Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
10 Sep 1790
Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Somerset, Pennsylvania
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
                   Georg served as a private in the Revolutionary War.  He was taxed inBedford Co., Turkeyfoot Twp. (now Milford Twp.) in 1779 with 400 acres ofland - presumably his father-in-law's 1773 purchase.  He purchased 390.25acres in 1784 on Coxes and Middle Creek in Milford Twp. - patent datedSeptember 10, 1790.  He had 300 acres in Milford Twp. in 1783 and 250acres in 1785.  He performed Militia Duty on February 5, 1789.  AfterGeorg's death in 1793, John Weimer, on September 24, 1793, was appointedguardian to his Daughter Barbara, and George Weimer, Abraham N. and PeterAnkeny were appointed guardians for Eve, Hannah, Rebecca, and Georg Jr.

Per Keith Dull, list server dated 4/15/00 - "George Lenhart deeded hisland to his son-in-law, John Whipkey just before his death."

List members,In case anyone needs a copy of this document.RobertRe: Deed of release form the heirs of George Lenhart, all of Somerset Co., PAgrantors to Matthias Sherrick, grantee, yeoman of Lancaster Co., PA.Made: 14 Nov 1800Notes:Heirs of George Lenhart, all of Somew Putman &[3] Elizabeth Putman late Elizabeth LenhartAbraham Whipkey &[4] Mary Whipkey late Mary LenhartJohn Whipkey &[5] Catharine Whipkey, late Catharine LenhartSamuel Berkey &[6] Barbara Berkey late Barbara LenhartJohn Dull, Junior &[7] Hannah Dull late Hannah Lenhart[8] Eve Lenhart/LeanhartMatthias Sherrick, yeoman of Lancaster Co., PA, granteeLand situated in Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., Pa, containing 202 acresbounded by other lands of:George [Werline or Wesline]Peter YoungPhilip Kemmel [Kimmel]Frederick UnselNicholas BarronGeorge LenhartRudolph Urich, witnessJohn [Windar or Winter]Adam Schneider, witnessJohannes Deil/Dail or Beil/Bail], witnessJohn Wells, Justice of the Peace, Somerset Co., PA.Mentions:George Lenhart's patent bearing date: 10 Sep 1790for 202 acresJohn Weimer & othersToMathias SherrickTo all People To whom these presents shall come John Weimer & Susannah hiswife, late Susannah Lenhart, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman and Elizabeth hiswife, late Elizabeth Lenhart, Abraham Whipkey and Mary his wife late MaryLenhart, John Whipkey and Catharine his wife late Catharine Lenhart, SamuelBerkey & Barbara his wife late Barbara Lenhart, John Dull junior and Hannahhis wife late Hannah Lenhart, & Eve Lenhart all of the county of Somerset inthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Heirs and representatives of George Lenhartdeceased Send Greeting. Know ye that they the said John Weimer, & Susannahhis wife, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman & Elizabeth his wife, Abraham Whipkey& Mary his wife John Whipkey and Catharine his wife, Samuel Berkey & Barbarahis wife John Dull Junr. And Hannah his wife & Eve Lenhart, as well inpursuance of an agreement in writing between them the said heirs &representatives of George Lenhart decd. And a certain Matthias Sherrick ofthe County of Lancaster in the said Commonwealth yeoman, bearing date theeighteenth day of December last, filed among the records of the Court ofCommon pleas of the said County of Somerset as for and in consideration ofthe sum of Twp hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in handwell and truly paid by the said Matthias Sherrick the receipt whereof ishereby acknowledged. Have and each of them Hath granted, bargained, sold,remised, released and for ever quite claim and by these presents forthemselves and each of them, & their & each of their heirs, Do and each ofthem Doth fully clearly & absolutely grant bargain sell remise, release andfor ever quit claim unto the said Matthias Sherrick and to his heirs &assigns for ever, all such right estate title interest and demand whatsoeveras they the said John Weimer, & Susannah his wife, Peter Lenhart, AndrewPutman & Elizabeth his wife, Abraham Whipkey and Mary his wife, John Whipkeyand Catharine his wife, Samuel Berkey and Barbara his wife, John Dull Junr. &Hannah his wife & Eve Lenhart or any or either of them had or ought to haveif these presents had never been made, of in or to all that certain piece ofland & plantation situate in the Township of Somerset in the County ofSomerset aforesaid, Bounded & described as follows Viz. Beginning at adogwood thence partly by land of George [Werline or Wesline] & partly by landof Peter Young north twenty two degrees and an half east one hundred & fortyseven perches to an hickory thence by land of Philip Kemmel south fifty twodegrees and an half east forty perches to stones, north Eighty five degreeseast seventy perches to a white oak grub, & north sixty three degrees easttwenty four perches and five tenths to an ash, thence by land of FrederickUnsel south thirty two degrees east one hundred and ninety six perches to anIron wood, thence by land of Nicholas Barron south seventy three degrees andan half West one hundred and forty three perches to a white oak thence byland of George Lenhart north thirteen & one half degre
es east thirty fiveperches & four tenths to a post and north seventy four and one half degreeswest one hundred and sixty three perches to the place of beginning containingtwo hundred and two acres and one quarter & the usual allowance of six PrCent for roads &c. (It being a part of a tract of land of three hundred andninety acres and a quarter and allowance of six Pr. Cent for roads &c.granted by the said Commonwealth to the said George Lenhart in his life timeby Patent bearing date the tenth day of September one thousand seven hundredand ninety) To have and to hold the said plantation & tract of landcontaining two hundred & two acres and one half & the usual allowance asaforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said Matthias Sherrick his heirsand assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Matthias Sherrickhis heirs and assigns forever, so that neighter of the said John Weimer &Susannah his wife, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman and Elizabeth his wife,Abraham Whipkey & Mary his wife, John Whipkey and Catharine his wife, SamuelBerkey and Barbara his wife, John Dull Junr. & Hannah his wife & Eve Lenhart,nor their or either of their heirs, nor any other person or persons for themor any of them, or in their or any of their names, or in the name right orstead of any of them shall or will by any ways or means here after haveclaim, challenge or demand any estate right title or interest of in or to thesaid premises or any part or parcel thereof but from all and every action,right, estate title interest or demand or in or to the said premises, or anypart thereof they and every of them, shall be utterly excluded and for everbarred by these presents . In Witness whereof the said John Weimer, &Susannah his wife peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman, and Elizabeth his wife,Abraham Whipkey and Mary his wife, John Whipkey and Catharine his wife,Samuel Berkey and Barbara his wife, John Dull Junr. & Hannah his wife & EveLenhart have & each of them hath to these presents set their hands & sealsthe fourteenth day of November Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred. JohnWimer(S.S.) Susannah(her / mark)Weimer (L.S.) Peter(his X mark)Lenhart (L.S.)(Andrew Putman) [written in the German] (L.S.) Elizabeth(her X mark)Putman(L.S.)(Abraham Whipkey) [written in the German] (L.S.) ~ Mary(her A mark)Whipkey(L.S.) John(his + mark)Whipkey (L.S.) Catharine(her x mark)Whipkey (L.S.)(Samuel Buirki) [written in the German] (L.S.) Barbara(her B. mark)Berkey(L.S.) Johannes Doll Jr. [written in the German] (L.S.) Hannah(her x mark)Doll (L.S.)Eve Leanhart (L.S.)Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Rudolph Urich . (John Windar orWinter) [in the German]Sealed and delivered by Hannah Doll in presence of us (Adam Schneider)[written in the German] (Johannes Deil/Dail or Beil/Bail) [written in theGerman]Somerset County ss. On the day of the date of the foregoing release orinstrument of writing personally came before me the Subscriber one of theJustices of the peace in & for the County of Somerset aforesaid the withinnamed John Weimer & Susannah his wife, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman, &Elizabeth his wife , Abraham Whipkey & Mary his wife, John Whipkey &Catharine his wife, Samuel Berkey & Barbara his wife, John Dull Jr. & Hannahhis wife, & Eve Lenhart, and severally acknowledged the same foregoingrelease to be their respective acts & deed . The said Susannah, Elizabeth,Mary, Catharine, Barbara & Hannah, being respectively full age, & severallyexamined privately and a part from their respective husbands, - the contentsof the said release being made known to each of them, they declared that theyseverally executed the same freely & voluntarily without any coercion orcompulsion of their said husbands . Witness my hand & Seal. John Wells (L.S.)Recorded June 30th, 1801.End of documentSomerset Co., Deed Book 3, pp 109-111RLRiffle, 28 Jun 2002
Anna Catherine KRAMER
York, Pennsylvania
Bef 1790
                   Anna is cousin of Andrew Kramer
31 Mar 1768
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
Somerset, Pennsylvania
13 Aug 1793
Berlin, Somerset, Pennsylvania 
                   Sponsors for his baptism were his grandparents, Johan Peter and Anna
Margaretha Lenhart. Note that Rinkenbach has his baptism as 1767.  He wastaxed in Somerset Twp. with 155 acres (23 cleared) in 1797.  He residedin Somerset Twp., Somerset Co. from 1800-1830.  His brother Georg residedwith him.
12 Oct 1768
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
12 Aug 1832
Spring Creek, Meyersdale, Somerset, Pennsylvania
5 Apr 1790
Brothersvalley Twp, Berlin, Be 
                   Sponsors for Anna Elizabeth's baptism were Johan Adam and Anna
Elizabeth Kramer.
Have another birth date showing her born Oct. 12, 1766; also, Rinkenbachhas her baptism as 1769.
3 Sep 1772
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
25 Dec 1832
Milford Twp, Edie, Somerset, Pennsylvania
25 Dec 1792
Somerset, Pennsylvania 
                   (1) Brandy Whipkey.Twin to Catherine Lenhart (married to Abraham'sbrother, John Jr.)
Twin to Catherine Lenhart (married to Abraham's brother, John Jr.)

Source: 1820 Penn Census, Somerset Township
Widow Whipkey  over 45 in 1820      1 in agriculture
1 girl 16-26
1 girl 10-16
1 girl under 10
1 boy 16-26
1 boy 10-16

Source: Gravestone Marker, Edie Reformed Cemetary, Edie, Lincoln Twp,
Somerset County
Husband A. Whipkey
Born 1768
Died 1830
Age: 62 years at death
Buried near Sara and Josiah

Source: Al Rice gives her name as Margaret Mary Lenhart

Source: Abraham.doc, copy of GEDCOM file from George F. Stoecklein, Jr.
5 Jun 1774
29 Oct 1827
27 Oct 1793
Bedford, Brothersvalley Twp, P 
                   Catherina's sponsors at her baptism was Frederick and Catherina Lenhart.
1 Oct 1829
Sugar Creek, Stark, Ohio
22 Aug 1815
Tuscarwas Co., Ohio 
3 Nov 1777
York, Pennsylvania
30 Jun 1794
Somerset, Pennsylvania 
                   Sponsors for her baptism were Michael and Martha Gross.
Newbury Twp, York, Pennsylvania
27 Sep 1834
Sugar Creek Twp, Stark, Ohio
Abt 1799
Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsyl 
1 Nov 1785
Somerset, Pennsylvania
3 Jan 1789
Somerset, Pennsylvania
Somerset, Pennsylvania
                   1. History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties. 1884. Waterman, Watkins  & Co., pg. 409.
FamilyCentral Network
Johann George Lenhart, Rev War Vet - Anna Catherine Kramer

Johann George Lenhart, Rev War Vet was born at Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany 1738. His parents were Johannes Peter Lenhart and Anna Maria Margaretha .

He married Anna Catherine Kramer 1767 at Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania . Anna Catherine Kramer was born at York, Pennsylvania 1742 .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Peter Lenhart born 31 Mar 1768.
Anna Elizabeth Lenhart born 12 Oct 1768.
Anna Maria Lenhart born 3 Sep 1772.
Catherine Lenhart born 5 Jun 1774.
Susanna Lenhart born 1776.
Maria Barbara Lenhart born 3 Nov 1777.
Hannah Lenhart born 1781.
Eva Lenhart born 1782.
Rebecca Lenhart born 1 Nov 1785.
John George Lenhart born 3 Jan 1789.

Johann George Lenhart, Rev War Vet died 10 Sep 1790 at Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania .

Anna Catherine Kramer died Bef 1790 .