11 Jul 1779
1 May 1849
Cumberland, Pennsylvania
Mohler Dunker Ce, Cumberland, Pennsylvania
                   Tombstone beside Daniel just says Anna with dates. Tombstone of
daughter says she was daughter of Daniel and Nancy.
Will of 1751 Jacob Mohler,  says his daughter Nancy (PAF # 370)was
married to a Daniel Mohler.  Another daughter, Mary was married to Dan's
brother John.
Daniel was a fairly wealthy man and a minister of the Brethren Church.
Land deals of Daniel Mohler.
4 Nov 1803, Dan recd 224acres, 102 perches from parents John & Ann.
       I have not found the 1803 deed.
2 April 1810, deed U-131, bought 42a, 19p from Jacob Krill
9 April 1810, deed U-133, bought 49a, 159p from Aaron Patterson.
23 Oct 1813, deedV-564, bought 8a, 105p from John Gooswiler
1 April 1825, deed II-40, Dan & Chris bought 208a, 36p from John Mahan
22 July 1826, deed 10-I 568, Chris & Dan bought 13 acres from John
       Mahon, then Chris gave his half to Dan.
1 April 1833, deed OO-433, bought 10a from Geo. Singiser.
25 April 1833, bought 2 acres from Martin Miley.
5 April 1842, deed TT-347, bought 100 acres from James Graham.
27 May 1843, deed XX-105, sold to Christian Titzel 10 acres.

His will, filed in Cumb Co PA book B   1849-59, p1.  Mansion farm with
176 acres to Solomon for $9,378. In the Cumb Co Deed 2-K-512 (2
April1851), transfers Dan's plantation to son Solomon.

The will said to sell one tract of land 40a +143p. This was sold 6 April
1850 to Levi Merkel, deed 2-K-524 and sold back to Solomon on 8 May,
deed 2-K-516 for the same $1635.75.
Another tract of 12 acres was to be sold. Haven't found yet.
Deed 10-I-570, 2 April 1851, transfers 100 acres to Jacob Landis,
widower of Dan's daughter Mary/Polly.  Jacob Landis had to pay $5,800
and hold the land in trust for his children.

Jacob D got the plantation on which he lived. I could not find the deed.

Nancy & Jacob Studebaker received 109 acres in Fairview Twp, York Co
deed 13-0-379.

Hannah & Moses Miller were to receive 80 acres plus 10 acres woodland.
That deed was not where it was supposed to be  2-R-133.
Anna Nancy MOHLER
29 Jun 1779
25 Apr 1847
Cumberland, Pennsylvania
Mohler Dunker Ce, Cumberland, Pennsylvania
                   Heydt thinks she is related to Magdalena #447 who married Christian. [no
proof of that and "Neither appears to be daughter of Daniel Springer
174-1825 of DAR Patriot volume."]
Letter in Lanc Men. Springer file from Mrs. Curry in Oregon asking for
parents of Nancy Ann Springer b 7-25-1781, Rapho Twp. Lanc died
11-17-1841 in Ohio, wed David Landis 4-10-1780, Cocalico Twp died
1807 in Ohio.  Obliously this isn't our Anna who wed Daniel Mohler.

   Tombstone beside Daniel just says Anna with dates. Tombstone of
daughter says she was daughter of Daniel and Nancy.  Will of 1751 Jacob
Mohler, wed to Maria Bucher says their daughter Nancy (PAF # 370)was
married to a Daniel Mohler.  This has been proven by court records,
Lancaster Co, deed book R-9 pg 139.
8 Feb 1804
19 Mar 1850
Mohlers Dunker, Cumb Co
13 Mar 1823
                   Mary, known as Polly, died after her father but before settlement of his
Deed 10-I-570, 2 April 1851, transfers 100 acres to Jacob Landis, the
plantation on which he and family lived.  Jacob Landis had to pay $5,800
and hold the land in trust for his children.
25 Oct 1806
17 Apr 1900
Cumberland, Pennsylvania
                   wed Jacob Studebaker
Sarah who wed  Simon Landis, Sarah 1830-1854, aged 24-5-15. She is
buried in the Mohler Cem in Ephrata, he is not.
Daniel,  d. July 12, 1855, aged 29-1-15, [therefore born 1826]
Jacob d. Dec. 18, 1836, aged 2-1-17
and Elizabeth,  John,  Annie, Henry, Jacob, Clement.
Nancy's father Daniel willed her a tract of 109 acres & 100 perches, on
the shores of the Yellow Breeches Creek in Fairview Twp, York Co.  She
and hubby Jacob had to pay $5,777 for the property.  The property was
conveyed to Nancy Struthebaker, by Executors Solomon & Jacob Mohler on
2 April 1851, York Co deed book 13-O-379.  The property description
suggests it is in a curve of the creek.  Beginning at a post on the bank of
the Yellow Breeches Creek,  along the land of Peter Zimmerman, North 83
1/4 degree East 116 perches  to a post at the creek, along the several
courses of the creek 464 perches to the place of beginning.  This land
was purchased by Danile 31 March 1830, for $3,500 from Jacob Reeser,
deed bk 3-L-125, same description except Zimmerman's land was owned
by David Watters.
On 23 Aug 1875, Nancy Studebaker, widow, of Mechanicsburg, sold the
property for $10,661.03 to Abraham Bowman, deed 5-W-571.
22 Jul 1802
16 May 1860
Lodi, Ohio
23 Dec 1824
Allen Twp, Cumb., Pennsylvania 
                   Heydt:" John 1802-1860 wed Susan Mohler, dau of Christian #9 and
Magdalena #447, maybe?"  Beechel-Halstead agrees.
Perhaps Myers was m.2?
All info on this line from the Don Mohler book Henry updated 11/21/88
pages 67 thru 72.
IGI says born 1803
23 Dec 1814
9 Oct 1876
Mohler Dunker, Cumb Co
                   Solomon wed Sarah Snavely, dau of Elizabeth Eberly and John Snavely
Other child: Sarah Snavely Mohler, d. Feb 28, 1851, age 8-1-18
See Eberly Gen Papers in Lancaster Mennonite Lib for more details
See Cumberland Co Biographical Annals, p773, for more info on Henry S.

According to the will of Daniel Mohler, filed in Cumb Co PA book B  M
1849-59, p1.  Mansion farm with 176 acres to Solomon for $9,378. In the
Cumb Co Deed 2-K-512 (2 April1851), which transfers Dan's plantation
to son Solomon, it  mentions that John & Ann had deeded a larger tract of
land to son Daniel on 4 Nov 1803. I have not found the 1803 deed.

Daniel's will said to sell one tract of land 40a +143p. This was sold 6
April 1850 to Levi Merkel, deed 2-K-524 and sold back to Solomon on 8
May, deed 2-K-516 for the same $1635.75.

Deed 2-K-514, 29 Oct 1850, Solomon bought 1a, 112p from Peter Miller.
Deed 2-K-518, 22 March 1858, Solomon & Sarah, buy about 105 from
   John Groff estate. Land in Lower Allen Twp
Deed 2-Q-231, 7 March 1860,  S&S sell 10a, 10p land to Lewis
Eschenbach, part of the Groff tract.
Deed 2-K-520, 1 April 1859, Solomon bought 3a, 36p from Fred Sheely.
this was part of land once owned by brother Jacob D Mohler.
Deed 2-K-522, 5 Nov 1859, Solomon bought 5a, 92p from Amos Shelly.

Solomon & Sarah deeded land to the church, 150.2 perches deed 2-M-266
in 1861, 46.1 perches in 1869, deed 2-Z-500 and in 1875, 152 perches,
deed 3-L-165, total of 348 perches.

Solomon died intestate,  122 acres of his inherited plantation was sold
by the three daughters and widow to son Henry S Mohler, deed 3-N-171,
for $14,643.75 and included the dower for widow Sarah, 12 April 1877.
Deed 3-N-173, 24 Sept 1877, transfers 104a, 77p to Moses & Mary A
Miller, for $11,493.62, land in Lower Allen Twp. (part of plantation)
Deed 3-N-183, 1 Oct 1877, transfers 111a, 32p to dau. Annetta Enck
   for $10,560, this was land bought 3 Apr 1876 from Stayman.
Deed 3-N-192, 12 April 1877, transfers land in Lower Allen Twp to
Elizabeth & George Rupp, 93a, 123p, for $10,316.  This land was part of
three tracts, 2 from Groff and one from Amos Shelly.
2 Dec 1818
24 Aug 1890
Mohlers Dunker, Cumb Co
                   Wed first Mr. Gantz and had Jacob.
     wed 2nd  Moses Miller and had Sarah who wed George Atticks.
         Mary wed A.A. Hummer
         Henry and Solomon

Mohler Dunker Cem has Hannah, Moses and two listed as daughters of
Moses and Hannah
Sarah Miller Attick d. Jan 23, 1919, age 74-6-13 [b 1845]
Mary Bowers  Oct 4, 1853?     d. Feb 24, 1915
9 May 1823
16 Dec 1876
Cumberland, Pennsylvania
                   Jacob was to receive a plantation of 130 acres plus 6 acres of woodland
from his father Daniel's estate.  I have not found the deed of transfer,
which would have been 2 April 1851.
By Sept 1870, Jacob D was in financial trouble and he transferred 150
acres, see CC Misc bk 2-30,  to David & Jacob H. Coover. (were these
brothers of his wife Catharine?).  Part of this 150 a was bought by Jacob
in 1858, deed J-2-388,
Deed 3-E-57, 1 April 1871, Geo. Hummel paid $2896 for 22a, 45p, this
was part of his inherited land.
Deed 3-E-226, 1 April 1871, David Rineand, for $1346, bought 8a, 68p ,
of the above transferred land.
Deed 3-Q-421, 1 April 1876, Jacob redeems 121a, 56p of inherited land
for $15,865.
Jacob D died 16 Dec 1876, intestate.
Deed 3-T-57, 10 Dec 1881, widow Catharine and daughter Frances Byers
sell 6 acres to Geo. Hummel for $600.
Deed 3-T-336, 22 March 1882, widow Catharine and daughter Frances
Byers sell 78a, 91p to Geo. Hummel for $11,785.
6 Jan 1812
20 Aug 1847
Cumb Co
                   Wed David Horst.  B. Jan 21, 1810, d. Sept 15, 1863, aged 53-7-25, buried
Mohler Dunker Cem. Cumb Co

No children.
Elizabeth MOHLER
21 Aug 1820
17 Mar 1842
                   age at death 21-7-15
23 Jun 1809
1 Dec 1828
                   age at death 19-5-15
FamilyCentral Network
Daniel Mohler - Anna Nancy Mohler

Daniel Mohler was born at 11 Jul 1779. His parents were John Mohler and Ann Bollinger.

He married Anna Nancy Mohler . Anna Nancy Mohler was born at 29 Jun 1779 daughter of Jacob Mohler and Maria Bucher .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Mary Mohler born 8 Feb 1804.
Nancy Mohler born 25 Oct 1806.
John Mohler born 22 Jul 1802.
Solomon Mohler born 23 Dec 1814.
Hannah Mohler born 2 Dec 1818.
Jacob D. Mohler born 9 May 1823.
Francis Fannie Mohler born 6 Jan 1812.
Elizabeth Mohler born 21 Aug 1820.
Sarah Mohler born 23 Jun 1809.

Daniel Mohler died 1 May 1849 at Cumberland, Pennsylvania .

Anna Nancy Mohler died 25 Apr 1847 at Cumberland, Pennsylvania .