased....April 27, 1810
Aug. 28th 1810  The eldest son appears in court and agrees to take the estate
at the appraisment

Centre County ss:  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of the said County of Centre Greeing Whereas Jacob Pletcher eldest son of Henry Pletcher late of Centre Township in the County aforesaid deceased.  On the 24th day of April last past presented his petition to our Justices of the Orphans Court of the said County Setting forth as follows  That the said Henry Pletcher died Intestate leaving a widow named Anna Pletcher now intermarried with Samuel Pletcher and issue besides your Petitioner seven children, one thereof named Henry Pletcher who hath for his Guardian Frederick Shank one other thereof named Frederick one other thereof named John one other thereof named Magdelena, one other thereof named Rudolph one other thereof named Michael and one other thereof named  Anna who have for their Guardian John Neff senior  That the said Henry Pletcher at the time of his death was seized in his
demesne as of fee in and to a certain plantation or Tract of land in the Township of Centre aforesaid Containing one hundred and sixty acres be the same more or less about fifty thereof cleared and small buildings thereon erected adjoining land of Daniel Shank and Jacob Bonn and the Bald  Eagle Creek.  That your Petitioner is willing and _____ to hold and enjoy the premises and pay the respective shares of the ___________ between of the deceased in case the same cannot be divided to and amongst the children of the Deceased or any number thereof without prejudice to or spoiling the whole your Petitioner therefore prays your Honours to award an Inquest to view the tract and if they find that the same can be divided to and amongst the said children or any number thereof without prejudice to and spoiling the whole then to make partition thereof but if they find that the same cannot be so divided then to value and appraise the same and make return of their proceedings.  We therefore command you that taking with you twelve honest and lawful men of your Bailiwick you go the said tract of Land with the appurtenances and there by their oaths and affirmations in the presence of the parties aforesaid by you to be warned (if upon being warned they will be present) the said tract of land with the appurtenances (having respect to the value thereof) into eight equal parts you cause to be parted and divided if the same can be so parted and divided without prejudice to or spoiling the whole and if the same will not divide into eight equal parts as aforesaid  then amongst as many as the same will conveniently accommodate you cause the premises to be apportioned and divided without prejudice to or spoiling the whole and one of the said eight equal parts (if the same will so divide) unto Jacob Pletcher The petitioner one other of the said eight equal parts unto the said Henry Pletcher who hath for his Guardian Frederick Shank one other said Eight equal parts unto the said Frederick Pletcher one other of the eight equal parts unto the said John Pletcher one other of the said Eight equal  parts unto the said Magdelena Pletcher one other of the said Eight equal parts unto the said Rudolph Pletcher one other of the said Eight equal parts unto the said Michael Pletcher and one other of the said Eight equal parts unto the said Anna Pletcher who have for their Guardian John Neff senior.  To hold to them in severalty you assign and deliver amongst as many of the children aforesaid as the same will accommodate you assign and deliver as aforesaid.  So that neither the said Jacob nor the said Henry who has for his Guardian Frederick Shank nor the said Frederick nor the said John nor the said Magdelena nor the said Rudolph nor the said Michael nor the said Anna who have for their Guardian John Neff senior have more of the said premises with the appurtenances than to them  of right it pertaineth to have: And that the said Jacob of his one equal Eighth part thereof to him happening; the said Henry of his one equal Eighth part thereof to him happening; the said Frederick of his one equal Eighth part thereof to him happening; the said John of his one equal Eight part thereof to him happening; the said Magdalena of her one equal Eighth part thereof to her happening; the said Rudolph of his one equal Eighth part thereof to his happening; the said Michael of his one equal Eighth part thereof to his happening; and the said Anna of her one equal Eighth part thereof to her happening Severally may posses themselves.  And that immediately afterwards you cause full s____ of equal Eighth parts of the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances to them the said Jacob and the said Henry who has for his Guardian Frederick Shank Frederick, John, Magdelena, Rudolph, Michael and  Anna or to as many of the said Children as the premises aforesaid will accommodate.  And to the said Anna Pletcher now intermarried with Samuel Pletcher you cause to be ascertained and assigned the one third part of the value of the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances as her dower in the sai
d real estate for the term of her natural life.  But if the said inquest cannot make such partition of the said premises with the appurtenances as aforesaid without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof that then you cause the said inquest to value and appraise the same.  And that that partition or valuation you distinctly and openly have before our Justices at Bellefonte at our orphans Court thereto be held on the 23 day of April next under your hand and seal under the hands and seals of those by whose oaths or solemn affirmations you shall make that partition or valuation and have you then and there this precept. 
Witness the Honorable Jonathan Walker Esquire president of our said Court  at Bellefonte the 24th day of
January the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and ten.

Inquisition ____ and Taken at ......County of Centre the Sixteenth day of
   February in the year One Thousand eight hundred and ten .........and therefore the Inquest aforesaid on their Oaths and affirmations as aforesaid, have valued and appraised the same at the sum of Twelve hundred and Eighty Dollars lawful money of America.
Anna or Nancy SCHENCK
6 Oct 1775
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
8 Jul 1848
Center, Pennsylvania
Schenck Cemetery, Howard, Centre, Pennsylvania
9 Jan 1797
Howard, Center, Pennsylvania
19 Sep 1881
31 Dec 1822
23 Jan 1798
Howard, Center, Pennsylvania
30 Jun 1868
Schenk Cem, Howard, Pennsylvania
12 Jun 1799
Howard, Center, Pennsylvania
1 Apr 1850
10 Oct 1800
Howard, Center, Pennsylvania
25 Feb 1888
22 Feb 1802
Howard, Center, Pennsylvania
9 Mar 1885
Rochester, Cedar, Iowa
19 Nov 1826
Pickaway, Ohio 
22 Jul 1804
Howard, Center, Pennsylvania
14 Jun 1881
FamilyCentral Network
Henry Pletcher, Rev War Vet - Anna or Nancy Schenck

Henry Pletcher, Rev War Vet was born at Wurttenberg, Germany 14 Nov 1756. His parents were Samuel Pletcher and Marie Mennardt.

He married Anna or Nancy Schenck 3 Feb 1796 at Centre, Pennsylvania . Anna or Nancy Schenck was born at Lancaster, Pennsylvania 6 Oct 1775 daughter of Michael Schenck, Minister and Mariah or Magdalena Manyard .

They were the parents of 6 children:
Frederick Pletcher born 9 Jan 1797.
John Pletcher, Reverend born 23 Jan 1798.
Magdalena Molly Pletcher born 12 Jun 1799.
Rudolph Pletcher born 10 Oct 1800.
Michael P. Pletcher born 22 Feb 1802.
Anna Pletcher born 22 Jul 1804.

Henry Pletcher, Rev War Vet died 14 Nov 1803 at Howard Twp, Centre, Pennsylvania .

Anna or Nancy Schenck died 8 Jul 1848 at Center, Pennsylvania .