Johannes Peter LENHART

4 May 1708
Horn, Hunsrueck, Rheinland, Pruessen, Germany
27 May 1708
Horn, Hunsrueck, Rheinland, Pruessen, Germany
4 Apr 1774
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
                   Generation No. 6

34. Johan Peter Lenhart, born May 04, 1708 in Germany; died April 04, 1774 in York Co., PA. He was the son of 68. Johann Christopfell Lenhart and 69. Anna Eva Kessler. He married 35. Maria Margaretha in York Co., PA2.
35. Maria Margaretha, born September 28, 1715 in York Co., PA; died July 0 1, 1777 in York Co., PA.
Notes for Johan Peter Lenhart:
Subj: Re: First Location of JPL - A historian
Date: 2/16/00 12:35:02 PM Pacific Standard Time
Reply-to: (FamilyHistory)
From: "The Lenhart Family of Greenwich and Albany Twps., Berks
County, and York County, Pa" (Library of Congress and Genealogi-
cal Society of PA version.) By Wm. H. Rinkenbach, A.B., M.S. 1937
[From the first two pages; the *#* items are reference numbers; they are underlined subscript in the original but I put then in * so I could send this by e-mail. Johan Peter Lenhart, the first of this family in Berks and York Counties, Pennsylvania, arrived at Philadelphia on the ship "Two Brothers" and on Sept. 15, 1748 swore allegiance * 1 * to the King of England. He was accompanied by his wife Maria Margaretha and a number of children. He signed the register "Johann Petter Lenhart" and so was able to read and write an ability shared by the minority in those days. Following a route taken by many of the early German settlers, Peter Lenhart soon settled in what is now Berks County, for on Mar. 9, 1749 there was surveyed a tract of land of 25 acres warranted *2* to him. This land then formed a part of Philadelphia County, as it was not until 1752 that Berks County was formed. From this early purchase of land it appears that Peter Lenhart possessed at least some means. On Jan. 30, 1750 a son Johan Peter was born *3* to Peter and Margaretha Lenhart in their new home in Greenwich Twp., Berks County; and on Mar. 7, 1752 another son, Frederick, was baptized *3* there. In 1752 Peter Lenard was included in the first list of taxable residents *4* of Greenwich Twp., and in 1758 he and his wife Margaretha acted as sponsors at the baptism
*3* of their grandson Johan Peter (113), son of their son Philip
Between 1758 and 1767 Peter Lenhart moved to York
County, for in 1767 he was not a resident of Greenwich Twp. *5*
and on Mar. 31st, of that year he and his wife acted as sponsors at a baptism in York County. This change meant the breaking up of the family, as some of the children accompanied their parents, sone [sic] remained in Berks County, and one or two may have sought new homes for themselves. Peter Lenhart spent the rest of his life as farmer in Dover Twp., York County, and he and his wife are buried there in the graveyard of Salems Church near the village of Dover. REFERENCES 1. Proc. Penna. German Soc., vol. 42, pp. 379, 380, 382 (1934). 2. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, vol. 24, p. 31, 3. Records of Jerusalem Dunkel's Church, Greenwich Twp. Berks Co. 4. Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County, Pa. M. L. Montgomery; 1909; S.H.Beers & Co., Chicago; Vol. 1, p.11. 5. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, vol. 18, p. 58. 6. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, vol. 18, p. 127. [#6 added here although not cited in the above quote]

Subj: Lenharts
Date: 2/16/00 10:30:26 PM Pacific Standard Time
Reply-to: (FamilyHistory)
FamilyHistory Nan, I managed to get a little time in tonight but had to quite early because I had a concert ticket tonight. Just when I was getting into the church records I had to leave but managed to pull out some abstracts, a few church records and the county history. Some name included on the tax list were for my info. on other families. History of Berks County in Pennsylvania, By Morton L. Montgomery, member of the Berks County Bar; Philadelphia: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886. Page 1076: GREENWICH TOWNSHIP. Before the erection of the county Greenwich township was a part of Albany township; but shortly after that time it was erected into a separate township. The name arose from Greewich, a pace in England, and it was doubtless suggested by the English settlers in this section of country. The boundaries could not be ascertained. The area is abut fourten thousand acres. EARLY SETTLERS.-Henry Kohler was an early owner of a large tract of land in the southern part of the township, including the farm now owned by Adam Stein, where he built a stone house over a large spring. This buildng is still standing, being used as a warehouse for Stein's distillery. Yost Henry George was another pioneer who made substantial improvements near by, some of which still remain. To the north Henry Smith (father of Samuel, Jonas and Benjamin Smith) improved a large tract of land, having been assisted in this work by his sons; and to the east the Grimm family took an important part in improving the township. These families have honored descendants still residing in the same vicinity.

In 1749 Peter Lenhart, of York County, received a patent for a tract of land which he conveyed to Jacob Lenhart in 1771. At what is now Lenhartsville, Henry Lenhart lived and also his sons John, Jacob, Samuel, Isaac, Henry David and Frederick, most of whom had families of their own and resided in this locality. In the western part of the village one of their buildings remins, it having been put up in 1812. To the southeast, in the neighborhood of the church which bears their name, were the Dunkel family, whose descendants are found in all parts of the country and have become leading citizens; and north of them the Klines reared families, whose members may still be found in Reading and other points in Berks County. In the east part of the township the Christ family made a stettlement which permanently fixed their names upon that locality. TAXABLES OF 1759.-The township had the following taxables in 1759. The tax then levied amounted to 35 pounds, 15 Shillings, and Frederick Moser was the collector: George Bowman Leonard Bauman Henry Faust Adam Faust Philip Faust Peter Lenhardt Philip Lenhardt George Riegle John Sasseman Skip to page 1077: INDUSTRIES.- (SKIP TO):

At the centres made by these mills and taverns there were usualy small tanneries and other industries. Of these, Jacob and Peter Grim had a tannery on the Henry Greenewald place, which had an unusually good reputtion for producing fine leather. The pottery at Lenhartsville was carried on about thirty years, but not since 1870. Common ware only was made. Above this village, wehre are the most important interests, on a stream flowing into the Ontelaunee, John Lenhart has a pioneer mill, which was afterward operated by Benjamin Lenhart. The new mill built in 1876 is the property of Daniel Grim. On the Ontelaunee, a short distance below Lenhartsville, George Merkel built a stone mill which was burned down in 1875. It was rebuilt by the Merkel estate, and remodeled in 1885 by the present owner, Jacob K. Sparng. The mile has been supplied with a set of rollers nd other modern machinery, enabling the production of twenty-five barrels of superior flour per day. Skip to: CHURCHES. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, (REFORMED AND LUTHERAN).-As early as 1744 a Reformed congregation (known as the High Dutch) was organized in the southwestern part of the township, to which Conrad Koch presented two acres of land upon which to erect a house of worship. A log house was built and used for church purposes until 1790, when forty acres more were secured and a new building, also of logs, built by the joint efforts of the Lutherans and the German Reformed people
	I'll continue this at another time. Robert I found these Lenharts in a Church record in Tulpehocken Twp., for Christ Lutheran Ch. Stouchsburg, which is about 50-60 mines south west of Lenhartsville. I was just looking over the church records and took a sampling in the Berks area. There are other church records closer to Lenhartsville that I'll be able to read. This record starts in 1745: Baptisms: 1788 Nov 1 - Dec 7- Adam - George Lenard w. Susan - Micael Walboorn w. Catharine 1790 Nov 19 - Dec 5 - Elizabeth - George Lenardt w. Susanna - Elizabeth Wenrich 1807 - Jan 3 - Feb 8 - George - Andrew Lanardt w. Eva - George Satzgeber w. Hanna 1846 - July 24 - Dec 22 - Jonathan Calvin and Hiram Leonard - Twins Jonathan Ellig - Parents. ((I think this was indexed because one child had Leonard as a second given name.)) Marriages: 1779 Dec 14, Henry Heckroth - Elisabeth Lenard, d. Michael Lenard. 1779 Sept 28 Henry Meiser, s. John George Meiser - Barbara Lenard, d. Michael Lenard. 1782 Dec 17, George Lenardt - Susanna Wenrich, d. Balltaser Wenrich 1816 mar 3, Peter Achenbach - Maria Lennert 1824 - Jan 18, John Lennert - Elisabeth Schwarg ((Lennert may be another surname. There were other variations of that name if anyone wants the listings.)) Berks Co., Abstracts of Wills Jacob Leonard - Greenwich - Aug 26 1793 - 1798 Adam to Barbara the Widow Philip Lenhart - Greenwich

Sept 29 1803 Dec 28 1803 - Translation All property to wife Anna to do with as she pleases Also Ex. Wit. By Peter Staiger - Henry Leuber Jacob Lenhart - Albany. Aug 6 1825 Adm. Samuel & Benjamin Lenhart - Brow Wid renouncing Berks Co., Orphans Court. Volume 3 Page 306 Jacob Lenhart ((I can pick this up from a film on Saturday, I think it is only a listing as witness to something)) Robert

LDS Film #0492974 - Horn Nunsruck, Evangelisch-Reformiert: April 5, 1722, Easter, Confirmation of Johan Peter Leonard of Chumbt, age 14, father Christoffel. Born 1708. (This is our JPL's confirmation.) From LDS Film # 0492974 - Horn Hunsruck, Evangelisch-Reformiert: May 27, 1708, baptism of Joh. Peter Leonhard. (This record does not contain a birth date so our only information regarding birth is the date on the tombstone) Parents are listed as being from Chumb Monastery. Sponsors are Johann Peter Moster; Johannes Peter Leonhardt, legit son of Joh. Velten Leonhard of Benssweiler, and others (This is the Johannes Peter who would then be the brother of Christoffel.)

More About Johan Peter Lenhart:
Baptism: May 27, 1708, Horn Hunsruck, Rheinland, Preussen [Germany]3
Burial: Strayer's Lutheran Cemetery 4
Confirmation: April 05, 1722, At Easter - Horn, Hunsruck, Evangelisch-Reformierts

Dear Hal,  (12 May 2000)

I just received e-mail from Bob Lonstreath mentioning that he corresponds
with you. and I asked him for your e-mail address.

As a descendant of Johan Ludwig Friedline and Anna Margaret, I feel that she
was a daughter of Johan Peter Lenhart.  Here is what I have on her:

Anna Margaret Lenhart was born in Zweibrucken, Germany, and came with her
parents to the United States in 1748 abord the ship Two Brothers.  She is
listed in the ships records with her mother who is listed as the wife of
Johan Petter Lenhaart.

In an article entitled, John L. Lenhart, Chaplain of the Cumberland, by
Charles Berhkeimer, 1966 published in METHODIST HISTORY, there is the
following quote:  For those who are genealogically inclined, more is known of
the Lenhart family.  Henrys father, Godfrey, was one of the nine children of
immigrants Johan Peter and maria Margaretha Lenhart -- the other known
children being Anna Margaret, Philip, Frederick, Johan Jacob and Johan
George.  Henrys brother, William Yost Lenhart, was a prominent mathematician
and poet.

What have you been up to since I last corresponded with you?  I  understand
that you were on a mission to Europe which must have been rewarding.  I hope
all is well with you and your family.

Dorothy Jones

Johan and Anna Margareth arrived in Philadelphia September 15, 1748aboard the ship "Two Brothers".  They settled in Greenwich Twp., BerksCo. where he had land surveyed on March 9, 1749 and was taxed inGreenwich Twp. in 1759.  He was a cooper and moved to Dover Twp., YorkCo. before 1762.  He was one of the organizers of the Strayer's LutheranReformed Church in Dover Twp.  In 1771 he sold his Berks County land tohis son Jacob. He and Maria are both buried in Strayer's Lutherancemetery in Dover, York County, Pennsylvania.

In 1758, Johan Peter and Margaretha acted as sponsors at the baptism oftheir grandson Johan Peter, son of their son, Philip.

March 31, 1767, Johan Peter and Margaretha acted as sponsors at a baptismin York County.

Peter left a will made in March 1774 (apparently on his death-bed) andwas probated on April 8, 1774.  His will mentions his wife Margaretha andhis nine sons; Philip, Jacob, George, Christopher, Henry, Peter,Frederick, Godfrey and William as found in Rinkenbach. [pg 2]

Johan Peter Lenhart's Will from the Probate of Wills, York County,Pennsylvania, Pages 214, 215, 216.
       I Peter Leonhardt of Dover Township in the County of York andProvidence of Pennsylvania farmer, being Sick and Weak in Body but ofperfect, Sound and Disposing mind and Memory Do make and publish this mylast Will and Testament in manner and form following / to wit / I commendmy soul to God who gave it and my body to be buried in a decent Christianlike manner by my Executors herein after named and as_ouching suchWorldly Goods as herewith it hath blessed God to bless me with, my willand desire is that first of all, all my just Debts and Funeral Expencesbe Honestly paid by my Executors as soon as possible after my Decease.And I do give unto my dear and well beloved Wife Margaret all the Profitsand Interest Arising from my personal Estate, over and above all theHousehold furniture, her Bed and Bedding, and what my son William isbound by Article to give us Yearly, during her natural life, And afterher Decease, I order the Remaining part of my Estate to be divided in thefollowing manner among my several Children here in after named (to wit) Igive to my son Philip the sum of Twenty Pounds Lawful money of theProvince aforesaid.  Item, I give to my son Jacob the like sum of Twentypounds.  Item, I Give to my Son George the sum of Thirty pounds likelawful money.  Item, I Give to my son Christopher the sum of Ten poundslike lawful money.  Item, I Give to my son Henry the sum of Thirty poundslike lawful money.  Item, I Give to my son Peter the sum of Twenty poundslike Lawful Money.  Item, I Give to my son Frederick the sum of Thirtypounds like lawful money.  Item, I Give to my son Godfrey the sum ofFifty pounds like lawful money.  Item, I Give to my son William TwoHorses or Mares which he chusses out of all I have, with the Gears andTackling, also two Cows which he Chuses, as also the Wagon Plow andHarrow, all of which he is to have and enjoy.  Immediately after mydecease and thing above said to the Contrary, not with standing, and whatRemains / if anything / my Will is and I do order the same to be EquallyDivided between my said Children.
       And I do Nominate and appoint my said son William Leonhart and myTrusty Friend Daniel Messerly, both of Dover Township aforesaid to be theExecutors of this my last Will and Testament, in trust for the intentsand purposes in this my Will contained.  And I do hereby Revoke disallowand make void all other and former Will and Wills by me heretofore made.In Witness whereof I the said Peter Leonhart the Testator have unto setmy Hand and Seal this Twenty first Day of March in the Year of our Lordone thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Four.
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named - PetterLenhart the Testator as for his last Will and Testament in the presenceof us, who in his presence and at his Request have ?hise? Unto asWitnesses to the same.
Daniel Rugen
???Assirl? (seal) York County Js.
       Before me Samuel Johnston Esquire of Administration in and for theCounty of York in the Province of Pennsylvania personnaly appeared DanielRagen, Adam Dehl and Gerhart Gneff the three Subscribing Witnesses to theabove instrument of Writing and the same Adam Dehl on his solemn Oathtaken according to Law and the said Daniel Ragen and Gehart Gneff ontheir Solemn Affirmations taken according to Law the concientiouslyScrupling the taking of an Oath do respectively say that they werepersonally present and saw and heard Peter Leonhart the Testator abovenamed sign seal Publish and Declare the above instrument of Writing asand f
Anna Maria Margaretha
28 Sep 1715
Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
1 Jul 1777
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
Abt 1730
Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
2 Aug 1761
York, Pa, Usa
Berks, Pennsylvania 
                   Maria was a sponsor to the baptism of Johannes Schneider at MoslemLutheran In Richmond Township in January 1749 and also at Maria MagdaleneRe[o]sch, daughter of Jacob Re[o]sch at Dunkel's on April 17, 1752.
       Records of Maria Magdalena can be found in Christ Lutheran Church ofDover Twp., York, PA and Dunkel's Lutheran Church in Greenwich Twp.,Berks Co., PA.
Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
Bedford, Pennsylvania
12 Jun 1756
Lancaster, York, Pennsylvania 
                   bur. same as husband
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{F Child 2 ANNA MARGARET [LENHART]}Born [Germany] BaptizedDied 1810 (5) Buried Bedford, now Somerset, PA, (MF 1810 on stone) (5) Spouse: Johan Ludwig Friedline According to family tradition, Lenhart was the maiden name of the wife of Johan Ludwig Friedline and descendants believe JPL is her father. The cemetery on Friedline land includes some Lenhart stones; the land had two neighboring Lenhart tracts; James R. Lenhart's database (undocumented) links the cemetery Lenharts to descendants of JPL's son Philip. There is one anecdotal source that an Anna Margaret was a member of JPL's family.(12) CHILDREN - Six children baptized in Manchester Twp., York Co., PA (8B) RESEARCHERS (See Profiles <../../LENHART_SOURCES/4researchers.htm>) - Cooke, Karen; Gardei, Kath; Hamm, Helene; Jones, Dorothy; Riffle, Robert L.---JOHAN PETER LENHART & MARIA MARGARETHA: Family Group Sheet (& Researchers) GKBopp 5 December 2001Information compiled from many sources and may contain errors WORK IN PROGRESS

When this was posted the first time on Listbot, we discussed trying tolocate this Charles Berkheimer. I see in the Switchboard directory thatthere are 8 in the US. Shall we start calling to see if he can unlock oursecrets??mg-----Original Message-----From: Georgia K. Bopp []Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 11:49 AMTo: Subject: [LENHART] Anna Margaret (m. Friedline) & Chaplain John Lenhart.Found mention of this source while looking for another John Lenhart and amposting it here for general info. We already know this John is a descendantof JPL's son Godfrey.Lenhart, John L 1805-1862The Encyclopedia of World Methodism. Two volumes. Edited by Nolan B. Harmon.Nashville, TN: United Methodist Publishing House, 1974. (EncWM)If anyone runs across the above, check and see if it mentions Anna Margaretas a sister of Godfrey (and hence a JPL daughter) and if so, in turn, itmentions a source. It's source may be the 1966 article about Chaplain John.For a little more context, below is my footnote from JPL's groupsheet underAnna Margaret:(12) In an article entitled, "John L. Lenhart, Chaplain of the Cumberland",by Charles Berhkeimer, 1966 published in METHODIST HISTORY, there is thefollowing quote: "For those who are genealogically inclined, more is knownof the Lenhart family. Henry's father, Godfrey, was one of the nine childrenof immigrants Johan Peter and Maria Margaretha Lenhart -- the other knownchildren being Anna Margaret, Philip, Frederick, Johan Jacob and JohanGeorge. Henry's brother, William Yost Lenhart, was a prominent mathematicianand poet." The article is about a descendant of Godfrey, not Anna Margaret,but the mention of her name is promising. What was the author's source?Perhaps one of those bio entries? For Godfrey? One of his sons/descendants?(The article provided by descendant Dorothy Jones.)Aloha, Georgia

I wanted to say that I have an image of the 1838 Land Survey mentioned by Robert. I had noticed the nearby Lenharts - but had never thought in terms of it being a clue as to the connection between Anna Margaret Friedline being a Lenhart. If anyone wants the image, let me know.--Karen Cooke
Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
Greenwich Twp, Berks, Pennsylvania
                   M Child 3 PHILIP LENHART Born {ca. 1734} [Germany] of Greenwich Twp, Berks Co., PA (4)BaptizedDied 1803, Greenwich Twp, Berks Co., PA (4) {Dec 1803} (8A) Buried Other: Will. (13) (14)Named in father's Will (3)Ref: #11 - 3- (4) Occupation: Wheelwright and wagoner (4)Spouse: Anna {Bossert b. 1729 Switzerland d. after 1803} (8A) (8A.1)Rinkenbach believes Philip is the father of Philip Lenhart/Leonard, born 1755, a private in the Revolutionary War. See Rinkenbach for additional information.(4)CHILDREN - Rinkenbach lists five children for this family, Dull lists seven. (4) (8A)RESEARCHERS linked to this line: ?

Philip was a sponsor at the baptism of Anna, Daughter of ValentineKerger on April 17, 1752 in Dunkel's Reformed Church, Greenwich Twp.,Berks Co., PA.
       Phillip was taxed in Greenwich Township, Berks County in 1759  Hehad 100 acres in 1767 and 1768; 240 acres in 1779; 250 acres in 1780 and200 acres in 1781.   His will was written on September 29, 1803 andprobated on December 28, 1803 which was witnessed by his brother HeinrichLenhart.  He left everything to his wife, Anna.

Regis Zagrocki is the fellow with the image of the Berk's Co. PA will of Philip Lenhart (son of JPL) on his webpage [I have a link to the image on my webpage in the JPL family group sheet section].Rege has a Catharina Lenhart b. about 1756 who married Frederick Leiby [apparently of Berks Co, PA]. Rege thinks it likely that Catharina is a daughter of Philip (son of JPL). Following is from Rege:Rege also sent me an e-mail with this info:-Georgia Kinney Bopp
18 Nov 1736
Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
3 Aug 1793
Greenwich Twp, Lenhartsville, Berks, Pennsylvania
Geenwich Twp, Pennsylvania 
                   Jacob was taxed with 125 acres in 1767 and 160 acres from 1779 to 1785.

Per Rahn, [pg 48], Jacob was a member of Capt. Smith's Co. of BerksCounty Militia, and in 1781 was a Fifer in Capt. Ladich's Co.

Reffing Rahn's notes [pg 49], he quotes from the Mongomery's History ofBerks County, p. 1076, that states "In 1749 Peter Lenhart of York Co.received a patent for a tract of land which he conveyed to Jacob Lenhartin 1777.  At what is now Lenhartsville the latter's son Henry lived andalso the latter's sons John, Jacob, Samuel, Isaac, Henry, David andFrederick."  In Orphans Court, Reading Pa., Vol. 4, Book #1, pg. 217dated October 18, 1793 appears a petition of Jacob, eldest son of JacobLenhart.  Jacob (Sr) died leaving widow, Barbara, and 7 children, Jacob,Catherine wife of Frederick Moyer, Christina wife of John Hornberger,John, Henry, Phillip, and Sebastian...the last three were minors.  He hada grist mill, plantation and land in Greenwich Twp. of 254 acres.
Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
10 Sep 1790
Milford Twp, Somerset, Pennsylvania
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania 
                   Georg served as a private in the Revolutionary War.  He was taxed inBedford Co., Turkeyfoot Twp. (now Milford Twp.) in 1779 with 400 acres ofland - presumably his father-in-law's 1773 purchase.  He purchased 390.25acres in 1784 on Coxes and Middle Creek in Milford Twp. - patent datedSeptember 10, 1790.  He had 300 acres in Milford Twp. in 1783 and 250acres in 1785.  He performed Militia Duty on February 5, 1789.  AfterGeorg's death in 1793, John Weimer, on September 24, 1793, was appointedguardian to his Daughter Barbara, and George Weimer, Abraham N. and PeterAnkeny were appointed guardians for Eve, Hannah, Rebecca, and Georg Jr.

Per Keith Dull, list server dated 4/15/00 - "George Lenhart deeded hisland to his son-in-law, John Whipkey just before his death."

List members,In case anyone needs a copy of this document.RobertRe: Deed of release form the heirs of George Lenhart, all of Somerset Co., PAgrantors to Matthias Sherrick, grantee, yeoman of Lancaster Co., PA.Made: 14 Nov 1800Notes:Heirs of George Lenhart, all of Somew Putman &[3] Elizabeth Putman late Elizabeth LenhartAbraham Whipkey &[4] Mary Whipkey late Mary LenhartJohn Whipkey &[5] Catharine Whipkey, late Catharine LenhartSamuel Berkey &[6] Barbara Berkey late Barbara LenhartJohn Dull, Junior &[7] Hannah Dull late Hannah Lenhart[8] Eve Lenhart/LeanhartMatthias Sherrick, yeoman of Lancaster Co., PA, granteeLand situated in Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., Pa, containing 202 acresbounded by other lands of:George [Werline or Wesline]Peter YoungPhilip Kemmel [Kimmel]Frederick UnselNicholas BarronGeorge LenhartRudolph Urich, witnessJohn [Windar or Winter]Adam Schneider, witnessJohannes Deil/Dail or Beil/Bail], witnessJohn Wells, Justice of the Peace, Somerset Co., PA.Mentions:George Lenhart's patent bearing date: 10 Sep 1790for 202 acresJohn Weimer & othersToMathias SherrickTo all People To whom these presents shall come John Weimer & Susannah hiswife, late Susannah Lenhart, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman and Elizabeth hiswife, late Elizabeth Lenhart, Abraham Whipkey and Mary his wife late MaryLenhart, John Whipkey and Catharine his wife late Catharine Lenhart, SamuelBerkey & Barbara his wife late Barbara Lenhart, John Dull junior and Hannahhis wife late Hannah Lenhart, & Eve Lenhart all of the county of Somerset inthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Heirs and representatives of George Lenhartdeceased Send Greeting. Know ye that they the said John Weimer, & Susannahhis wife, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman & Elizabeth his wife, Abraham Whipkey& Mary his wife John Whipkey and Catharine his wife, Samuel Berkey & Barbarahis wife John Dull Junr. And Hannah his wife & Eve Lenhart, as well inpursuance of an agreement in writing between them the said heirs &representatives of George Lenhart decd. And a certain Matthias Sherrick ofthe County of Lancaster in the said Commonwealth yeoman, bearing date theeighteenth day of December last, filed among the records of the Court ofCommon pleas of the said County of Somerset as for and in consideration ofthe sum of Twp hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in handwell and truly paid by the said Matthias Sherrick the receipt whereof ishereby acknowledged. Have and each of them Hath granted, bargained, sold,remised, released and for ever quite claim and by these presents forthemselves and each of them, & their & each of their heirs, Do and each ofthem Doth fully clearly & absolutely grant bargain sell remise, release andfor ever quit claim unto the said Matthias Sherrick and to his heirs &assigns for ever, all such right estate title interest and demand whatsoeveras they the said John Weimer, & Susannah his wife, Peter Lenhart, AndrewPutman & Elizabeth his wife, Abraham Whipkey and Mary his wife, John Whipkeyand Catharine his wife, Samuel Berkey and Barbara his wife, John Dull Junr. &Hannah his wife & Eve Lenhart or any or either of them had or ought to haveif these presents had never been made, of in or to all that certain piece ofland & plantation situate in the Township of Somerset in the County ofSomerset aforesaid, Bounded & described as follows Viz. Beginning at adogwood thence partly by land of George [Werline or Wesline] & partly by landof Peter Young north twenty two degrees and an half east one hundred & fortyseven perches to an hickory thence by land of Philip Kemmel south fifty twodegrees and an half east forty perches to stones, north Eighty five degreeseast seventy perches to a white oak grub, & north sixty three degrees easttwenty four perches and five tenths to an ash, thence by land of FrederickUnsel south thirty two degrees east one hundred and ninety six perches to anIron wood, thence by land of Nicholas Barron south seventy three degrees andan half West one hundred and forty three perches to a white oak thence byland of George Lenhart north thirteen & one half degre
es east thirty fiveperches & four tenths to a post and north seventy four and one half degreeswest one hundred and sixty three perches to the place of beginning containingtwo hundred and two acres and one quarter & the usual allowance of six PrCent for roads &c. (It being a part of a tract of land of three hundred andninety acres and a quarter and allowance of six Pr. Cent for roads &c.granted by the said Commonwealth to the said George Lenhart in his life timeby Patent bearing date the tenth day of September one thousand seven hundredand ninety) To have and to hold the said plantation & tract of landcontaining two hundred & two acres and one half & the usual allowance asaforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said Matthias Sherrick his heirsand assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Matthias Sherrickhis heirs and assigns forever, so that neighter of the said John Weimer &Susannah his wife, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman and Elizabeth his wife,Abraham Whipkey & Mary his wife, John Whipkey and Catharine his wife, SamuelBerkey and Barbara his wife, John Dull Junr. & Hannah his wife & Eve Lenhart,nor their or either of their heirs, nor any other person or persons for themor any of them, or in their or any of their names, or in the name right orstead of any of them shall or will by any ways or means here after haveclaim, challenge or demand any estate right title or interest of in or to thesaid premises or any part or parcel thereof but from all and every action,right, estate title interest or demand or in or to the said premises, or anypart thereof they and every of them, shall be utterly excluded and for everbarred by these presents . In Witness whereof the said John Weimer, &Susannah his wife peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman, and Elizabeth his wife,Abraham Whipkey and Mary his wife, John Whipkey and Catharine his wife,Samuel Berkey and Barbara his wife, John Dull Junr. & Hannah his wife & EveLenhart have & each of them hath to these presents set their hands & sealsthe fourteenth day of November Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred. JohnWimer(S.S.) Susannah(her / mark)Weimer (L.S.) Peter(his X mark)Lenhart (L.S.)(Andrew Putman) [written in the German] (L.S.) Elizabeth(her X mark)Putman(L.S.)(Abraham Whipkey) [written in the German] (L.S.) ~ Mary(her A mark)Whipkey(L.S.) John(his + mark)Whipkey (L.S.) Catharine(her x mark)Whipkey (L.S.)(Samuel Buirki) [written in the German] (L.S.) Barbara(her B. mark)Berkey(L.S.) Johannes Doll Jr. [written in the German] (L.S.) Hannah(her x mark)Doll (L.S.)Eve Leanhart (L.S.)Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Rudolph Urich . (John Windar orWinter) [in the German]Sealed and delivered by Hannah Doll in presence of us (Adam Schneider)[written in the German] (Johannes Deil/Dail or Beil/Bail) [written in theGerman]Somerset County ss. On the day of the date of the foregoing release orinstrument of writing personally came before me the Subscriber one of theJustices of the peace in & for the County of Somerset aforesaid the withinnamed John Weimer & Susannah his wife, Peter Lenhart, Andrew Putman, &Elizabeth his wife , Abraham Whipkey & Mary his wife, John Whipkey &Catharine his wife, Samuel Berkey & Barbara his wife, John Dull Jr. & Hannahhis wife, & Eve Lenhart, and severally acknowledged the same foregoingrelease to be their respective acts & deed . The said Susannah, Elizabeth,Mary, Catharine, Barbara & Hannah, being respectively full age, & severallyexamined privately and a part from their respective husbands, - the contentsof the said release being made known to each of them, they declared that theyseverally executed the same freely & voluntarily without any coercion orcompulsion of their said husbands . Witness my hand & Seal. John Wells (L.S.)Recorded June 30th, 1801.End of documentSomerset Co., Deed Book 3, pp 109-111RLRiffle, 28 Jun 2002
Zwiebrucken, Pfalz-Rheinland, Germany
Unity Twp, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania
                   Also having him deceased in Unity Twp., Westmoreland Co., OHIO.  Havelisted as 1st wife Martha/Mary - from land records in Westmoreland County- 2nd wife is Catherine b. 1788/89 d. 24 July 1892 in Perry Co., OH.


Anna Maria probably daughter of Paul and Anna Eva (Schwob) Burckhardt.Married about 1767.
In 1780 he served as a Private in the Revolutionary War, and resided inDover Twp., York Co., PA.  In 1781 he moved to Carlisle, Cumberland Co.,PA and in 1782, was taxed there as a wagon maker.  Between 1782 and 1785he moved to Southampton Twp., Cumberland C. (named Franklin Co. after1784), PA.  He was a communicant at Shippensburg Lutheran Church inCumberland(Franklin) County, PA on May 27, 1787 and October 14, 1787.  OnFebruary 16, 1789, Christoph purchased lot #70 in the town of Carlisle,Cumberland County from his brothers, Godfrey and William which they hadpurchased on July 25, 1788.  On March 5, 1789, Christoph was a wagonmaker in Southampton Twp., Franklin Co., PA, when he and his wife, Mary,sold his lot in the town of Carlise to Moses Thompson and purchased atract of land in Unity Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA called "Pleasant Grove"from Mathias Linn.  On June 8, 1790, he was listed as yeoman in UnityTwp., when the indenture was made for this land.  Christoph and Mariasold 333 acres in Mount Pleasant Township (patented on June 27, 1788) totheir son, Christoffel, on May 14, 1805 and on May 3, 1808, they soldland in Mount Pleasant Township to Jacob Lenhart of Milford Township,Somerset County, PA.  In 1798 Christoph had 382 acres; a cabin 24' X 26';and a barn 26' X 30'.  Chrisoph, or his son Christoffel, was suingAlexander Ogle, executor of the estate of Joseph Springer for a debt of$250 in Somerset County in December, 1805.  Christoph moved to TuscarawasCounty, Ohio in 1809 and was taxed in Goshen Township in 1810, 1811 (100acres) and 1813 (100 acres).

Christian Linhart vs. Christopher LenhartJune 20 2002
Note: Christian Linhart is in Lenhart Lines . Christopher Lenhart is in the family group sheet <../JPL/JPL_DESCENDANTS/JPLfgs2.htm> of Johan Peter Lenhart (JPL).
Source: The Lenhart list on RootsWeb - October 27, 2001, Subject: Christian Linhart. The following version has minor edits including removal of e-mail addresses. Original can be located in the RootsWeb archives.
A Linhart/Lenhart researcher asked:
What is the proof that Johan Peter Lenhart's son Jon Christoph/Christopher of Westmoreland Co., PA, is not the Christian that moved to Allegheny Co., PA?
Nancy Lenhart Thomas responded:
Well, I will give it a try........I will use Christian LINHART and Christopher LENHART just to keep the families straight.Christopher LENHART Sr., a wagonmaker, moved to from York Co. to Franklin Co. PA and the church records in the Shippensburg church have his children (including his son Christopher Jr) in the communicant's class in the 1780's.In 1790, according to the land records inYork Co. PA (where he bought land from his 2 brothers - other sons of JPL) he is selling that land. He is also selling his Franklin Co. PA land. According to Westmoreland Co. PA, Unity Twp land records in 1790, Christopher LENHART 'of Franklin Co. PA' is buying land.Now Christian LINHART Sr. moved from York Co. and has been in Westmoreland Co. PA for quite a few years by 1790. He was one of the earliest settlers in the area. His land eventually turns into Allegheny Co. Our JPL Christopher's land is still in Unity Co.. Westmoreland Co. PA. and doesn't get put into Allegheny Co. Even though Christian LINHART Jr also bought land in Westmoreland Co.,PA., there are separate families here.Now then, In 1805 from the Zanesville office of the Ohio land records, we have Christopher 'of Westmoreland Co. PA' buying land in Muskingum Co. OH. Later in his life, he sells this land. In 1812 and 1824 he is buying more OH land and is 'of Muskingum Co. OH'. Also, his Will is on file in Muskingum Co. OH in 1848.Christian Sr.'s Will is in Allegheny Co. PAChristian Jr.'s Will, I have been told, is on file in Westmoreland Co. PA.So we have, I believe------Chris LINHART and son in PA and they stay there.and JPL's Chris LENHART and son moving west with Jr ending up in OH. I have not confirmed the location of Christopher LENHART Sr's death. I am working on it.I don't know whether I have explained this clearly enuf to clear it up or maybe I have just muddied the waters even more. Just to throw a monkey wrench into the works........I suspect JPL and Christian LINHART were brothers in Germany.Nan********************** ~ Descendancy ~ ****************** ~1~ Hanns Velten Leonhardt -6- Isaac P. Lenhart* ~2~ Johan Christopfell Leonhardt -7- James Hastings Lenhart* ~3~ Johan Petter Lenhart -8- James Murray Lenhart * -4- Joh. Christoph Leonhardt -9- James Harry Lenhart* -5- Johan Christoffel Lenhart -10- Me - Nancy Lenhart Thomas
Zwiebrucken, Pfalz-Rheinland, Germany
21 Mar 1837
Somerset, Pennsylvania
                   Heinrich purchased 100 acres in Middletown Valley called 'Den of Wolves'from Michael Koller in 1774. He resided in Ringold's Manor, WashingtonCounty, Maryland in 1783 with 56 acres of woods, 100 acres cleared, 3horses and 3 cattle.  Another source noted his death at 1790 in Maryland.
22 Nov 1745
Zwiebrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany
27 Oct 1819
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania 
                   Another source lists his birth as November 23, 1745.
30 Jan 1749/50
Greenwich Twp, Berks, Pennsylvania
May 1813
Addison Twp, New Centerville, Somerset, Pennsylvania
                   Johan Peter resided in Westmoreland County, Hempfield Township, Pa. in1776; in Somerset County, Milford Township, Pa. in 1800; and in 1810 heresided in Somerset County, Addison Township, Pa.

A form copied from The National Society of the Sons of the AmericanRevolution Grave Registry - Revolutionary Graves Committee (copy of thisfrom the Somerset Historical Societies archives) states the following:
       NAME(all spellings): Lenhart Lenhard Peter
       Born on:   1750   Where: Eastern Pennsylvania
       Died on:   1813   Where: Somerset Co., Pa.
       Married:   Catherine Ogg
       SERVICE: Rank: Private   State:  Pa.
             First Company, Sixd Battalion, Lancaster County Militia in 1783
       SOURCE: Pa. Archives 5th Series, Vol. VII, Page 609
       Buried:     Newberry   Township:  Addison  County:  SomersetState:  Pa.
       Directions for locating Cemetery:  Near Newberry Road
       Location of grave in cemetery:      Middle
       Tombstone:  Yes     Marker:  Yes
       If Marker:     Dar: -    Sar: -    Other(name):  County Rev. War
       Date placed if known:  Grave will be marked in June 1993
       Information furnished by:   C.B., R.D.#3, Rockwwod, PA. 15557
                             Somerset-Cambria Chapter SAR
       Form No:  Rev. 3-1981

Following SOURCE: Copy of a letter in the Somerset Historical Societyfrom John N. Lenhart to Mrs. Eber Cockley dated February 10, 1989 - thisnote was sent cc to the Historical Society.  Excerpted sections from theletter:
       "I used to visit my great grandfather, Peter Lenhart, on his farm asa boy with my grandfather, Peter John Lenhart in Chili, Ohio.  Accordingto my research, Peter Jr. intermarried with Yorty, Nancy, and a wife atLigonier was born in 1811.  A letter from Charlotte Lenhart Johnston,owner of the Hotel Lenhart in Bemus, NY, dated November 1, 1955 statesthat: (1) the name of her grandfather was Peter and that he was a stonemason near Ligonier, Pennsylvania (Westmoreland County), (2) that membersof the family are buried at Beam Church Cemetery near Somerset, (3) thather grandfather married a Catherine Jordan, (4) that there was a sonCyrus, M.D. and that her father (a son of Peter) was John Jordan, M.D.This coincides with estate information about Peter who died at Ligonierin 1889 at age 78.  The name of his wife at that time was Eliza -apparently the third wife in the Eber Cockley notes of 1963.
       According to Clarence Lenhart of Coshocton, Ohio (grandson of Peter)in correspondence with Charles Ross Shultz of Swissvale, Pennsylvania inthe 1940s, Phoebe, a daughter of Peter, stated that Peter's father nevercame to Ohio.  If so, the Miller History statement that the family cameto Ohio after 1825 is incorrect.  My census search shows them in SomersetCounty in 1830 and 1840."

The Family of Johan Peter Lenhart, Jr. and  Catharina ?  (Greg Lenhart's site)
Johan Peter, Jr. very likely had three wives: (1) Catharina, (2)Barbara Messner, (3)Catharine Ogg 
LENHART OR LANEHART IS THE QUESTION Name spelled as Peter Lanehart by first US Census in 1790. 
Two deeds 1791, 1792 in Hagarstown, MD Court House show Peter signing his name as Lenhart in German script on both deeds. 
In 1775, Johan peter Jr. served as a Seargent in a MD regiment of the Revolutionary war. In 1783, he was listed as a Private in aLancaster County, PA Militia. 
*Frederick * born 1768, Washington Co., Maryland 
Anna Maria born bef. 9/3/1772, York Co, PA 
Catharina born about 1774 
Johan Peter 1776 born Oct 26, 1776, Westmoreland Co., PA 
Elizabeth born about 1778 
Johannes born about 1784, Maryland 
Susanna Nov. 4 1786 born 1786, Lower Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset Co., PA. 
Johan Jacob born August 1789 
Barbara born about 1790, New Centerville, PA 
Jacob Born 1/2/1793, Lower Turkeyfoor Twp., Somerset Co., PA 
George Born April 10, 1794 
Henry born 1796 Somerset, Lower Turkeyfoot Twp., PA 
Eve Born 1799 Lower Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset Co., PA 
William F. Born 3/28/1799 Lower Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset Co., PA 
Mary 1802 Lower Turkeyfoot Twp.,Somerset Co., PA 
Maria Sarah Born 1803 Lower Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset co., PA. 
(Family Sheet - York county Historical society) 
* direct ancestor

Greg Lenhart-line:
Hanns Velten (Valentin)Leonhardt and Anna Catherine Johan Christopffel Leonhard and Eva Kessler Johan Peter Lenhart, Sr and Maria Magaretha  Johan Peter Lenhart, Jr and his Wives  Fredrick Lanehart and Maria Mary Younker  Adam Lanehart and Catherine  John Henry Lanehart and Mary Frances Deshong  Mary Catherine Lenhart and David Hollis  Harvey Nelson Lenhart and Mary Jane Richards  Homer Nelson Lenhart and Velma Mildred Luzier  Arthur Nelson Lenhart and Linda Gene Miller Lenhart  Gregory Scott Lenhart and Cathy Ann Partyka Lenhart 
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania
17 Mar 1754
Dover Twp, Kruetz Creek, York, Pennsylvania
2 Jul 1819
York, York, Pennsylvania
14 Nov 1778
York, York, Pennsylvania 
                   Godfrey was a noted silversmith and clock maker who had a store on MarketSquare in York, PA.  He served as county commissioner 1787-1790 andcounty sheriff 1792-1795.  His will was probated on August 23, 1819.

From John L. Lenhart, Chaplain of the Cumberland by Charles Berkheimer,1966:
       "Big Burly and impulsive -- these adjectives used to describeChaplain John Lenhart equally applied to his father, local preacher Rev.Henry Lenhart.  He was born in York in 1783, where his father GodfreyLenhart was a prominent citizen - a silversmith and clock maker whosestore was on Market Square, and who served as county commissioner1787-1790 and county sheriff 1792-1795.  His mother was the former MaryElizabeth Harbaugh, daughter of pioneer Yost Harbaugh."

From William H. Rinkenbach, 1937:
       "Godfrey Lenhart was a man of some local prominence, as he wasactive in the organization and operation of post roads, a fire company,and the York Bank (now the York National Bank and Trust Co.).  Clocksmade by him are in existence and one of these is supposed to have beenused in the Court House at York to time the sessions of the ContinentalCongress which met there."
NOTE: In 1976 when the "bicentennial bus" traveled around the U.S. withartifacts from around 1776, Godrey's clock that timed the ContinentalCongress was one of the items on the bus.  Also, in the 1990 period, oneof his clocks was auctioned off in York, Pa.

RE: William Long, Straban Twp., (now Adams Co.) to Godfrey Lenhart,Borough of York, Letter of AttorneyMade: 28 Oct 1791Recorded: 31 Oct 1791William Long, grantor of Letter of Attorney, Straban Twp., (now Adams Co.)Godfrey Lenhart, grantee/assignee of LOA, Borough of York Co., PaSamuel Nicholson, Franklin Co., Pa.M. Eakelberger, Junr. WitnessJohn Doll, sr., WitnessWilliam Brown,John Edie, York Co., PA, Justice of the PeaceHenry Miller, Prothonotary, York Co., PAWilliam LongtoGodfrey LenhartKnow all Men by these presents that I William Long ofStraban Township in the County of York and State of Pennsylvania doHereby nominate, Contitute and appoint Godfrey Lenhart of theBorough of York in the County aforesaid Clockmaker, my AttorneyFor me and in my Name and Stead to acknowledge SatisfactionOn a Judgment obtained by me the said William Long againstA Certain Samuel Nicholson of Franklin County, in [and before theJudges of] the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaI being and hereby Acknowledged myself fully Satisfied for the sumFor which the said Judgment was Obtained and also for me andIn my name Receipts Acquittances or other discharges if required to~Make Sign Seal execute and deliver hereby satifying and ConfirmingWhatsoever my said Attorney Shall Lawfully do or cause to be doneIn and about the premises by virtue hereof, In Witness whereof IHave hereunto set my hand and Seal the Twenty eighth day of October inThe year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one William Long[Seal] Sealed and delivered in the presence of us MEakellberger JunrJohn Doll sr York County ss Before me the Subscriber oneOf the Justices of the Peace for said County Came William Brown~William named and Acknowledged the foregoing Letter of Attorney to be hisAct and Deed Witness my hand and Seal the 28th Day of October AD1791Jno Edie [Seal] York County Pennsylvania ss, I do hereby CertifyThat John Edie Esquire before whom the within Power of Attorney wasAcknowledged is one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the CountyaforesaidDuly appointed commissioned and sworn and that faith and credit isDue to his official Acts In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set myHand and affixed the seal of the Court of Common pleas in and for theCounty aforesaid this Twenty eighth day of October in the year of our LordOne Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety one Hr Miller Protry [Seal]Inrolled 31 October1791Source: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,Bureau of Land Records - Letters of Attorney No 3., pp 415 & 416,Positive Roll No. 25.121RLRiffle, 25 May 2002

GODFREY LENHARTGodfrey Lenhart, of York Town, silversmith and clockmaker, was the son of Johann Peter Leonhart and his wife Maria Margaretta who came to America in 1748, on the Ship Two Brothers, arriving at Philadelphia, September 15, 1748. They settled in Dover Township, York co., where they were members of Strayer's Church, and where probably Godfrey was born on March 15, 1754, according to Jacob Barnitz' Diary, which records his death August 15, 1819, aged 65 years, 5 months, 0 days.In a loose page in the First German Reformed Church Register, apparently a page torn from a family bible, contemporaneous with the evnets, are these data:"Godfrey Lenhart intermirred with Elizabeth Holtzinger Nov. 14, 1778 [which marriage record also appears in the Marriage Registry].Sept. 5, 1797, our daughter Margreda was bornOct. 3, 1781, our daughter Elizabeth was bornJuly 22, 1784, our son Henrich was bornJan. 19, 1787, our son William Jost was bornOct. 10, 1791, our daughter Catharina was born"Many of the records of births and baptisms of these children also are recorded in the German Reformed Register.Godfrey Lenhart's silversmith shop was located at the northwest corner of Continental Square and North George Street, in York, where Whelan's Drug Store now operates, Lot No. 69 on the General Pan of Yorktown.
FamilyCentral Network
Johannes Peter Lenhart - Anna Maria Margaretha

Johannes Peter Lenhart was born at Horn, Hunsrueck, Rheinland, Pruessen, Germany 4 May 1708. His parents were Johann Christopfell Lenhart and Anna Eva Kessler.

He married Anna Maria Margaretha at Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany . Anna Maria Margaretha was born at Zweibrucken, Pfalz-Rhineland, Germany 28 Sep 1715 .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Maria Magdalena Lenhart born Abt 1730.
Anna Margaret Lenhart born 1732.
Phillip Lenhart born 1734.
Johan Jacob Lenhart born 18 Nov 1736.
Johann George Lenhart, Rev War Vet born 1738.
Jon Christoph Lenhart born 1740.
Heinrich Lenhart born 1742.
Willhelm Lenhart born 22 Nov 1745.
Johan Peter Lenhart Jr born 30 Jan 1749/50.
Frederick Lenhart, Rev War Vet born 1752.
Gottfried Lenhart born 17 Mar 1754.

Johannes Peter Lenhart died 4 Apr 1774 at Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania .

Anna Maria Margaretha died 1 Jul 1777 at Dover Twp, York, Pennsylvania .